Induction of CD4+TH1 mediated autoimmunity: A paradigm for the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis,multiple sclerosis and type I diabetes (1)expansion of CD4+, autoreactive TH1 cells specific for autoantigens MHC/self-peptide CD4 (2)migration and CD4 MHC/VB infiltration of these self reactive CD4+TH1 cells TCRVBx into tissues and induction TCR VBx CD4+VBxT cell APC of inflammation and Activated autoreactive CD4+ autoimmunity TCR VBx TH1 cell (3)induction of regulatory cells which control the growth and activation of the pathogenic autoreactive repertoire of CD4+T cells L.Chess 2002MHC/self-peptide CD4 CD4 MHC/V CD4+ Vx T cell APC Activated autoreactive CD4+ TCR Vx TH1 cell TCR Vx TCR Vx (1) expansion of CD4+, autoreactive TH1 cells specific for autoantigens (2) migration and infiltration of these self reactive CD4+ TH1 cells into tissues and induction of inflammation and autoimmunity (3) induction of regulatory cells which control the growth and activation of the pathogenic autoreactive repertoire of CD4+ T cells Induction of CD4+ TH1 mediated autoimmunity: A paradigm for the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and type I diabetes L. Chess 2002
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