20170926第二次讨论后问题汇总 第一组 1.抗酸性细胞的细胞壁含60%类脂,肽聚糖少,为何是革兰氏阳性? 小组自答:从外壁结构成分看类似G-,但是类脂含分枝菌酸,能像肽聚糖一样与结晶 紫(应该是酸性复红)结合,难以被乙醇脱色,因此染色像G+。 2.为何支原体作为原核生物没有细胞壁?进化机制是什么? (课堂上已讨论) 助教回答: Some bacteria lack a cell wall but retain their ability to survive by living inside another host cell. Examples of bacteria that lack a cell wall are mycoplasma and L-form bacteria. For most bacterial cells, the cell wall is critical to cell survival, yet there are some bacteria that do not have cell walls. Mycoplasma species are widespread examples and some can be intracellular pathogens that grow inside their hosts. This bacterial lifestyle is called parasitic or saprophytic. Cell walls are unnecessary here because the cells only live in the controlled osmotic environment of other cells. It i likely they had the ability to form a cell wall at some point in the past, but as their lifestyle became one of existence inside other cells, they lost the ability to form walls kirnhttps://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-microbioloay/chapter/cell-walls- 3.为什么原生质体有鞭毛却不能运动?是否与细胞壁缺少有关?细胞壁是否是运动必需 的?草履虫没有细胞壁也可以运动 (课堂上已讨论,因为缺少了鞭毛的支持部位——细胞壁而不能运动,草履虫运动是 依赖纤毛,不同于鞭毛,运动机制不一样) 第二组 1.培养缺壁细胞的意义?易于导入遗传物质,易于传代吗? 2.为什么细菌自身会产生自溶素? 助教回答:由于细菌细胞壁过于坚固,为了使细菌的生长和分裂不受影响,释放自溶 素以降解部分细胞壁。参考见https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/autolysin 3.支原体为何会进化成缺壁形态? (课堂上已讨论,也参见上一组的回答) 4.鉴别G+/G-细胞的意义在于 助教回答:1、可初步识别细菌,为鉴定缩小范围。 2、某些细菌在革兰氏染色后具有典型特征,也是鉴定依据之一(尤其是早期诊断)。 3、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌对一些抗生素表现出不同的敏感性,为临床用药提供 参考。 4、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的致病物质不同,作用机制也不同,前者产生外毒素 而后者多是内毒素,可以对预防和对症治疗提供依据。1 20170926 第二次讨论后问题汇总 第一组 1. 抗酸性细胞的细胞壁含 60%类脂,肽聚糖少,为何是革兰氏阳性? 小组自答:从外壁结构成分看类似 G-,但是类脂含分枝菌酸,能像肽聚糖一样与结晶 紫(应该是酸性复红)结合,难以被乙醇脱色,因此染色像 G+。 2. 为何支原体作为原核生物没有细胞壁?进化机制是什么? (课堂上已讨论) 助教回答:Some bacteria lack a cell wall but retain their ability to survive by living inside another host cell. Examples of bacteria that lack a cell wall are Mycoplasma and L-form bacteria. For most bacterial cells, the cell wall is critical to cell survival, yet there are some bacteria that do not have cell walls. Mycoplasma species are widespread examples and some can be intracellular pathogens that grow inside their hosts. This bacterial lifestyle is called parasitic or saprophytic. Cell walls are unnecessary here because the cells only live in the controlled osmotic environment of other cells. It is likely they had the ability to form a cell wall at some point in the past, but as their lifestyle became one of existence inside other cells, they lost the ability to form walls. 来源见 https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-microbiology/chapter/cell-walls￾of-prokaryotes/ 3. 为什么原生质体有鞭毛却不能运动?是否与细胞壁缺少有关?细胞壁是否是运动必需 的?草履虫没有细胞壁也可以运动? (课堂上已讨论,因为缺少了鞭毛的支持部位——细胞壁而不能运动,草履虫运动是 依赖纤毛,不同于鞭毛,运动机制不一样) 第二组 1. 培养缺壁细胞的意义?易于导入遗传物质,易于传代吗? 2. 为什么细菌自身会产生自溶素? 助教回答:由于细菌细胞壁过于坚固,为了使细菌的生长和分裂不受影响,释放自溶 素以降解部分细胞壁。参考见 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autolysin 3. 支原体为何会进化成缺壁形态? (课堂上已讨论,也参见上一组的回答) 4. 鉴别 G+/G-细胞的意义在于? 助教回答:1、可初步识别细菌,为鉴定缩小范围。 2、某些细菌在革兰氏染色后具有典型特征,也是鉴定依据之一(尤其是早期诊断)。 3、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌对一些抗生素表现出不同的敏感性,为临床用药提供 参考。 4、革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的致病物质不同,作用机制也不同,前者产生外毒素 而后者多是内毒素,可以对预防和对症治疗提供依据
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