上帝充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1.In terms of redox reactions: In fermentation,the redox process occur in the absence of usable terminal electron acceptors.发酵中,氧化还原过程不需要外来的最 终电子受体 In respiration,molecular oxygen (or some other electron acceptor)is present as a terminal electron acceptor.呼吸中,以分子氧或 其它外来的电子受体为最终电子受体 Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityShanghai Jiao Tong University 1. In terms of redox reactions: In fermentation, the redox process occur in the absence of usable terminal electron acceptors.发酵中,氧化还原过程不需要外来的最 终电子受体 In respiration, molecular oxygen (or some other electron acceptor) is present as a terminal electron acceptor.呼吸中,以分子氧或 其它外来的电子受体为最终电子受体
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