2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Definition of homophily,definition of empathy 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1)As users of social media,how can we solve the problem of our online data being exploited? 2)Sociologist Sam Richards suggests that,in order to see the world differently,we need to put ourselves into someone else's shoes, but that very often involves challenging our current values and beliefs.If so,do you still think it is worth the effort?Support your point with specific evidence. (三)思考与实践 1.Students are required to search online for information about the concept of cultural globalization and prepare a 10-minute group presentation interpreting China's role in cultural globalization over the past two decades. 2.Watch the movie Crazy Rich Asians,a 2018 production celebrated as a milestone after The Joy Luck Club (1993).Compare this movie with a classic Hollywood romantic comedy.How do the two resemble or differ from each other? 3.Do some research into feminist theory,which is one of the major contemporary sociological theories,and prepare a report about the status quo of Chinese women. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合。 Unit 6 Anthropology (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term 13 13 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Definition of homophily, definition of empathy 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1) As users of social media, how can we solve the problem of our online data being exploited? 2) Sociologist Sam Richards suggests that, in order to see the world differently, we need to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes, but that very often involves challenging our current values and beliefs. If so, do you still think it is worth the effort? Support your point with specific evidence. (三)思考与实践 1. Students are required to search online for information about the concept of cultural globalization and prepare a 10-minute group presentation interpreting China’s role in cultural globalization over the past two decades. 2. Watch the movie Crazy Rich Asians, a 2018 production celebrated as a milestone after The Joy Luck Club (1993). Compare this movie with a classic Hollywood romantic comedy. How do the two resemble or differ from each other? 3. Do some research into feminist theory, which is one of the major contemporary sociological theories, and prepare a report about the status quo of Chinese women. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合。 Unit 6 Anthropology (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1. Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term
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