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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 4 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms(2/2)

4.8 Energy Conservation 4.9 Glycolysis as an example of fermentation 糖酵解 4.10 Respiration and membrane associated electron carriers Aerobic respiration-oxygen as terminal electron acceptor有氧呼吸 Anaerobic respiration-other substances as acceptors无氧呼吸 4.11 ENERGY CONSERVATION FROM THE PROTON MOTIVE FORCE 4.12 Carbon Flow in Respiration: the citric acid cycle 三羧酸循环 4.13 Catabolic Alternatives分解代谢的多样性

上充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Lecture 4-2 Nutrition,Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms 三 CHAPTER 4 in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS JIAO TONG UN Zhao Liping,Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University http://micro.sjtu.edu.cn

Lecture 4-2 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms Zhao Liping, Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University http://micro.sjtu.edu.cn CHAPTER 4 in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS

上充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University IV.Major Catabolic Pathways, Electron Transport,and the Proton Motive Force HANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSIT V

IV. Major Catabolic Pathways, Electron Transport, and the Proton Motive Force

上泽克通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.8 Energy Conservation For chemotrophs,those organisms that use chemicals as electron donors in energy metabolism,two mechanisms for energy conservation are known,fermentation and respiration.化能营养型生物以化学物质为 电子供体,通过发酵或呼吸获取能量. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.8 Energy Conservation For chemotrophs, those organisms that use chemicals as electron donors in energy metabolism, two mechanisms for energy conservation are known, fermentation and respiration.化能营养型生物以化学物质为 电子供体,通过发酵或呼吸获取能量

上充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Differences between fermentation and respiration? CHANCHALIIAO TONG UNIVERSITY

Differences between fermentation and respiration?

上帝充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1.In terms of redox reactions: In fermentation,the redox process occur in the absence of usable terminal electron acceptors.发酵中,氧化还原过程不需要外来的最 终电子受体 In respiration,molecular oxygen (or some other electron acceptor)is present as a terminal electron acceptor.呼吸中,以分子氧或 其它外来的电子受体为最终电子受体 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1. In terms of redox reactions: In fermentation, the redox process occur in the absence of usable terminal electron acceptors.发酵中,氧化还原过程不需要外来的最 终电子受体 In respiration, molecular oxygen (or some other electron acceptor) is present as a terminal electron acceptor.呼吸中,以分子氧或 其它外来的电子受体为最终电子受体

上降充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2.In t the mechanism by which ATP is synthesized: In fermentation,ATP is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation.发酵:底物水平磷酸化 ATP is synthesized during steps in the catabolism of an organic compound. In respiration,ATP is produced by oxidative- phosphorylation.呼吸:氧化磷酸化 ATP is produced at the expense of the proton motive force. Photophosphorylation,occurs in photosynthetic organisms,but its basic mechanism is similar to that of oxidative phosphorylation.光合磷酸化 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2. In the mechanism by which ATP is synthesized: In fermentation, ATP is produced by substrate- level phosphorylation.发酵:底物水平磷酸化 • ATP is synthesized during steps in the catabolism of an organic compound. In respiration, ATP is produced by oxidative￾phosphorylation.呼吸:氧化磷酸化 • ATP is produced at the expense of the proton motive force. Photophosphorylation, occurs in photosynthetic organisms, but its basic mechanism is similar to that of oxidative phosphorylation.光合磷酸化

ATP production during fermentation B Pi B-P c回 ADP D+ATP (a) Substrate-level phosphorylation In fermentation,ATP synthesis occurs as a result of substrate- level phosphorylation;a phosphate group gets added to some intermediate in the biochemical pathway where it becomes a 'high-energy'phosphate group and eventually gets transferred to ADP to form ATP

ATP production during fermentation In fermentation, ATP synthesis occurs as a result of substrate￾level phosphorylation; a phosphate group gets added to some intermediate in the biochemical pathway where it becomes a ‘high-energy’ phosphate group and eventually gets transferred to ADP to form ATP

ATP production during respiration Energized membrane ++++++十+ ADP Less energized membrane (b)Oxidative phosphorylation In respiration,the cytoplasmic membrane,energized by the proton motive force,dissipates some of that energy in the formation of ATP from ADP.The coupling of the proton motive force to ATP synthesis occurs by way of ATP synthase(ATPase)

ATP production during respiration In respiration, the cytoplasmic membrane, energized by the proton motive force, dissipates some of that energy in the formation of ATP from ADP. The coupling of the proton motive force to ATP synthesis occurs by way of ATP synthase (ATPase)

上泽充通大¥ Glycolysis as an example of fermentation 糖酵解 Fermentation-internally balanced redox reaction Glucose can be oxidized by being coupled to the reduction of pyruvate generated from itself No externally electron acceptor ATP is formed via substrate-level phosphorylation Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.9 Glycolysis as an example of fermentation 糖酵解 Fermentation-internally balanced redox reaction • Glucose can be oxidized by being coupled to the reduction of pyruvate generated from itself • No externally electron acceptor • ATP is formed via substrate-level phosphorylation

上帝充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.9.1G引ycolysis糖酵解 Glycolysis can be divided into three major stages: Stage I:a series of preparatory rearrangements, reactions that do not involve oxidation-reduction and do not release energy but produce glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate.甘油醛-3-磷酸的产生 Stage II:oxidation-reduction occurs,energy is conserved in the form of ATP,and 2 pyruvate are formed.产生两个丙酮酸 Stage III:a second oxidation-reduction reaction occurs and fermentation products are formed.形成发 酵产物 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.9.1 Glycolysis 糖酵解 Stage I: a series of preparatory rearrangements, reactions that do not involve oxidation-reduction and do not release energy but produce glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate.甘油醛-3-磷酸的产生 Stage II: oxidation-reduction occurs, energy is conserved in the form of ATP, and 2 pyruvate are formed. 产生两个丙酮酸 Stage III: a second oxidation-reduction reaction occurs and fermentation products are formed.形成发 酵产物 Glycolysis can be divided into three major stages:

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