2017年5月15日 学位和证书仍然是很多雇主衡量一个人能力的重要标准。为了增加找工作资格条件,学生们被迫不断 参加考试。 在假期,大量的学生选择做志愿者,做兼职工作或者参加其他类似的实践活动。 ⑤Some s ents spend too much time in taking part time jobs so as to ignore their study.Therefore,we are 有学生花大量的时间做作酒整设7他的学.因我应该平衡社会实钱和学习之间 的关系。 2.网络科技类 相关话题:电脑/互联网的普及、信息安全、媒体广告、通讯设备的进步、网络教学及网上阅读、网上娱 乐(游戏、博客、微博等)。 高频词组: cyber culture(计算机文化) online love affairs(网恋) net bar(网吧) shopping online(网上购物) cyber chat(网上聊天) virtual net(虚拟网络) net partner(网友) surfon the Internet(网上冲浪) net citizen(网民】 cyberspace(网络空间) cyber college(网络大学) convenient and effective(方便有效) c-bank(电子银行) kill time(打发时间) information security(信息安全) the popularity of computer(电脑的普及) be addicted to(对. 上瘾 campus network(校园网络) release one's pressure(减轻压力) 例句: (1 No invention has received more praise and abuse than the Internet 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 society had be 们遇认为现代料技我门的社会发生了大的变化,几年人类在 技方面取得了惊人的进 步。 As a product of modern computer and the Intemnet,online games have become extremely popular among college students. 作为现代电脑和网络的产物,网络游戏已经在大学生中变得相当普及。਍֖޾ᦤԡՖᆐฎஉग़ᵟԆᤍᰁӞӻՈᚆێጱ᯿ᥝຽاٴ̶ԅԧीےತૡ֢ᩒ໒๵կ҅਍ኞժᤩᬼӧෙ ̶ᘍᦶے݇ ④ During the holidays, a growing number of students choose to be volunteers, take part-time jobs, or take part in other practical activities alike. ̴ࣁ؃๗҅य़ᰁጱ਍ኞᭌೠ؉பౄᘏ҅؉ّᘳૡ֢౲ᘏ݇ےٌ՜ᔄ֒ጱਫ᪢ၚ̶ۖ ⑤ Some students spend too much time in taking part time jobs so as to ignore their study. Therefore, we are supposed to try to balance the relationship between social practice and study. ํԶ਍ኞᜰय़ᰁጱ෸ᳵ؉ّᘳૡ֢҅՗ᘒ஺ᥤԧ՜ժጱ਍ӱ̶ࢩྌ౯ժଫᧆଘᤍᐒտਫ᪢޾਍ԟԏᳵ ጱىᔮ̶̴ 2. ⽹络科技类 ፘىᦾ᷌ғኪᚏ/԰ᘶᗑጱฦ̵݊מ௳ਞق̵ড়֛ଠޞ̵᭗ᦔᦡ॓ጱᬰྍ̵ᗑᕶර਍݊ᗑӤᴅ᧛̵ᗑӤৈ Ԕҁ჋౭̵ܗਮ̵ஙܗᒵ҂̶ ṛ᷇᦯ᕟғ cyber cultureҁᦇᓒ๢෈۸҂ online love affairsҁᗑ௡҂ net barҁᗑމ҂ shopping onlineҁᗑӤᨻᇔ҂ cyber chatҁᗑӤᘱॠ҂ virtual netҁᡦ೙ᗑᕶ҂ net partnerҁᗑ݋҂ surf on the InternetҁᗑӤ٫ၵ҂ net citizenҁᗑ࿆҂ cyberspaceҁᗑᕶᑮᳵ҂ cyber collegeҁᗑᕶय़਍҂ convenient and effectiveҁො׎ํප҂̴ e-bankҁኪৼᱷᤈ҂ kill timeҁ಑ݎᳵ෸҂ information securityҁמ௳ਞق҂ the popularity of computerҁኪᚏጱฦ݊҂ be addicted toҁ੒.Ӥጟ҂ campus networkҁ໊ࢮᗑᕶ҂ release one’s pressureҁٺܴ᫷ێ҂ ғݙֺ ① No invention has received more praise and abuse than the Internet. ဌํӞᶱݎก؟԰ᘶᗑӞ໏ݶ෸کݑইྌग़ጱᩩಛ޾ಢᦧ̶ ② It is commonly thought that our society had been dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human had made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades. Ոժฦ᭭ᦊԅሿդᑀದֵ౯ժጱᐒտݎኞԧ૤य़ጱݒ۸҅ᬪ܈پଙՈᔄࣁᑀದොᶎݐԧ஑చՈጱᬰ ྍ̶ ③ As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become extremely popular among college students. ֢ԅሿդኪᚏ޾ᗑᕶጱԾᇔ҅ᗑᕶ჋౭૪ᕪࣁय़਍ኞӾݒ஑ፘ୮ฦ̶݊ 2 2017ଙ5์15෭
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