Chapter 6 Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics 2 6 The process by which different evolutionary paths end up at a similar structure or mechanism. Ans:e Section:6.3 Used to present a graphical depiction of how sequences are related in evolutionary terms. Ans:h Section:6.4 P Technique used prior to sequencing to demonstrate the evolutionary relationships between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. Ans:j Section:6.5 9 An example of a conservative amino acid change. Ans:b Section:6.2 10 In some sequence alignments it is necessary to include a Ans:g Section:6.2 Fill in the Blank Questions are homologous molecules that are found in different species and have similar or identical functions. Ans:Orthologs Section:6.1 2 are homologous molecules that are found in a given species but possess different biological functions. Ans:Paralogs Section:6.1 amplification of well-preserved samples allows the determination of nucleotide sequences from extinct organisms. Ans:PCR Section:Introduction 6.5 4 Two molecules are said to be if they have been derived from a common ancestor Ans:homologous Section:6.1 5 In the Blosum-62 substitution matrix,a large score corresponds to substitution that occurs only rarely. Ans:negative Section:6.2Chapter 6 Exploring Evolution and Bioinformatics 2 6 ____________ The process by which different evolutionary paths end up at a similar structure or mechanism. Ans: e Section: 6.3 7 ____________ Used to present a graphical depiction of how sequences are related in evolutionary terms. Ans: h Section: 6.4 8 ____________ Technique used prior to sequencing to demonstrate the evolutionary relationships between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. Ans: j Section: 6.5 9 ____________ An example of a conservative amino acid change. Ans: b Section: 6.2 10 In some sequence alignments it is necessary to include a ____________. Ans: g Section: 6.2 Fill in the Blank Questions 1 __________________ are homologous molecules that are found in different species and have similar or identical functions. Ans: Orthologs Section: 6.1 2 __________________ are homologous molecules that are found in a given species but possess different biological functions. Ans: Paralogs Section: 6.1 3 ________________ amplification of well-preserved samples allows the determination of nucleotide sequences from extinct organisms. Ans: PCR Section: Introduction & 6.5 4 Two molecules are said to be _________________ if they have been derived from a common ancestor. Ans: homologous Section: 6.1 5 In the Blosum-62 substitution matrix, a large ________________ score corresponds to substitution that occurs only rarely. Ans: negative Section: 6.2
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