词汇及相关句式 201年5月15日 四、六级写作分主题备考 陈泽璇 四、六级作文按照话题可分为七类:校园生活类、网络科技类、体育健康类、生态环境类、社会热 点类、文化教育类和旅游交通类。我们将分别列举其相关话题、相关热门词组和经典句式等,供同学们 信鉴。 1.校园生活类 相关话题:学生兼职、就业、出国留学、校外住宿、大学生选课以及课外活动等。 高频词组: part-time job(兼职工作) economic burden(经济负担) working experience(工作经历) competition and cooperation(竞争与合作) tuition(学费) course arrangement(课程安排) extracurricular activities(课外活动) distance education(远程教育) required/compulsory course(必修课 takc/sit an examination(参加考试) live outside campus(住在校外) food services(饮食) application form(申请表) withdraw cash(取钱) instructor(铺导老师) student union(学生会) undergraduate(本科生) postgraduate(研究生) credit(学分) gree(学位) 例句: DIn recent years,studying abroad has become a new craze among college students 如今,留学在大学生中成为一种新的热潮。 2With the admission expansion of colleges,a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market 随着大学的扩招,越来越多的毕业生在就业市场面临激烈的竞争。 ③Diploma and c rea person's ability.In order to s to ࢥ̵مᕆ֢෈ೲᆙᦾ᷌ړݢԅӠᔄғ໊ࢮኞၚᔄ̵ᗑᕶᑀದᔄ̵֛ᙙ؋଼ᔄ̵ኞாሾहᔄ̵ᐒտᅾ ᅩᔄ̵෈۸රᙙᔄ޾჋෢Ի᭗ᔄ̶౯ժਖ਼ڜڦړԈٌፘىᦾ̵᷌ፘىᅾᳪ᦯ᕟ޾ᕪَݙୗᒵ҅ݶ׀਍ժ ̶ᰄ׵ 1.校园⽣活类 ፘىᦾ᷌ғ਍ኞّᘳ̵੪ӱ̵ࢵڊኸ਍̵໊क़֘ਾ̵य़਍ኞᭌ᧞զ݊᧞क़ၚۖᒵ̶ ṛ᷇᦯ᕟғ part-time jobҁّᘳૡ֢҂ economic burdenҁᕪၧᨮ೅҂ working experienceҁૡ֢ᕪܲ҂ competition and cooperationҁᒋԩӨݳ֢҂ tuitionҁ਍ᩇ҂ course arrangementҁ᧞ᑕਞഭ҂ extracurricular activitiesҁ᧞क़ၚۖ҂ distance educationҁᬱᑕරᙙ҂ ̴̴ required/compulsory courseҁ஠ץ᧞҂ ̴̴ take/sit an examinationҁ݇ےᘍᦶ҂ live outside campusҁ֘ࣁ໊क़҂ food servicesҁᷴᷣ҂ application formҁኩ᧗ᤒ҂ withdraw cashҁݐ᰸҂ instructorҁᬀ੕ᘌ૵҂ student unionҁ਍ኞտ҂ undergraduateҁ๜ᑀኞ҂ postgraduateҁᎸᑪኞ҂ creditҁ਍ړ҂ degreeҁ਍֖҂ ғݙֺ ① In recent years, studying abroad has become a new craze among college students. ইՔ҅ኸ਍ࣁय़਍ኞӾ౮ԅӞᐿෛጱᅾᄤ̶ ② With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. 随着⼤学的扩招,越来越多的毕业⽣在就业市场⾯临激烈的竞争。 ③ Diploma and certificates are still significant standards by which many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job, the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another. 1 四、六级写作分主题备考 陈泽璇 ᦯࿤݊ፘݙىୗ 201ଙ5์15෭
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