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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 4 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms(1/2)

4.1 Microbial Nutrition 4.2 Culture media培养基 4.3 Laboratory Culture of Microorganisms 4.4 Bioenergetics 生物能学 4.5 Oxidation-reduction (redox) 4.6 NAD as a Redox Electron Carrier

上充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Lecture 4-1 Nutrition,Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms CHAPTER 4 iness BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS AO TONG Zhao Liping,Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Lecture 4-1 Nutrition, Laboratory Culture and Metabolism of Microorganisms Zhao Liping, Chen Feng School of Life Science and Biotechnology Shanghai Jiao Tong University CHAPTER 4 in BROCK BIOLOGY OF MICROORGANISMS

上泽充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University What does a cell need to be a successful chemical machine? The cell needs energy Chemical transformations ·Movement The cell needs building materials Precursors for monomers Growth factors etc. ae Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University What does a cell need to be a successful chemical machine? The cell needs energy • Chemical transformations • Movement The cell needs building materials • Precursors for monomers • Growth factors etc

上泽充通大¥ Shanghai Jiao Tong University I.Nutrition and Culture of Microorganisms A key feature of cells is their ability to direct chemical reactions and organize molecules into specific structures:metabolism. © Metabolic reactions are either energy releasing, called catabolic reactions,or energy requiring. called anabolic reactions.代谢包括了异化作用 (释放能量)和同化作用(需要能量)两种. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University I. Nutrition and Culture of Microorganisms A key feature of cells is their ability to direct chemical reactions and organize molecules into specific structures: metabolism. Metabolic reactions are either energy releasing, called catabolic reactions, or energy requiring, called anabolic reactions.代谢包括了异化作用 (释放能量)和同化作用(需要能量)两种

上泽充通大¥ Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.1 Microbial Nutrition Many prokaryotes require an organic compound as carbon source..Some prokaryotes are autotrophs自养型,use CO2 as C source. Nitrogen氮 A typical bacterial cell is about 12%nitrogen (by dry weight) Nitrogen is an important element in proteins,nucleic acids, and several other constituents in the cell. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.1 Microbial Nutrition Carbon碳 • Many prokaryotes require an organic compound as carbon source. Some prokaryotes are autotrophs自养型, use CO2 as C source. Nitrogen氮 • A typical bacterial cell is about 12% nitrogen (by dry weight) • Nitrogen is an important element in proteins, nucleic acids, and several other constituents in the cell

Other Macronutrients: ·Phosphorus磷:is required for synthesis of nucleic acids and phospholipids. o Sulfur:is required in amino acids cysteine and methionine, and present in a number of vitamins and coenzyme A. ·Potassium钾:required by enzymes,including those involved in protein synthesis. o Magnesium:stabilize ribosomes,cell membranes,and nucleic acids and is also required for the activity of many enzymes. e Calcium:stabilize cell wall and plays a key role in the heat stability of endospores.Is not essential for the growth of many microorganisms. ·Sodium钠:required by some organisms.Its needs often reflects the habitat of the organism

Other Macronutrients: • Phosphorus磷: is required for synthesis of nucleic acids and phospholipids. • Sulfur硫: is required in amino acids cysteine and methionine, and present in a number of vitamins and coenzyme A. • Potassium钾: required by enzymes, including those involved in protein synthesis. • Magnesium镁: stabilize ribosomes, cell membranes, and nucleic acids and is also required for the activity of many enzymes. • Calcium钙: stabilize cell wall and plays a key role in the heat stability of endospores. Is not essential for the growth of many microorganisms. • Sodium钠: required by some organisms. Its needs often reflects the habitat of the organism

上降充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University @lron铁 Plays a major role in cellular respiration,being a key component of the cytochromes and iron-sulfur proteins involved in electron transport.在细胞的呼吸中有重 要作用,是电子传递链中细胞色素和铁硫蛋白 的重要组分 @Micronutrients((trace Elements)微量元素 They are metals,many of which play a structural role in various enzymes. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Iron铁 • Plays a major role in cellular respiration, being a key component of the cytochromes and iron-sulfur proteins involved in electron transport.在细胞的呼吸中有重 要作用, 是电子传递链中细胞色素和铁硫蛋白 的重要组分. Micronutrients (trace Elements)微量元素 • They are metals, many of which play a structural role in various enzymes

上泽充通大睾 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Growth Factors生长因子 Are organic compounds that are required in very small amounts and only by some cells. Include vitamins,amino acids,purines,and pyrimidines. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Growth Factors 生长因子 • Are organic compounds that are required in very small amounts and only by some cells. • Include vitamins, amino acids, purines, and pyrimidines

上帝充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Nutritional requirements of different microbes Different microorganisms can have vastly different nutritional requirements because they have different biosynthetic capacities E.coli:capable of synthesizing all organic compounds it needs Leuconostoc mesenteroides:need many externally provided organic compounds-extremely fastidious(nutritionally demanding)肠膜明串珠菌(需要极复杂营养的) Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Nutritional requirements of different microbes Different microorganisms can have vastly different nutritional requirements because they have different biosynthetic capacities • E. coli: capable of synthesizing all organic compounds it needs • Leuconostoc mesenteroides: need many externally provided organic compounds-extremely fastidious (nutritionally demanding)肠膜明串珠菌(需要极复杂营养的)

上帝充通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.2 Culture media:培养基 Culture media are the nutrient solutions used to grow microorganisms in the laboratory. Chemically defined the exact chemical composition is known化学限定的培养基 ·Synthetic media合成培养基 Minimal media限制性培养基 Basal media基础培养基 ©Chemically undefined非化学限定的培养基 ·Complex media复合培养基 ·Natural media天然培养基 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 4.2 Culture media培养基 Culture media are the nutrient solutions used to grow microorganisms in the laboratory. Chemically defined(the exact chemical composition is known)化学限定的培养基 • Synthetic media合成培养基 • Minimal media限制性培养基 • Basal media基础培养基 Chemically undefined非化学限定的培养基 • Complex media复合培养基 • Natural media天然培养基

帝克通大学 上 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Prepare 1L LB Medium (Luria-Bertani Medium): Per liter: Bacto-tryptone: 10g Bacto-yeast extract: 5g NaCl: 10g H,O: To 1 L Autoclave Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Prepare 1L LB Medium (Luria-Bertani Medium): Per liter: Bacto-tryptone: 10g Bacto-yeast extract: 5g NaCl: 10g H2O: To 1 L Autoclave

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