PREFACE I Guangxi Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistics publication, which covers very comprehensive data in 2005 and some selected data series in historically important years since 1978 of the whole autonomous region, the main statistical data of city, county (district)in 2005 and therefore, reflects various aspects of Guangxi's social and economic development. II. This book contains the following twenty-three parts, 1. Divisions of Administrative Areas Natural Resources; 2.General Survey; 3. National Economic Accounting, 4. Population, 5. Employment Wages 6. Investment in Fixed Assets, 7. Energy Production Consumption; 8. Finance, Banking Insurance; 9.Price, 10. People's Livelihood; 11. Environmental Protection Public Facilities in Cities; 12. General Survey of Cities 13.Agricultrure; 14. Industry; 15.Construction; 16.Transportation, Postal Telecommunication Services: 17 Domestic Trade; 18. Foreign Economy, Trade Tourism; 19. Education, Science Culture; 20.Sport, Public Health, Social Welfare Service Industry; 21. Economic Zones; 22. Basic Statistics of Cities; 23. Basic Statistics of Counties( Cities, Districts). In Order to make readers understand the whole content of this book and use the materials correctly, most of the chapters are equipped with statistical charts at the beginning and explanatory notes on main statistical indicators at the end. Moreover, addenda( I. Main Data of Guangxi Ist National E Census II. Statistical Communique on National Economic Social Development of Guangxi in 2005)is attached at the end of the book Ill. The international standard unit of measurement is applied in this book IV Statistical discrepancies in this book due to rounding are not adjusted V In this yearbook, the statistical materials published before have been verified again, and the data that tally th this book should take the data of this book as standard VI. The major data sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports and some from sample surveys. VIL Notations used in this yearbook indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table (blank )"indicates that the data are not available “” indicates the major items of the table Vill. Because of innovation in statistical system, some statistical data in this yearbook have been adjusted accordingly, and we have made footnote to these indicators. The users should notice that when using these data IX. The data on gross domestic product, total investment in fixed assets and total retail sales of consumer goods have been adjusted by the Guangxi lst National Economic Census, and it is explanted in thechapters X. During the editions of this yearbook, we have won wide support from many departments and comrades, and we deeply thanks for these all. Based on our limited level, perhaps there are some mistakes in the book, we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readersPREFACE Ⅰ.Guangxi Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistics publication, which covers very comprehensive data in 2005 and some selected data series in historically important years since 1978 of the whole autonomous region, the main statistical data of city, county(district) in 2005 and therefore, reflects various aspects of Guangxi’s social and economic development. Ⅱ.This book contains the following twenty-three parts, 1.Divisions of Administrative Areas & Natural Resources; 2.General Survey; 3.National Economic Accounting; 4.Population; 5.Employment & Wages; 6.Investment in Fixed Assets; 7.Energy Production & Consumption; 8.Finance, Banking & Insurance; 9.Price; 10.People’s Livelihood; 11.Environmental Protection & Public Facilities in Cities; 12.General Survey of Cities; 13.Agricultrure; 14.Industry; 15.Construction; 16.Transportation, Postal & Telecommunication Services; 17.Domestic Trade; 18.Foreign Economy, Trade & Tourism; 19.Education, Science & Culture; 20.Sport, Public Health, Social Welfare & Service Industry ; 21.Economic Zones; 22.Basic Statistics of Cities; 23.Basic Statistics of Counties(Cities, Districts). In Order to make readers understand the whole content of this book and use the materials correctly, most of the chapters are equipped with statistical charts at the beginning and explanatory notes on main statistical indicators at the end. Moreover, addenda(Ⅰ. Main Data of Guangxi 1st National Economic Census; Ⅱ. Statistical Communique on National Economic & Social Development of Guangxi in 2005) is attached at the end of the book. Ⅲ.The international standard unit of measurement is applied in this book. Ⅳ.Statistical discrepancies in this book due to rounding are not adjusted. Ⅴ.In this yearbook, the statistical materials published before have been verified again, and the data that tally with this book should take the data of this book as standard. Ⅵ.The major data sources of this publication are obtained from annual statistical reports and some from sample surveys. Ⅶ.Notations used in this yearbook: “…” indicates that the figure is not large enough to be measured with the smallest unit in the table; “(blank)” indicates that the data are not available; “#” indicates the major items of the table. Ⅷ. Because of innovation in statistical system, some statistical data in this yearbook have been adjusted accordingly, and we have made footnote to these indicators. The users should notice that when using these data. Ⅸ. The data on gross domestic product,total investment in fixed assets and total retail sales of consumer goods have been adjusted by the Guangxi 1st National Economic Census, and it is explanted in thechapters. Ⅹ.During the editions of this yearbook, we have won wide support from many departments and comrades, and we deeply thanks for these all. Based on our limited level, perhaps there are some mistakes in the book, we welcome all candid comments and criticism from our readers
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