Reading Views of Composite Solids 组合体的读图 Outline of reading 读图要点 Methods of reading 读图的方法 Exercises 练习题 请点击相应标题显示其内容 返回
Outline of reading 读图要点 Methods of reading 读图的方法 Exercises 练习题 Reading Views of Composite Solids 组合体的读图 请点击相应标题显示其内容
Outline of reading 读图要点 1.Understanding the meaning of individual lines and other drawing elements of the view.要读懂视图中图线、线框的含义。 (1)Lines and curves (including circular arcs)represent the following: 视图上图线有直线、曲线(包括圆弧),它们表示: 1)The projection of accumulation planes. 具有积聚性表面的投影。 2)The projection of intersection of two planes. 两表面交线的投影。 3)The projection of the outline of cylindrical surfaces. 曲面轮廓线的投影。 (2)Each closed loop of lines/curves represents: 视图上每一封闭线框可表示: 1)The projection of a plane. 平面的投影。 2)The projection of a curved surface. 曲面的投影。 3)The projection of a curved surface and its tangent plane. 曲面与其切平面的投影。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容
2 Outline of reading 读图要点 1. Understanding the meaning of individual lines and other drawing elements of the view. 要读懂视图中图线、线框的含义。 (2) Each closed loop of lines/curves represents: 视图上每一封闭线框可表示: 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 (1) Lines and curves (including circular arcs) represent the following: 视图上图线有直线、曲线(包括圆弧),它们表示: B 1) The projection of accumulation planes. 具有积聚性表面的投影。 2) The projection of intersection of two planes. 两表面交线的投影。 3) The projection of the outline of cylindrical surfaces. 曲面轮廓线的投影。 A C 1) The projection of a plane. 平面的投影。 2) The projection of a curved surface. 曲面的投影。 3) The projection of a curved surface and its tangent plane. 曲面与其切平面的投影。 I Ⅱ Ⅲ
Outline of reading 读图要点 2.Reading several views simultaneously.要几个视图联系起来读 One view may not be able to reveal general space shape of composite solids. 一个视图是不能反映物体的确切形状的,故读图时不可孤立地只看一个视图。 Example 1.Think of the left view from the given front view. 根据主视图,想象其侧视图是何形状。 ©[I 请点击鼠标左裤显示居面内容
3 Outline of reading 读图要点 2. Reading several views simultaneously. 要几个视图联系起来读。 One view may not be able to reveal general space shape of composite solids. 一个视图是不能反映物体的确切形状的,故读图时不可孤立地只看一个视图。 Example 1. Think of the left view from the given front view. 根据主视图,想象其侧视图是何形状。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容
Outline of reading 读图要点 2. Reading several views simultaneously.要几个视图联系起来读 When reading drawings,we should not make a conclusion after reading only one or two views.We should carefully compare all views and make a conclusion until they can be fully explained following the principles of projection. 在读图过程中切忌看了一、二个视图就下结论,各视图要反复对照,直至都符合 投影规律时,才能最后下结论。(注意:二个视图有时也不能反映物体的确切形状) Example 2.Think of the left view from given views. 根据主、俯视图,想象其侧视图是何形状。 口 动画 情点击鼠标左键显示后面内容
4 When reading drawings, we should not make a conclusion after reading only one or two views. We should carefully compare all views and make a conclusion until they can be fully explained following the principles of projection. 在读图过程中切忌看了一、二个视图就下结论,各视图要反复对照,直至都符合 投影规律时,才能最后下结论。(注意:二个视图有时也不能反映物体的确切形状) Example 2. Think of the left view from given views. 根据主、俯视图,想象其侧视图是何形状。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 Outline of reading 读图要点 2. Reading several views simultaneously. 要几个视图联系起来读
Outline of reading 读图要点 3.Reading starts from a view that most reflects shape characteristics. 要从反映形状特征的视图读起。 While reading,we must pay special attention to the character view for identifying the basic shape of the composite solid 看图时,应抓住特征视图,确定组合体基本形状。 4.Analyzing relative position and intersection of neighboring surfaces. 要认真分析相邻表面间的相互位置和交线。 While reading,we should also pay attention to relative locations,such as front-and-back,tall-and-low and intersection locations. 读图时,要注意分析相邻面的前后、高低和相交等相互位置。 Example 3.Think of the solid shape from the given top view. 根据俯视图想象该立体的结构形状。 B B C
5 3. Reading starts from a view that most reflects shape characteristics. 要从反映形状特征的视图读起。 While reading, we must pay special attention to the character view for identifying the basic shape of the composite solid. 看图时,应抓住特征视图,确定组合体基本形状。 4. Analyzing relative position and intersection of neighboring surfaces. 要认真分析相邻表面间的相互位置和交线。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 Outline of reading 读图要点 While reading, we should also pay attention to relative locations, such as front-and-back, tall-and-low and intersection locations. 读图时,要注意分析相邻面的前后、高低和相交等相互位置。 Example 3. Think of the solid shape from the given top view. 根据俯视图想象该立体的结构形状。 A B C
Methods of reading 读图的方法 1.Shape analysis method.形体分析法 The general procedure of reading is as follows:first read the primary component,then read the other components;first read easy components,then read difficult components;first read the overall shape for each component,then read shape details. 读图一般顺序:先看主要部分,后看次要部分;先看容易确定的部分,后 看难于确定的部分;先看某一组成部分的整体形状,后看其细节部分形状。 (1)Partition of drawing elements.分线框; (2)Comparison of drawing elements.对线框; (3)Understanding the shape from the drawing elements.看线框识形体, (4)Overall imagination.综合想象。 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容
6 The general procedure of reading is as follows: first read the primary component, then read the other components; first read easy components, then read difficult components; first read the overall shape for each component, then read shape details. 读图一般顺序:先看主要部分,后看次要部分;先看容易确定的部分,后 看难于确定的部分;先看某一组成部分的整体形状,后看其细节部分形状。 1. Shape analysis method. 形体分析法 Methods of reading 读图的方法 (2)Comparison of drawing elements. 对线框; (1)Partition of drawing elements. 分线框; (3)Understanding the shape from the drawing elements.看线框识形体; 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 (4)Overall imagination. 综合想象
Methods of reading 读图的方法 2.Analysis of lines and planes.线面分析法 We partition the composite solid into individual boundary surfaces. We analyze and identify the space shape of the individual surfaces and their relative locations following the principles of projection.We can further determine intersection curves/lines and their relative locations and finally imagine the overall space shape of the composite solid 把组合体分成若干个面,根据其投影特点确定其空间形状和相对位置, 并判别交线的空间形状和相对位置,从而想象出组合体的形状。 Example 4.Complete the left view by adding the missing detail. 补画组合体左视图 Example 5.Draw the left view of the subtraction composite solid. 画切割式组合体左视图 Example 6.Draw the left view of the hybrid construction solid 画综合式组合体左视图
7 Example 6. Draw the left view of the hybrid construction solid. 画综合式组合体左视图 Methods of reading 读图的方法 We partition the composite solid into individual boundary surfaces. We analyze and identify the space shape of the individual surfaces and their relative locations following the principles of projection. We can further determine intersection curves/lines and their relative locations and finally imagine the overall space shape of the composite solid. 把组合体分成若干个面,根据其投影特点确定其空间形状和相对位置, 并判别交线的空间形状和相对位置,从而想象出组合体的形状。 Example 4. Complete the left view by adding the missing detail. 补画组合体左视图 Example 5. Draw the left view of the subtraction composite solid. 画切割式组合体左视图 2. Analysis of lines and planes. 线面分析法
Exercises 练习题 1. Draw the front view of the composite solid. 已知俯视图,想象物体形象,画出主视图。 2.Draw the plan view of the composite solid. 已知主视图,想象物体形象,画出俯视图。 3.Draw the plan view of the composite solid. 已知主视图,想象物体形象,画出俯视图。 4.Draw the left view of the composite solid. 已知主、俯视图,想象物体形象,画出左视图。 5.Select the left view which is correctly drawn. 根据所给主、俯视图,找出正确的左视图。 6.Analyze the component using shape method. 运用形体分析法,读懂组合体,完成以下作业。 请点击题日显示其内容
8 Exercises 练 习 题 1. Draw the front view of the composite solid. 已知俯视图,想象物体形象,画出主视图。 5. Select the left view which is correctly drawn. 根据所给主、俯视图,找出正确的左视图。 3. Draw the plan view of the composite solid. 已知主视图,想象物体形象,画出俯视图。 4. Draw the left view of the composite solid. 已知主、俯视图,想象物体形象,画出左视图。 请点击题目显示其内容 6. Analyze the component using shape method. 运用形体分析法,读懂组合体,完成以下作业。 2. Draw the plan view of the composite solid. 已知主视图,想象物体形象,画出俯视图
10 4. Complete the left view by adding the missing detail. 补全切割式组合体的左视图。 Steps作图步骤: (1)Analyze the component. 先分析各线框,再 确定其结构形状。 (2)Draw the missing detail. 确定其在左视图的位 置并补全所缺图线。 前上方切三棱柱 前后左右切半圆锥 解答 动画 动画 请点击量标左键显示后面内容 返回
10 请点击鼠标左键显示后面内容 4.Complete the left view by adding the missing detail. 补全切割式组合体的左视图。 Steps 作图步骤: (1) Analyze the component. 先分析各线框,再 确定其结构形状。 (2) Draw the missing detail. 确定其在左视图的位 置并补全所缺图线。 前上方切三棱柱 前后左右切半圆锥