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《二十世纪美国诗歌选读》课程教学大纲 The Course Syllabus of a Course of Selected Reading of 20t-century American Poetry 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:18090111 Course code 18090111 课程名称:二十世纪美国诗歌选读 Course name:Selected Readings of 20th-century American Poetry 课程类别:专业选修课 Course type:Optional Course for English Majors 学时:16 Periods:16 学分:1 Credits:I 适用对象:英语专业学生 Target students:English Major 考核方式:考查 Assessment:Examination/Paper 先修课程:综合英语山,英国文学 Preparatory courses:Comprehensive English I-II 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) “二十世纪美国诗歌选读”围绕美国二十世纪主要诗人和主要流派,选取其中六、七 位诗人的诗歌进行解读,旨在学生对美国文学有一定了解的基础上,加深对诗歌这 重要文学体裁的理解和体会,能够学会赏析具有一定难度的美国现代诗歌,提升英语 文学素养。 Selected Readings of 20h-century American Poetry is an optional course for students of the English majors,aiming to provide the general knowledge of 20-century American Poetry. This course introduces major American poets and schools,and six to seven important poets/poetesses may be selected with their poems,aiming at deepening the understanding of American poetry,and preliminarily leaming how to analyze American modem poetry thus enhancing the poetic literacy both in American and Chinese Poetry. 三、课程性质与教学目的

1 《二十世纪美国诗歌选读》课程教学大纲 The Course Syllabus of a Course of Selected Reading of 20th -century American Poetry 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:18090111 Course code: 18090111 课程名称:二十世纪美国诗歌选读 Course name: Selected Readings of 20th -centuryAmerican Poetry 课程类别:专业选修课 Course type: Optional Course for English Majors 学时:16 Periods: 16 学分:1 Credits: 1 适用对象:英语专业学生 Target students: English Majors 考核方式:考查 Assessment: Examination/Paper 先修课程:综合英语 I-III, 英国文学 Preparatory courses: Comprehensive English I-III 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) “二十世纪美国诗歌选读”围绕美国二十世纪主要诗人和主要流派,选取其中六、七 位诗人的诗歌进行解读,旨在学生对美国文学有一定了解的基础上,加深对诗歌这一 重要文学体裁的理解和体会,能够学会赏析具有一定难度的美国现代诗歌,提升英语 文学素养。 Selected Readings of 20th -century American Poetry is an optional course for students of the English majors, aiming to provide the general knowledge of 20th -century American Poetry. This course introduces major American poets and schools, and six to seven important poets/poetesses may be selected with their poems, aiming at deepening the understanding of American poetry, and preliminarily learning how to analyze American modern poetry, thus enhancing the poetic literacy both in American and Chinese Poetry. 三、课程性质与教学目的

本课程台在通过16课时的阅读、讲授及讨论,使学生对二十世纪美国诗歌的类型 主题和表现方法具有初步的了解,对于上世纪美国诗歌的名家和名篇具有一定认识 结合中国现当代诗歌,通过中美诗歌的对比,探索诗歌文学的精华部分加深对美国文 化的理解,培养对美因文化的洞察力和批判力,增强对中国文化的自信力。 四、教学内容与要求 Lecture One An Introduction to 20th-century American Poetry (一)目的与要求 1.To know about the panorama of 20th-century American Poetry 2.To know about ideological background of 20-century American Poetry 3.To know about the features of 20th-century American Poetry (二)教学内容 Modemist poetry Π. Realistic poetry . Women poets Black poetry The Beat Generation (三)思考与实践 Make a comparison between American poetry and Chinese new poetry in 20h-century (引导学生思考20世纪历史中美国和中国发生的重大历史事件以及诗歌如 高h支 个时代的思满和行动。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Two Ezra Pound (一)目的与要求 1.To know about the major works of Ezra Pound 2.To know about the poetic thoughts of Ezra Pound 3.To understand Ezra Pound's poems (二)教学内容 I.An Introduction to Ezra Pound

2 本课程旨在通过 16 课时的阅读、讲授及讨论,使学生对二十世纪美国诗歌的类型、 主题和表现方法具有初步的了解,对于上世纪美国诗歌的名家和名篇具有一定认识, 结合中国现当代诗歌,通过中美诗歌的对比,探索诗歌文学的精华部分加深对美国文 化的理解,培养对美国文化的洞察力和批判力,增强对中国文化的自信力。 四、教学内容与要求 Lecture One An Introduction to 20th -century American Poetry (一)目的与要求 1. To know about the panorama of 20th -century American Poetry 2. To know about ideological background of 20th -century American Poetry 3. To know about the features of 20th -century American Poetry (二)教学内容 I. Modernist poetry II. Realistic poetry III. Women poets IV. Black poetry V. The Beat Generation (三)思考与实践 Make a comparison between American poetry and Chinese new poetry in 20th -century. (引导学生思考 20 世纪历史中美国和中国发生的重大历史事件, 以及诗歌如 何反映这一个时代的思潮和行动。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Two Ezra Pound (一)目的与要求 1. To know about the major works of Ezra Pound 2. To know about the poetic thoughts of Ezra Pound 3. To understand Ezra Pound’s poems (二)教学内容 I. An Introduction to Ezra Pound

II.major works by Ezra Pound III.Ezra pound's Imagist movement IV.An Analysis of"Ina Station of the Metro"and "Canto XLIX" (三)思考与实践 Find out the Chinese elemens in"Canto 引导学生理解《七湖诗章》诗人对中国吉诗刺 用。呈现一幅宁静的大自熟 的画卷,宿纯人与白然和售相外生在的理念, (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Three Wallace Stevens (一)目的与要求 1.To have a general knowledge of major works of Wallace Stevens 2.To know about the poetic thoughts of Wallace Sevens 3.To understand Stevens'poems (二)教学内容 I An introd uction to Wallace Stevens Major works of Wallace Stevens I The poetic idea of Wallace Stevens-"supreme fiction" IV. An analysis ofThe Idea ofOrder at Key West" (三)思考与实践 Review on"Anecdotes of the Jar" 引导学生思考艺术和自然之间的关系。自然原是一片荒芜,却在艺术影响之 现一种肤序感。 艺术在自然面前拥 绝对却无生命的权威。诗歌需要在现 士活中例点一种有意义的快序和植式 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Four William Carlos Williams (一)目的与要求 1.To know about the major works of William Carlos Williams 2.To understand the poetic thoughts of William Carlos Williams 3.To understand the poems of William Carlos Williams (二)教学内容

3 II. major works by Ezra Pound III. Ezra pound’s Imagist movement IV. An Analysis of “In a Station of the Metro” and “Canto XLIX” (三)思考与实践 Find out the Chinese elemens in “Canto XLIX”. (引导学生理解《七湖诗章》诗人对中国古诗的运用,呈现一幅宁静的大自然 的画卷,渲染人与自然和谐相处共存的理念。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Three Wallace Stevens (一)目的与要求 1. To have a general knowledge of major works of Wallace Stevens 2. To know about the poetic thoughts of Wallace Sevens 3. To understand Stevens’poems (二)教学内容 I. An introduction to Wallace Stevens II. Major works of Wallace Stevens III. The poetic idea of Wallace Stevens—“supreme fiction” IV. An analysis of “The Idea of Order at Key West” (三)思考与实践 Review on “Anecdotes of the Jar”. (引导学生思考艺术和自然之间的关系。自然原是一片荒芜,却在艺术影响之下 呈现一种秩序感。艺术在自然面前拥有绝对却无生命的权威。诗歌需要在现实 生活中创造一种有意义的秩序和模式。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Four William Carlos Williams (一)目的与要求 1. To know about the major works of William Carlos Williams 2. To understand the poetic thoughts of William Carlos Williams 3. To understand the poems of William Carlos Williams (二)教学内容

An introduction to William Carlos Williams Major works by William Carlos Williams Ⅱ William Carlos Williams's poetic idea"No ideas but in things" IV. An analysis of"The Red Wheel Barrow"and"Landscape with the Fall of Icarus" (三)思考与实践 Compare Bruegel's painting with William Carlos Williams's poen Landscape with the Fall of Icarus 引导学生思考绘西与诗歌中村风最的呈现异同,衣现作者的艺术观, 达诗人对死亡和不被承认的婉借之情 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Five Elizabeth Bishop (一)目的与要求 1.To know about Elizabeth Bishop's major works 2.To know about the poetic ideas of Elizabeth Bishop 3.To understand her major poems (二)教学内容 An introduction to Elizabeth Bishop . Major works by Elizabeth Bishop Π Elizabeth Bishop's“defamiliarization” IV. An Analysis of"Sestina" (三)思考与实践 Read the poem"Fish"find the theme of this poem 此时褐示诗人关于生住问题的观点:人生与鱼的 样,充满坎坷险 是我们强 该和鱼一样不屈不挠,与金运抗争 (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Six Adrienne Rich (一)目的与要求

4 I. An introduction to William Carlos Williams II. Major works by William Carlos Williams III. William Carlos Williams’s poetic idea “No ideas but in things” IV. An analysis of “The Red Wheel Barrow” and “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” (三)思考与实践 Compare Bruegel’s painting with William Carlos Williams’s poem “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” (引导学生思考绘画与诗歌中对风景的呈现异同,表现作者的艺术观,表 达诗人对死亡和不被承认的惋惜之情。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Five Elizabeth Bishop (一)目的与要求 1. To know about Elizabeth Bishop’s major works 2. To know about the poetic ideas of Elizabeth Bishop 3. To understand her major poems (二)教学内容 I. An introduction to Elizabeth Bishop II. Major works by Elizabeth Bishop III. Elizabeth Bishop’s “defamiliarization” IV. An Analysis of “Sestina” (三)思考与实践 Read the poem “Fish”, find the theme of this poem. (此时揭示了诗人关于生存问题的观点:人生与鱼的一生一样,充满坎坷险 阻,但是我们应该和鱼一样不屈不挠,与命运抗争。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Six Adrienne Rich (一)目的与要求

1.To know about the general knowledge of the major works of Adrienne Rich 2.To know about the poetic thoughts of Adrienne Rich 3.To know about her poems (二)教学内容 I.An introduction to Adrienne Rich II.Major works by Adrienne Rich III.Poetic thoughts of Adrienne Rich IV.An Analysis of"Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" (三)思考与实践 ReadDiving into the Wreck".and analyze the theme of this poem. (该诗体现了诗人坚定信奉诗歌改变生活乃至带来社会变革的功用,代表 0世纪六七十年代女性主义者发觉没的妇女史,女性文学史的积极行动 和芝术作理念。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Seven Gary Snyder (一)目的与要求 1.To know about major works of Gary Snyder 2.To know about the poetic ideas of Gary Snyder 3.To understand Gary Snyder's poems (二)教学内容 An introduction to Gary Snyder Major works of Gary Snyder Gary Snyder's ecological poetic The influence of chinese cultu on Gary Snyder An analysis of"Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout' (三)思考与实践 Read the poem"Pine Tree Tops".and analyze the images in this poem. 这首诗是诗人对人类状况的思索。诗人追求人类和自然的统一,关心文明进圆 造成的生态不平衡的问题。他把美围本上历史和厂交的自然以及东方哲学思 尤其是中固的神家思想雄合在一起,表达了对人和自然要和相处的思想 (四)教学方法与手段 5

5 1. To know about the general knowledge of the major works of Adrienne Rich 2. To know about the poetic thoughts of Adrienne Rich 3. To know about her poems (二)教学内容 I. An introduction to Adrienne Rich II. Major works by Adrienne Rich III. Poetic thoughts of Adrienne Rich IV.An Analysis of “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” (三)思考与实践 Read “Diving into the Wreck”, and analyze the theme of this poem. (该诗体现了诗人坚定信奉诗歌改变生活乃至带来社会变革的功用, 代表了 20 世纪六七十年代女性主义者发觉湮没的妇女史,女性文学史的积极行动倡议 和艺术创作理念。) (四)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Seven Gary Snyder (一)目的与要求 1. To know about major works of Gary Snyder 2. To know about the poetic ideas of Gary Snyder 3. To understand Gary Snyder’s poems (二)教学内容 I. An introduction to Gary Snyder II. Major works of Gary Snyder III. Gary Snyder’s ecological poetics IV. The influence of Chinese culture on Gary Snyder V. An analysis of “Mid-August at Sourdough Mountain Lookout” (三)思考与实践 Read the poem “Pine Tree Tops”, and analyze the images in this poem. (这首诗是诗人对人类状况的思索。诗人追求人类和自然的统一,关心文明进步 造成的生态不平衡的问题。他把美国本土历史和广袤的自然以及东方哲学思想, 尤其是中国的禅宗思想融合在一起,表达了对人和自然要和谐相处的思想。) (四)教学方法与手段

课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Eight Sylvia Plath (一)目的与要求 1.To know about the major works Sylvia Plath 2.To know about the poetic thoughts of Plath 3.To understand her poems (二)教学内容 An introduction to Sylvia Plath Major works of Sylvia Plath I Her poetic features IV. A reading of her poem"Words" (三)思考与实践 Read the poem"Lady Lazarus",and find the theme of the poem 这首诗反映了诗人对女性自我意识和个性化声音的理解,体现出诗人对女性 重社会角色的深刻理解。 (三)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 五、各教学环节学时分配 教学环节 习 讨 小 教学时数 其他教 学环节 课程内容 课 Lecture one An Introduction to 20th-century American Poetry Lecture two Ezra Pound Lecture three Wallace Stevens 1 Lecture four William Carlos Williams Lecture five elizabeth bishop Lecture six Adrienne Rich cture seven Gary Snyder

6 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 Lecture Eight Sylvia Plath (一)目的与要求 1. To know about the major works Sylvia Plath 2. To know about the poetic thoughts of Plath 3. To understand her poems (二)教学内容 I. An introduction to Sylvia Plath II. Major works of Sylvia Plath III. Her poetic features IV. A reading of her poem “Words” (三)思考与实践 Read the poem “Lady Lazarus”, and find the theme of the poem. (这首诗反映了诗人对女性自我意识和个性化声音的理解,体现出诗人对女性多 重社会角色的深刻理解。) (三)教学方法与手段 课堂讲授、讨论与多媒体教学 五、各教学环节学时分配 教学环节 教学时数 课程内容 讲 课 习 题 课 讨 论 课 其他教 学环节 小 计 Lecture one An Introduction to 20th -century American Poetry 2 2 Lecture two Ezra Pound 2 2 Lecture three Wallace Stevens 1 1 2 Lecture four William Carlos Williams 1 1 2 Lecture five Elizabeth Bishop 2 2 Lecture six Adrienne Rich 1 1 2 Lecture seven Gary Snyder 2 2

Lecture eight Sylvia Plath 合计 13 16 六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 考查(小论文或者大作业 (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比:50% 期末考试占比:50%* (三)成绩考核标准 1)平时成绩考核 1.出勤情况 2.平时作业 3,误觉表现:重点者核涉及思政内容的课堂讨论 2)期末成绩考核: 按照要求完成论文写作或者大作业。 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 (一)推荐教材 陶洁等,美国诗歌选读,北京:北京大学出版社,2008 (二)教学参考资源 1.罗良功.英诗概论.武汉:武汉大学出版社,2002 2.黄宗英编著.英美诗歌名篇选读.北京:高等教育出版社,2014 3.Kennedy,X.and Gioia,An Introduction to Poetry,11th ed.,New York:Pearson, 2003 4.Nelson,H.Nicolas.The Pleasure of Poetry:Reading and Enjoying British Poetry from Donne to Burns.Beijing:Press of Chinese People's University,2009. 5.http://www.poetry.org/ 6.http://www.poetryfoundation.or/ 7.http://www.sparknotes.com/ 8.http://www.bartlebv.com/ 八、其它说明 授课老师可以根据各章节有侧重点进行授课,可根据实际情况调整授课学 时分 大纲修订人:沈洁 修订日期:20232 大纲审定人:洪文慧 审定日期:2023.2

7 Lecture eight Sylvia Plath 2 2 合计 13 3 16 六、课程考核 (一)考核方式 考查(小论文或者大作业) (二)成绩构成 平时成绩占比:50% 期末考试占比:50% * (三)成绩考核标准 1)平时成绩考核: 1.出勤情况 2.平时作业 3.课堂表现:重点考核涉及思政内容的课堂讨论 2)期末成绩考核: 按照要求完成论文写作或者大作业。 七、推荐教材和教学参考资源 (一)推荐教材 陶洁等,美国诗歌选读,北京:北京大学出版社, 2008. (二)教学参考资源 1. 罗良功. 英诗概论. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2002. 2. 黄宗英编著. 英美诗歌名篇选读. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2014 3. Kennedy, X. and Gioia, An Introduction to Poetry, 11th ed., New York: Pearson, 2003.. 4. Nelson, H. Nicolas. The Pleasure of Poetry: Reading and Enjoying British Poetry from Donne to Burns. Beijing: Press of Chinese People’s University, 2009. 5. http://www.poetry.org/ 6. http://www.poetryfoundation.org/ 7. http://www.sparknotes.com/ 8. http://www.bartleby.com/ 八、其它说明 授课老师可以根据各章节有侧重点进行授课,可根据实际情况调整授课学 时分配。 大纲修订人: 沈 洁 修订日期:2023.2 大纲审定人: 洪文慧 审定日期:2023.2



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