ON THE CHING TRIBUTARY SYSTEM 145 "Under the Sung when the envoys of foreign countries arrived,they were feasted and given audience in the hall of the palace (tzu-ch'en tien紫盒殿)and in the Ch'ung-cheng Hall崇政殿.The ceremonies for going out to meet and greet (the envoys),preparing them for audience,and entertaining them at banquets,all were the same as for the T'ang.,· "In the Yiian period from the time of the Emperor T'ai-tsu (Jenghis Khan,1206-12g7))the Uigurs(wei-wu-erh畏吾兒),the Moslems(hui-hu间腸),the Tanguts(Hsi Hsia),the Western Re- gions,and Koryo all sent envoys to present tribute.After the time of the Emperor Shih-tsu (Kublai Khan 1260-1294),Annam,Champa, Yunnan,.Laos,Northern Burma(Mien kuo緬國),Tali(in Yun- nan),and Fu-lang,20 all sent envoys to offer up tribute. "Under the reigning dynasty in 1369,the country of Champa sent a minister(named)Hu-tu-man虎都蠻to come with tribute;Kory sent a minister,the President of the Board of Ceremonies,HUNG Shang-tsai洪尙載;Annam sent a minister,.T'UNG Shih-min同時敏, and others.All presented tribute of local produce.When they had arrived (at the borders of China),an officer memorialized for the Emperor's information and went out of the capital (ch'u kuo men 出國門)to meet and greet them.On an appointed day after they had presented a tributary memorial and presents of local produce at the Feng-t'ien Hall,they presented their memorials and local produce at the central palace (i.e.to the Empress)and at the eastern palace (to the Heir-apparent).After the Emperor sent officials to the Resi- dence (hui-t'ung-kuan)to give them banquets,the Heir-apparent again sent officials to treat them ceremoniously.The departments and offices at the capital all held banquets.When they were about to return,a legate was sent to console them and escort them out of the boundaries.If it was an ordinary Court,then the clerks in the Grand Secretariat(chung-shu)took receipt of the tributary memorials and the local produce.On the following day the envoys followed the ushers into an imperial audience,and their banquet was conferred upon them.The Emperor and the Heir-apparent composed rescripts (to the tributary memorials)and treated (the envoys)ceremoniously. We now arrange these ceremonies to form the section on 'Foreign envoys presenting tribute at court...." chin-ch'ih,lit.gold teeth,Laos or Shan tribes who gilded their teeth. o拂郎GLps3659 identifies this with Fu-lin袜,now recognized as the Eastern Roman Empire or Syria. Ta-Ming chi-li 31.1-3. 2ON THE CH'ING TRIBUTARY SYSTEM 145 "Under the Sung when the envoys of foreign countries arrived, they were feasted and given audience in the hall of the palace (tzui-ch'en tien WAXY) and in the Ch'ung-cheng Hall i The ceremonies for going out to meet and greet (the envoys), preparing them for audience, and entertaining them at banquets, all were the same as for the T'ang.... " In the Yuan period from the time of the Emperor T'ai-tsu (Jenghis Khan, 1206-1227) the Uigurs (wei-wu-erh Ad J), the Moslems (hui-hu MNy), the Tanguts (Hsi Hsia), the Western Re￾gions, and Koryo all sent envoys to present tribute. After the time of the Emperor Shih-tsu (Kublai Khan 1260-1294), Annam, Champa, Yunnan, Laos,'9 Northern Burma (Mien kuo MM), Tali (in Yun￾nan), and Fu-lang,20 all sent envoys to offer up tribute. " Under the reigning dynasty in 1369, the country of Champa sent a minister (named) Hu-tu-man LISW to come with tribute; Koryo sent a minister, the President of the Board of Ceremonies, HUNG Shang-tsai iVEMP'; Annam sent a minister, T'UNG Shih-min PI HITV and others. All presented tribute of local produce. When they had arrived (at the borders of China), an officer memorialized for the Emperor's information and went out of the capital (ch'u kuo men 1?1 H) to meet and greet them. On an appointed day after they had presented a tributary memorial and presents of local produce at the Feng-t'ien Hall, they presented their memorials and local produce at the central palace (i. e. to the Empress) and at the eastern palace (to the Heir-apparent). After the Emperor sent officials to the Resi￾dence (hui-t'ung-kuan) to give them banquets, the Heir-apparent again sent officials to treat them ceremoniously. The departments and offices at the capital all held banquets. When they were about to return, a legate was sent to console them and escort them out of the boundaries. If it was an ordinary Court, then the clerks in the Grand Secretariat (chung-shu) took receipt of the tributary memorials and the local produce. On the following day the envoys followed the ushers into an imperial audience, and their banquet was conferred upon them. The Emperor and the Heir-apparent composed rescripts (to the tributary memorials) and treated (the envoys) ceremoniously. We now arrange these ceremonies to form the section on ' Foreign envoys presenting tribute at court. ..' " 21 19 M chin-ch'ih, lit. gold teeth, Laos or Shan tribes who gilded their teeth. 20 age GILES 3659 identifies this with Fu-lin fA, now recognized as the Eastern Roman Empire or Syria. 21 Ta-Ming chi-li 31.1-3. 2
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