第14卷第4期 智能系统学报 Vol.14 No.4 2019年7月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Jul.2019 D0:10.11992/tis.201806025 网络出版地址:http:/kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/23.1538.TP.20181218.1040.005html 基于带约束S型速度曲线的机械手 笛卡尔空间轨迹规划 李振娜,王涛,王斌锐,郭振武,陈迪剑 (中国计量大学机电工程学院,浙江杭州310018) 摘要:针对机械手在笛卡尔空间中轨迹规划问题,设计基于S型速度曲线的空间直线和空间圆弧插补算法。 增加路径长度约束,将S型速度规划分为七段式、六段式、五段式和四段式4种类型;建立基于四元数的直线 与圆弧运动的位姿模型,并采用弧长增量法插补技术实现轨迹规划。在六自由度机械手实时控制平台上进行 了实验验证。结果表明:该算法可实现在路径长度约束下速度和加速度的自动调整:该算法可保证机械手末端 加速度连续,有效减少冲击。 关键词:机械手:笛卡尔空间:S型速度曲线:路径长度约束:轨迹规划:插补算法:四元数:弧长增量法 中图分类号:TP242文献标志码:A文章编号:1673-4785(2019)04-0655-07 中文引用格式:李振娜,王涛,王斌锐,等.基于带约束S型速度曲线的机械手笛卡尔空间轨迹规划.智能系统学报,2019, 14(4):655-661. 英文引用格式:LI Zhenna,ANG Tao,.WANG Binrui,,etal.Trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian space based on constrained S-curve velocity[Jl.CAAI transactions on intelligent systems,2019,14(4):655-661. Trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian space based on constrained S-curve velocity LI Zhenna,WANG Tao,WANG Binrui,GUO Zhenwu,CHEN Dijian (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China Jiling University,Hangzhou 310018,China) Abstract:To solve the problem of trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian coordinate,a space line and arc inter- polation algorithm is designed based on the S-type velocity curve.By increasing the path length constraint,the S-type speed planning is divided into four types:seven-segment,six-segment,five-segment,and four-segment.A pose model of quaternion-based linear and circular movements is established,and the arc length increment interpolation technology is used to achieve trajectory planning.Experimental verification was performed on a real-time control platform of a six-de- grees-of-freedom manipulator.The results show that the algorithm can automatically adjust the speed and acceleration under the path length constraint and ensure continuous acceleration at the end of the manipulator,and therefore reduces the impact effectively. Keywords:manipulator;Cartesian space;S-curve velocity:path length constraint;trajectory planning;interpolation al- gorithm;quaternion;arc length increment 轨迹规划是机器人运动控制的核心山,旨在 迹规划。关节空间轨迹规划算法具有约束条件少 确定机器人末端执行器在其工作空间的轨迹。 和计算速度快等优势,但存在空间轨迹不直观和 轨迹规划分为关节空间轨迹规划和笛卡尔空间轨 轨迹形状会随速度不同而改变等缺点B。笛卡 尔空间轨迹规划描述路径准确,可以直观地观测 收稿日期:2018-06-11.网络出版日期:2018-12-20 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0804609) 到机械手末端的运动轨迹。笛卡尔空间轨迹规划 通信作者:陈迪剑.E-mail:dichen@cjlu.edu.cn 包括位姿规划和速度规划,即通过设计机器人末DOI: 10.11992/tis.201806025 网络出版地址: http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/23.1538.TP.20181218.1040.005.html 基于带约束 S 型速度曲线的机械手 笛卡尔空间轨迹规划 李振娜,王涛,王斌锐,郭振武,陈迪剑 (中国计量大学 机电工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018) 摘 要:针对机械手在笛卡尔空间中轨迹规划问题,设计基于 S 型速度曲线的空间直线和空间圆弧插补算法。 增加路径长度约束,将 S 型速度规划分为七段式、六段式、五段式和四段式 4 种类型;建立基于四元数的直线 与圆弧运动的位姿模型,并采用弧长增量法插补技术实现轨迹规划。在六自由度机械手实时控制平台上进行 了实验验证。结果表明:该算法可实现在路径长度约束下速度和加速度的自动调整;该算法可保证机械手末端 加速度连续,有效减少冲击。 关键词:机械手;笛卡尔空间;S 型速度曲线;路径长度约束;轨迹规划;插补算法;四元数;弧长增量法 中图分类号:TP242 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673−4785(2019)04−0655−07 中文引用格式:李振娜, 王涛, 王斌锐, 等. 基于带约束 S 型速度曲线的机械手笛卡尔空间轨迹规划 [J]. 智能系统学报, 2019, 14(4): 655–661. 英文引用格式:LI Zhenna, WANG Tao, WANG Binrui, et al. Trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian space based on constrained S-curve velocity[J]. CAAI transactions on intelligent systems, 2019, 14(4): 655–661. Trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian space based on constrained S-curve velocity LI Zhenna,WANG Tao,WANG Binrui,GUO Zhenwu,CHEN Dijian (College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China Jiling University, Hangzhou 310018, China) Abstract: To solve the problem of trajectory planning for manipulator in Cartesian coordinate, a space line and arc inter￾polation algorithm is designed based on the S-type velocity curve. By increasing the path length constraint, the S-type speed planning is divided into four types: seven-segment, six-segment, five-segment, and four-segment. A pose model of quaternion-based linear and circular movements is established, and the arc length increment interpolation technology is used to achieve trajectory planning. Experimental verification was performed on a real-time control platform of a six-de￾grees-of-freedom manipulator. The results show that the algorithm can automatically adjust the speed and acceleration under the path length constraint and ensure continuous acceleration at the end of the manipulator, and therefore reduces the impact effectively. Keywords: manipulator; Cartesian space; S-curve velocity; path length constraint; trajectory planning; interpolation al￾gorithm; quaternion; arc length increment 轨迹规划是机器人运动控制的核心[1] ,旨在 确定机器人末端执行器在其工作空间的轨迹[2]。 轨迹规划分为关节空间轨迹规划和笛卡尔空间轨 迹规划。关节空间轨迹规划算法具有约束条件少 和计算速度快等优势,但存在空间轨迹不直观和 轨迹形状会随速度不同而改变等缺点[3-5]。笛卡 尔空间轨迹规划描述路径准确,可以直观地观测 到机械手末端的运动轨迹。笛卡尔空间轨迹规划 包括位姿规划和速度规划,即通过设计机器人末 收稿日期:2018−06−11. 网络出版日期:2018−12−20. 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 (2017YFC0804609). 通信作者:陈迪剑. E-mail:djchen@cjlu.edu.cn. 第 14 卷第 4 期 智 能 系 统 学 报 Vol.14 No.4 2019 年 7 月 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Jul. 2019
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