《英语视听说川I》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:18090062 课程名称:英语视听说Ⅱ 英文名称:Audio-Visual&Speaking English Course 课程类别:专业课 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象:英语专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:综合英语、英国文学、美国文学、英语听力、中西方文化对比、英语 视听说1、英语视听说2、英语听力、英语口语等 二、课程简介 《英语视听说Ⅲ》是为广东财经大学英语专业本科三年级翻译专业学生开设的 门专业必修课,旨在通过丰富多样的视频音频资料,融合视、听、说、写等各项技能, 全面提高学生的英语听力理解和口语表述能力,通过有机灵活地融入中国国情的对比 分析,加深其对英语国家和中国的政治、经济、文化等方面的认识。本课程选用外语 教学于研究出版社教材《大学思辨英语教程视听说4:走进学术》是高等学校英语类 专业国际规别教材,本册主颗为“走讲学术”,以史学、哲学、人类学、心,理学、新 闻学等人文社科核心问题为视角,涵盖主题新颖,内容多样,不仅引导学生关注各学 科的基本概念、问题,还能引发学生对不同学科核心问题的思考。本课程旨在提高学 生用英文进行学术交流的能力,进一步培养学生跨文化思辨能力。 The Audio-Visual&Speaking English Course III is intended for the English juniors majoring in translation in Guangdong University of Finance and Economics.It aims to reinforce students'competence in English listening and comprehension through training with various visual,audial and speaking materials,and to enable students to have a better understanding of both Chinese and English politics,economy and culture,etc.through contrastive analysis and discussion.The textbook for this course.Think in English Listening Critically4.with the theme of approaching research,covers a variety of topics including philosophy.economics,sociology.anthropology.psychology.etc.This course aims to enhance students'competence of critical thinking and intercultural reflection on different research topics
1 《英语视听说 III》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:18090062 课程名称:英语视听说 III 英文名称:Audio-Visual & Speaking English Course 课程类别:专业课 学 时:32 学 分:2 适用对象: 英语专业 考核方式:考试 先修课程:综合英语、英国文学、美国文学、英语听力、中西方文化对比、英语 视听说 1、英语视听说 2、英语听力、英语口语等 二、课程简介 《英语视听说 III》是为广东财经大学英语专业本科三年级翻译专业学生开设的一 门专业必修课,旨在通过丰富多样的视频音频资料,融合视、听、说、写等各项技能, 全面提高学生的英语听力理解和口语表述能力,通过有机灵活地融入中国国情的对比 分析,加深其对英语国家和中国的政治、经济、文化等方面的认识。本课程选用外语 教学于研究出版社教材《大学思辨英语教程视听说 4:走进学术》是高等学校英语类 专业国际规划教材,本册主题为“走进学术”,以史学、哲学、人类学、心理学、新 闻学等人文社科核心问题为视角,涵盖主题新颖,内容多样,不仅引导学生关注各学 科的基本概念、问题,还能引发学生对不同学科核心问题的思考。本课程旨在提高学 生用英文进行学术交流的能力,进一步培养学生跨文化思辨能力。 The Audio-Visual & Speaking English Course III is intended for the English juniors majoring in translation in Guangdong University of Finance and Economics. It aims to reinforce students’ competence in English listening and comprehension through training with various visual, audial and speaking materials, and to enable students to have a better understanding of both Chinese and English politics, economy and culture, etc. through contrastive analysis and discussion. The textbook for this course, Think in English, Listening Critically 4, with the theme of approaching research, covers a variety of topics including philosophy, economics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc. This course aims to enhance students’ competence of critical thinking and intercultural reflection on different research topics
三、课程性质与教学目的 《英语视听说「》注重听力理解过程的认知迎律,将语言技能训练、思辨能十 培养、知识习得和跨文化能力提升有机地融合在 其教学目的是全面提高学生有 效交流的能力,适应新时代的要求。本课程倡导过程法 即注重听者进入角色的过程 练习微技能和策略的过程、管理认知的过程、思辨的过程、交流互动的过程和自主学 习的过程。通过视、听、说、写的结合,在训练学生感知和理解等基础技能的同时, 着重对学生进行阐释、分析、评价、推理和自我调节等高层次的思维训练,使学生在 提高有效交流能力的同时,语言和思维得到共同发展。 桶音和视拓材料的学习和 跨文化反思训练, 让学生了 人文社科各学科的基本概念和 引发学 对不同号 科核心问题的思考,学会从不同视角看待世界多元文化,反思中国文化传统。在教学 过程中,适时结合社会主义核心价值观的内容,让此核心价值体系在该课程中发挥指 引教学活动和提升教学内容质量的作用,话时有机结合中国国情讲行对比分析讨论 以促进学生对本课程内容更深入的理解与掌握。在提高学生听说水平的同时,帮助学 生培养明辨是非的能力,增强学生民族自豪感和爱国主义精神 四、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Philosophy (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Listen to detailed information while taking notes 2.Compare the philosophical and non-philosophical way of thinking 3.Evaluate the validity of arguments 4.Distinguish between two types of moral reasoning 5.Infer deeper differences in philosophical thoughts between China and the west 6.Understand the purpose of the thought experiment of veil of ignorance 7.Get to know about great Chinese philosophers and their influences (二)教学内容 第一节 1,主要内容 Session One What Is Truth? Warming-up Part One What Is Philosophy For? 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 2
2 三、课程性质与教学目的 《英语视听说 III》注重听力理解过程的认知规律,将语言技能训练、思辨能力 培养、知识习得和跨文化能力提升有机地融合在一起,其教学目的是全面提高学生有 效交流的能力,适应新时代的要求。本课程倡导过程法,即注重听者进入角色的过程、 练习微技能和策略的过程、管理认知的过程、思辨的过程、交流互动的过程和自主学 习的过程。通过视、听、说、写的结合,在训练学生感知和理解等基础技能的同时, 着重对学生进行阐释、分析、评价、推理和自我调节等高层次的思维训练,使学生在 提高有效交流能力的同时,语言和思维得到共同发展。通过音频和视频材料的学习和 跨文化反思训练,让学生了解人文社科各学科的基本概念和问题,引发学生对不同学 科核心问题的思考,学会从不同视角看待世界多元文化,反思中国文化传统。在教学 过程中,适时结合社会主义核心价值观的内容,让此核心价值体系在该课程中发挥指 引教学活动和提升教学内容质量的作用,适时有机结合中国国情进行对比分析讨论, 以促进学生对本课程内容更深入的理解与掌握。在提高学生听说水平的同时,帮助学 生培养明辨是非的能力,增强学生民族自豪感和爱国主义精神。 四、教学内容及要求 Unit 1 Philosophy (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Listen to detailed information while taking notes 2.Compare the philosophical and non-philosophical way of thinking 3.Evaluate the validity of arguments 4.Distinguish between two types of moral reasoning 5.Infer deeper differences in philosophical thoughts between China and the West 6.Understand the purpose of the thought experiment of veil of ignorance 7.Get to know about great Chinese philosophers and their influences (二)教学内容 第一节 1. 主要内容 Session One What Is Truth? Warming-up Part One What Is Philosophy For? 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies
3)Critical Listening Part Two What Is Truth? 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Concept of philosophy,logical reasoning,premise,validity of argument 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1)What's your list of Top 5 Chinese philosophers and what do you know about their major philosophical ideas? 2)How many famous western philosophers do you know?What about their ideas? 3)Which is more important:making sure the premises are true or having a valid argument? 第二节 1.主要内容 Session Two What Is Justice? Warming-up Part One What Is the Right Thing to Do? 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two The Veil of Ignorance l)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Justice,the thought experiment of veil of ignorance 3.问题与应用(能力要求) 1)What are the pros and cons of acting in strict accordance with one's moral character? 3
3 3) Critical Listening Part Two What Is Truth? 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Concept of philosophy, logical reasoning, premise, validity of argument 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1) What’s your list of Top 5 Chinese philosophers and what do you know about their major philosophical ideas? 2) How many famous western philosophers do you know? What about their ideas? 3) Which is more important: making sure the premises are true or having a valid argument? 第二节 1. 主要内容 Session Two What Is Justice? Warming-up Part One What Is the Right Thing to Do? 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two The Veil of Ignorance 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Justice, the thought experiment of veil of ignorance 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) 1) What are the pros and cons of acting in strict accordance with one’s moral character?
2)Students are required to act out the thought experiment proposed by John Rawls.They are encouraged to allocate each group member a fake identity and imagine what kind of society they would want to live in if they were the persons described in the given identity.First they work alone and write down their expectations on a sheet of paper and then compare their notes with their group members'. (三)思考与实践 1.Students are required to research into the fundamental features and orientations of the two philosophical traditions of ancient Greece and China 2.Students are required to watch a clip from the movie The Emperor's Club and comment on the teacher's action after he caught one student cheating on exam. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和课 堂讲授相结合。 Unit 2 Economics (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Recognize the main idea 2.Interpret the speaker's intention 3.Use technical works and phrases related to economics 4.Predict the future of money 5.Analyze the role of the invisible hand 6.Understand healthy economic development and contemporary Chinese economic development 7.Compare the economic behaviors of Chinese people with those in other countries (三)教学内容 第一节 1.主要内容 Session One What Is Economics? Warming-up
4 2) Students are required to act out the thought experiment proposed by John Rawls. They are encouraged to allocate each group member a fake identity and imagine what kind of society they would want to live in if they were the persons described in the given identity. First they work alone and write down their expectations on a sheet of paper and then compare their notes with their group members’. (三)思考与实践 1. Students are required to research into the fundamental features and orientations of the two philosophical traditions of ancient Greece and China. 2. Students are required to watch a clip from the movie The Emperor’s Club and comment on the teacher’s action after he caught one student cheating on exam. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和课 堂讲授相结合。 Unit 2 Economics (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1. Recognize the main idea 2. Interpret the speaker’s intention 3. Use technical works and phrases related to economics 4. Predict the future of money 5. Analyze the role of the invisible hand 6. Understand healthy economic development and contemporary Chinese economic development 7. Compare the economic behaviors of Chinese people with those in other countries (三)教学内容 第一节 1.主要内容 Session One What Is Economics? Warming-up
Part One What Is Economics? l)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two The Invisible Hand 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Concept of economics,basic terms in economics,problems of capitalism,the theory of the Invisible Hand 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1)If you worked for Just Capital conducting a survey to create the lust Index,what factors would you take into account?Why? 2)With regard to the concept of the Invisible Hand,what should be the role of the government? 第二节 1.主要内容 Session Two Development in Economics Warming-up Part One Economic Development 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two Currency Development 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Obsession with and problem of economic growth,Bitcoin,history of money 3.问题与应用(能力要求)》 5
5 Part One What Is Economics? 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two The Invisible Hand 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Concept of economics, basic terms in economics, problems of capitalism, the theory of the Invisible Hand 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1) If you worked for Just Capital conducting a survey to create the Just Index, what factors would you take into account? Why? 2) With regard to the concept of the Invisible Hand, what should be the role of the government? 第二节 1. 主要内容 Session Two Development in Economics Warming-up Part One Economic Development 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two Currency Development 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Obsession with and problem of economic growth, Bitcoin, history of money 3. 问题与应用(能力要求)
Students are required to answer the following questions: 1)With the picture of a doughnut and information you get from the Internet,explain what the Chinese economy is like and try to point out ways to make improvements if necessary. 2)History may not repeat itself but it certainly rhymes badly. Give an example to show how it rhymes with regard to financial crisis. (三)思考与实践 1.Students are required to research into the topic of Chinese philanthropy and find out the reasons why rich Chinese people are reluctant to donate,compared with those in some other countries,and propose measures to encourage private philanthropy.A report can be written on this topic and a presentation can be done to the class. 2.Students are encouraged to do some research about the Chinese insurance situation and explain the reasons why more and more Chinese people are ready to buy insurance. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合。 Unit 3 Law (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Recognize the chronological order in a listening passage 2.Identify the logical structure of a lecture 3.Compare the differences between laws and rules 4.Summarize the characteristics of legal origins in each time period and evaluate their impact on modern society 5.Compare the major traits of a good lawyer and a bad lawyer 6.Evaluate positive and negative effects of the death penalty from an intercultural perspective 7.Get to know about some basics of Chinese legal system (二)教学内容 第一节 6
6 Students are required to answer the following questions: 1) With the picture of a doughnut and information you get from the Internet, explain what the Chinese economy is like and try to point out ways to make improvements if necessary. 2) History may not repeat itself but it certainly rhymes badly. Give an example to show how it rhymes with regard to financial crisis. (三)思考与实践 1.Students are required to research into the topic of Chinese philanthropy and find out the reasons why rich Chinese people are reluctant to donate, compared with those in some other countries, and propose measures to encourage private philanthropy. A report can be written on this topic and a presentation can be done to the class. 2. Students are encouraged to do some research about the Chinese insurance situation and explain the reasons why more and more Chinese people are ready to buy insurance. . (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合。 Unit 3 Law (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1. Recognize the chronological order in a listening passage 2. Identify the logical structure of a lecture 3. Compare the differences between laws and rules 4. Summarize the characteristics of legal origins in each time period and evaluate their impact on modern society 5. Compare the major traits of a good lawyer and a bad lawyer 6. Evaluate positive and negative effects of the death penalty from an intercultural perspective 7. Get to know about some basics of Chinese legal system (二)教学内容 第一节
1.主要内容 Session One What Is Law? Warming-up Part One Definition of Law 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two Historical Origins of Law 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Definition of law,rules of conduct,rules of procedure,origins of law,characteristics of law 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1)To what extent does the definition of law given in the lecture differ from your preexisting understanding of law?Search online for other definitions of law and compare them. 2)Since smoking is harmful to health,some people argue that the government should make a law to ban the production and sales of cigarettes.Students are encouraged to apply the four principles fair,reasonable,understandable and enforceable stressed by the speaker in relevant clip. 第二节 1.主要内容 Session Two What Makes a Good Lawyer? Warming-up Part One Good Lawyers,Bad Lawyers 1 Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two Defending the Rule of Law
7 1. 主要内容 Session One What Is Law? Warming-up Part One Definition of Law 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two Historical Origins of Law 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Definition of law, rules of conduct, rules of procedure, origins of law, characteristics of law 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: 1) To what extent does the definition of law given in the lecture differ from your preexisting understanding of law? Search online for other definitions of law and compare them. 2) Since smoking is harmful to health, some people argue that the government should make a law to ban the production and sales of cigarettes. Students are encouraged to apply the four principles — fair, reasonable, understandable and enforceable — stressed by the speaker in relevant clip. 第二节 1. 主要内容 Session Two What Makes a Good Lawyer? Warming-up Part One Good Lawyers, Bad Lawyers 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two Defending the Rule of Law
l)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Qualities of good lawyer 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: Going to law school and becoming a lawyer used to be seen as a golden ticket to career and financial success in the United States But today few lawyers believe this actually to be the case.In a Gallup poll of over 4,000 American adults who earned a postgraduate degree between 2000 and 2015,just 23%of law school graduates said that their education was worth the cost and only 20%said their schooling prepared them well for postgraduate life. Is it the same case in China?What do you think about the value of higher education in general? (三)思考与实践 1.Students are required to search online for information about laws prescribing or banning the death penalty in different countries. Consider such questions as what the pros and cons of the death penalty are,and whether the death penalty be retained in China Write a report on this issue. 2.School bullying is a common occurrence.The United States has an anti-bullying law to prevent school bullying.Preventive measures against school bullying in China usually include increasing surveillance,offering bullying awareness classes for both students and parents etc.Students are required to find out more anti-bullying measures in China and decide whether China should implement an anti-bullying law. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合
8 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Qualities of good lawyer 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to discuss the following question in small groups: Going to law school and becoming a lawyer used to be seen as a golden ticket to career and financial success in the United States. But today few lawyers believe this actually to be the case. In a Gallup poll of over 4,000 American adults who earned a postgraduate degree between 2000 and 2015, just 23% of law school graduates said that their education was worth the cost and only 20% said their schooling prepared them well for postgraduate life. Is it the same case in China? What do you think about the value of higher education in general? (三)思考与实践 1. Students are required to search online for information about laws prescribing or banning the death penalty in different countries. Consider such questions as what the pros and cons of the death penalty are, and whether the death penalty be retained in China. Write a report on this issue. 2. School bullying is a common occurrence. The United States has an anti-bullying law to prevent school bullying. Preventive measures against school bullying in China usually include increasing surveillance, offering bullying awareness classes for both students and parents etc. Students are required to find out more anti-bullying measures in China and decide whether China should implement an anti-bullying law. (四)教学方法与手段 课堂实施多媒体教学,学生课堂讨论、分组讨论、学生观点展示和 课堂讲授相结合
Unit 4 Political Science (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1.Note down the key information in a speech 2.Use visual cues such as subheadings to grasp key ideas in a speech 3.Understand analogical reasoning in a speech 4.Identify assumptions implicit in realistic and liberal viewpoint 5.Examine causal reasoning in an academic speech 6.Make connections between cartoons and given topics 7.Identify and compare cultural differences in interpretations of the role of the Chinese Communist Party and China's rise (二)教学内容 第一节 1.主要内容 Session One What Is Political Science? Warming-up Part One Introduction to Political Science 1 Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Two Government Transparency 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills&Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Concept of political science,hard power,soft power, subdisciplines of political science 3.问题与应用(能力要求 Students are required to answer the following questions: 1)What are the pros and cons of becoming a politician? 2)In political philosophy,conservatives believe that the government should respect behavior patterns and motivations behind human behavior:by contrast,liberals believe that government should prescribe and,to certain extent,intervene 9
9 Unit 4 Political Science (一)目的与要求 Students are expected to: 1. Note down the key information in a speech 2. Use visual cues such as subheadings to grasp key ideas in a speech 3. Understand analogical reasoning in a speech 4. Identify assumptions implicit in realistic and liberal viewpoint 5. Examine causal reasoning in an academic speech 6. Make connections between cartoons and given topics 7. Identify and compare cultural differences in interpretations of the role of the Chinese Communist Party and China’s rise (二)教学内容 第一节 1. 主要内容 Session One What Is Political Science? Warming-up Part One Introduction to Political Science 1) Lead-in 2)Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Two Government Transparency 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Concept of political science, hard power, soft power, subdisciplines of political science 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1) What are the pros and cons of becoming a politician? 2) In political philosophy, conservatives believe that the government should respect behavior patterns and motivations behind human behavior; by contrast, liberals believe that government should prescribe and, to certain extent, intervene
in terms what should be done and what should be avoided.What is your position?Why? 第二节 1.主要内容 Session two international relations Warming-up Part One Introduction to International Relations 1)Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 4)Critical Listening Part Two Theories of International Relations 1 Lead-in 2)Listening Skills Strategies 3)Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2.基本概念和知识点 Concept of International Relations,theories of International Relations,realism,liberalism.Major assumptions of the realist and liberal paradigms of IR 3.问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1)When it comes to war and peace,are you a pessimist who sees more conflict among states than integration or are you and optimist who sees more international cooperation than conflicts?Why?Which is more justifiable:the optimistic or the pessimistic view? 2)The ultimate aim of China's foreign policy is to build a community with a shared future for mankind.Does this belong to a realist or a liberal worldview?Why? (三)思考与实践 Students are required to discuss the following topics: 1.In his well-known inaugural address,former American president John F.Kennedy made this inspiring remark for American,"Ask not what your country can do for you:ask what you can do for your country.Do you think this slogan is equally applicable 10
10 in terms what should be done and what should be avoided. What is your position? Why? 第二节 1. 主要内容 Session Two International Relations Warming-up Part One Introduction to International Relations 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 4) Critical Listening Part Two Theories of International Relations 1) Lead-in 2) Listening Skills & Strategies 3) Critical Listening Part Three Intercultural Reflection 2. 基本概念和知识点 Concept of International Relations, theories of International Relations, realism, liberalism. Major assumptions of the realist and liberal paradigms of IR 3. 问题与应用(能力要求) Students are required to answer the following questions: 1) When it comes to war and peace, are you a pessimist who sees more conflict among states than integration or are you and optimist who sees more international cooperation than conflicts? Why? Which is more justifiable: the optimistic or the pessimistic view? 2) The ultimate aim of China’s foreign policy is to build a community with a shared future for mankind. Does this belong to a realist or a liberal worldview? Why? (三)思考与实践 Students are required to discuss the following topics: 1. In his well-known inaugural address, former American president John F. Kennedy made this inspiring remark for American, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Do you think this slogan is equally applicable