144 J.K.FAIRBANK AND S.Y.TENG further (an official of)the Board (of Ceremony)at the capital to prepare a feast.Thereupon they shall practice the ceremonies.They are to have imperial audience in the Feng-t'ien Hall奉天殿and to have audience with the Heir-apparent in the Eastern Palace.When the imperial audiences are finished,a banquet is offered to them.The officers and departments (of government)at the capital all are to prepare banquets to entertain them.When they return,officers are to be sent to escort them out of the boundaries.Now all their cere- monial is drawn up to form the section on"Foreign kings presenting tribute at court..”7 "2.FoREIGN ENVOYS PRESENTING TRIBUTE AT COURT (Fan-shih ch'ao- kung蕃使朝貢). "According to the Chou li,'when the envoys from the four quarters arrive,if they are great guests then they are received ceremoniously; if they are small guests then their presents are accepted and their statements are listened to.'is By small guests is meant the official envoys sent by foreign countries.The envoys of foreign countries all are barbarians,and do not practice these ceremonies.Therefore one only listens to their statements,and that is all.When King Wu over- came the Shang,he opened communications with the nine I (eastern barbarians)and the eight Man (southern barbarians)....States at a great distance came to offer up presents;in all cases their offerings were accepted and their statements were listened to. "Under the Han...(a total of)thirty-six states were all de- pendents of the Middle (Kingdom)and offered tribute...(when) they came to present offerings,they all received rewards so as to send them away with gifts. "In the T'ang when foreign envoys offered tribute,the ceremonies for their banqueting and audience had four parts:going out to meet and greet them;preparing them for audience;receiving the foreign envoys'congratulatory memorials and presents;and the Emperor's banquet for the envoys of foreign countries.... closely as possible to the chief manual now available (BRUNNERT)we suggest Residence for Tributary Envoys. DUyvENDAK (3)45-49 uses "lodginghouse"but not as an official title,and agrees that LIN has "rather overtranslated."Prof.DUyvENDAK also describes (from the Chia-ch'ing hui-tien shih-li)some seven locations of establishments used to house embassies at various dates,all nominally under or part of the Hui T'ung Kuan,a title which therefore cannot easily be associated with one particular place. 1 Ta-Ming chi-li 30.1-2b. 18 Cf.Chou Li,Hsiao hsing jen 37.24 (BIoT 2.411).144 J. K. FAIRBANK AND S. Y. TtNG further (an official of) the Board (of Ceremony) at the capital to prepare a feast. Thereupon they shall practice the ceremonies. They are to have imperial audience in the Feng-t'ien Hall *I7UE and to have audience with the Heir-apparent in the Eastern Palace. When the imperial audiences are finished, a banquet is offered to them. The officers and departments (of government) at the capital all are to prepare banquets to entertain them. When they return, officers are to be sent to escort them out of the boundaries. Now all their cere￾monial is drawn up to form the section on " Foreign kings presenting tribute at court. ... XX 17 "92. FOREIGN ENVOYS PRESENTING TRIBUTE AT COURT (Fan-shih ch'ao￾kung NVMA). " According to the Chou li, ' when the envoys from the four quarters arrive, if they are great guests then they are received ceremoniously; if they are small guests then their presents are accepted and their statements are listened to.' 18 By small guests is meant the official envoys sent by foreign countries. The envoys of foreign countries all are barbarians, and do not practice these ceremonies. Therefore one only listens to their statements, and that is all. When King Wu over￾came the Shang, he opened communications with the nine I (eastern barbarians) and the eight Man (southern barbarians). . . . States at a great distance came to offer up presents; in all cases their offerings were accepted and their statements were listened to. " Under the Han . . . (a total of) thirty-six states were all de￾pendents of the Middle (Kingdom) and offered tribute . . . (when) they came to present offerings, they all received rewards so as to send them away with gifts. " In the T'ang when foreign envoys offered tribute, the ceremonies for their banqueting and audience had four parts: going out to meet and greet them; preparing them for audience; receiving the foreign envoys' congratulatory memorials and presents; and the Emperor's banquet for the envoys of foreign countries.... closely as possible to the chief manual now available (BRUNNERT) we suggest Residence for Tributary Envoys. DUYVENDAK (3) 45-49 uses " lodginghouse " but not as an official title, and agrees that LIN has " rather overtranslated." Prof. DUYVENDAK also describes (from the Chia-ch'ing hui-tien shih-li) some seven locations of establishments used to house embassies at various dates, all nominally under or part of the Hui T'ung Kuan, a title which therefore cannot easily be associated with one particular place. 1 Ta-Ming chi-li 30.a sb. 18 Cf. Chous Li, Hsiao hsing le'n 37. 24 (BIOT 2. 411)
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