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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 13.2 Metabolic diversity(Chemolithotrophy)Chemolithotrophy:energy from the oxidation of inorganic electron donors 化能无机营养生物:通过氧化无机物而 获得能量

13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy 13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds 还原态硫的氧化 13.9 Iron Oxidation 铁氧化 13.10 Nitrifying bacteria 硝化细菌 13.11 Anammox Major Biosyntheses: Autotrophy and Nitrogen Fixation 13.12 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: The Calvin cycle卡尔文循环固定CO2 13.13 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: Other autotrophic pathways in phototrophs 13.14 Nitrogenase and nitrogen fixation 固氮酶与固氮作用

上泽充通大¥ Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1896 1920 1987 2006 Lecture 13-2 Metabolic Diversity:Chemolithotrophy Chapter 13in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS AUIAO TONG UNI Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University

1896 1920 1987 2006 Lecture 13-2 Metabolic Diversity: Chemolithotrophy Chapter 13 in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University

上泽充通大¥ Shanghai Jiao Tong University 1896 1920 1987 2006 II.Chemolithotrophy:energy from the oxidation of inorganic electron donors 化能无机营养生物:通过氧化无机物而 获得能量

1896 1920 1987 2006 II. Chemolithotrophy: energy from the oxidation of inorganic electron donors 化能无机营养生物: 通过氧化无机物而 获得能量

13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy Chemolithotrophs are organisms that obtain energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds化能无机 营养型 Many sources of reduced molecules exist in the environment环境中存在许多还原性分子,可作为其能量 来源 The oxidation of different reduced compounds yields varying amounts of energy不同还原性化合物氧 化后释放的能量大小不同 Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU 13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy Chemolithotrophs are organisms that obtain energy from the oxidation of inorganic compounds 化能无机 营养型 Many sources of reduced molecules exist in the environment 环境中存在许多还原性分子,可作为其能量 来源 The oxidation of different reduced compounds yields varying amounts of energy 不同还原性化合物氧 化后释放的能量大小不同

Autotrophic or Mixotrophic Autotrophic chemolithotrophs:obtain their carbon from CO,化能无机自养生物 Mixotrophic chemolithotrophs:obtain energy form an inorganic compound,but require an organic compound as carbon source.化能无机异养营养生物:能量来自无机 物,但碳源来自有机物 Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU Autotrophic or Mixotrophic Autotrophic chemolithotrophs: obtain their carbon from CO2.化能无机自养生物 Mixotrophic chemolithotrophs: obtain energy form an inorganic compound, but require an organic compound as carbon source. 化能无机异养营养生物:能量来自无机 物, 但碳源来自有机物

Inorganic electron donors and energetics 无机电子供体 ATP formation:oxidation of inorganic compounds ATP的形成:来自无机物的氧化 Example:Hydrogen oxidation/reduced sulfur compounds oxidation/iron oxidation/ nitrification ©Carbon sources From the organic compound (mixotrophic) Reducing power for CO2 fixation:Reverse electron transport reactions(autotrophic) Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU Inorganic electron donors and energetics 无机电子供体 ATP formation: oxidation of inorganic compounds ATP的形成:来自无机物的氧化 • Example: Hydrogen oxidation/ reduced sulfur compounds oxidation/ iron oxidation/ nitrification Carbon sources • From the organic compound (mixotrophic) • Reducing power for CO2 fixation: Reverse electron transport reactions (autotrophic)

13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 Energetics of H2 oxidation ·H2+1/202→H20△G0=-237kJ ·catalyzed by hydrogenase.氢化酶 Autotrophy in H2 bacteria Most hydrogen bacteria can also grow as chemoorganotrophs,when growing chemolithotrophically they fix CO,by the Calvin cycle.多数氢细菌也是化能有机营养菌,当进 行化能无机自养时,通过卡尔文循环固定CO2 Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU 13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 Energetics of H2 oxidation • H2+1/2O2H2O G0’=-237kJ • catalyzed by hydrogenase.氢化酶 Autotrophy in H2 bacteria • Most hydrogen bacteria can also grow as chemoorganotrophs, when growing chemolithotrophically they fix CO2 by the Calvin cycle.多数氢细菌也是化能有机营养菌,当进 行化能无机自养时,通过卡尔文循环固定CO2

Membrane-integrated hydrogenase 2H+ H2 H 2Ht3-4H+ Out Need O,as terminal electron cyt bccytccyt aa3 accepter In 2H+ 2024Ht 2e- Some H2 bacteria have only the NAD++2 H+ H20 membrane-bound hydrogenase, CO2+ATP ADP ATP and in these organisms reducing NADH一 power synthesis occurs from Cytoplasmic hydrogenase reverse electron flow. Cell material Two hydrogenases: membrane-bound hydrogenase begins the flow of electrons leading to formation of a proton motive force. cytoplasmic hydrogenase makes NADH for the Calvin cycle.The membrane- bound hydrogenase

Two hydrogenases: membrane-bound hydrogenase begins the flow of electrons leading to formation of a proton motive force. cytoplasmic hydrogenase makes NADH for the Calvin cycle. The membrane￾bound hydrogenase Some H2 bacteria have only the membrane-bound hydrogenase, and in these organisms reducing power synthesis occurs from reverse electron flow. Need O2 as terminal electron accepter

13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds还原态硫的氧化 Compounds used as electron donors: hydrogen sulfide(H2S),elemental sulfur(So), and thiosulfate(S2O32-). The final product of sulfur oxidation in most cases is sulfate (SO2-). Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU 13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds 还原态硫的氧化 Compounds used as electron donors: hydrogen sulfide (H2S), elemental sulfur (S0 ), and thiosulfate (S2O3 2- ). The final product of sulfur oxidation in most cases is sulfate (SO4 2- )

Oxidation of Reduced Sulfur Compounds Electrons from reduced sulfur compounds reach the electron transport system Transported through the chain to O2 Usually aerobic,but some organisms can use nitrate as an electron acceptor Generates a proton motive force that leads to ATP synthesis by ATPase Chen Feng,Microbiology,SJTU

Chen Feng, Microbiology, SJTU Oxidation of Reduced Sulfur Compounds Electrons from reduced sulfur compounds reach the electron transport system • Transported through the chain to O2 • Usually aerobic, but some organisms can use nitrate as an electron acceptor • Generates a proton motive force that leads to ATP synthesis by ATPase

H+H+ 2H+ 3-4H+ Out Reverse e flow 3333333 NADFAD cyt bc cyt c cyt aaa In HS- S04 - S2032-ors9 Co2+ATP S0,2- Cell NADH ADP materia ATP () Need O,as terminal 2012 Pearson Education,Inc. electron accepter Electrons from sulfur compounds feed into the electron transport chain to drive a proton motive force;NADH must be made by reverse electron flow.通过电子传递链产生质子动势:通过反向电子 流产生NADH

Electrons from sulfur compounds feed into the electron transport chain to drive a proton motive force; NADH must be made by reverse electron flow.通过电子传递链产生质子动势;通过反向电子 流产生NADH Need O2 as terminal electron accepter

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