Methods of reading 读图的方法 1.Shape analysis method.形体分析法 The general procedure of reading is as follows:first read the primary component,then read the other components;first read easy components,then read difficult components;first read the overall shape for each component,then read shape details. 读图一般顺序:先看主要部分,后看次要部分;先看容易确定的部分,后 看难于确定的部分;先看某一组成部分的整体形状,后看其细节部分形状。 (1)Partition of drawing elements.分线框; (2)Comparison of drawing elements.对线框; (3)Understanding the shape from the drawing elements.看线框识形体, (4)Overall imagination.综合想象。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 6 The general procedure of reading is as follows: first read the primary component, then read the other components; first read easy components, then read difficult components; first read the overall shape for each component, then read shape details. 读图一般顺序:先看主要部分,后看次要部分;先看容易确定的部分,后 看难于确定的部分;先看某一组成部分的整体形状,后看其细节部分形状。 1. Shape analysis method. 形体分析法 Methods of reading 读图的方法 (2)Comparison of drawing elements. 对线框; (1)Partition of drawing elements. 分线框; (3)Understanding the shape from the drawing elements.看线框识形体; 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 (4)Overall imagination. 综合想象
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