
上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 13.2 Metabolic diversity(Chemolithotrophy)Chemolithotrophy:energy from the oxidation of inorganic electron donors 化能无机营养生物:通过氧化无机物而 获得能量

13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy 13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds 还原态硫的氧化 13.9 Iron Oxidation 铁氧化 13.10 Nitrifying bacteria 硝化细菌 13.11 Anammox Major Biosyntheses: Autotrophy and Nitrogen Fixation 13.12 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: The Calvin cycle卡尔文循环固定CO2 13.13 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: Other autotrophic pathways in phototrophs 13.14 Nitrogenase and nitrogen fixation 固氮酶与固氮作用