《西方文明史》(英)课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码: 18090072 Course Code:18090072 课程名称:《西方文明史》(英) Course Name:History of Western Civilization (English) 课程类别:学科基础课 时:32 Period:32 学分:2 Credit 2 适用对象:英语专业 Undergraduates Majoring in English Assessment:Examination 先修课程:综合英语Ⅱ、英语泛读Ⅱ、英语写作Ⅱ等。 Preparatory Course:An Integrated English Course I-II,Extensive Reading I-II,English Writing I-II,etc. 二、课程简介(BriefCourse Introduction) 《西方文明史》课程针对英语专业二年级学生第一学期开设,旨在全面提高学生 对西方文明史的了解,拓宽学生的历史视野,拓展学生的思维空间,帮助学生进一步 理解西方文明史的发展脉络,增加学生对西方文明史上重要时期的了解。课程计划完 成《西方 明史》 第五版 精编普及版 每 内容以历史简介 细读、问 题分析、论题讨论为主,强调对历史脉络的理解以及对文本内容的欣赏。学生需完成 课前预习,参与课堂讨论与展示,并完成布置的阅读任务。 在“课程思政”的理念背景下,将《习近平谈治国理政》中的思政内容融于具体 教学,帮助学生在学习西方文明史过程中提高制度自信、理论自信和道路自信。在探 时西 文明与中国文明的辩证关系的同时,潜移化地培养其思辨能力、人文素养和 道德情操。 The course "History of Western Civilization"is designed for second year English Majors.It aims to improve students'understanding of the history of Western civilization, broaden their historical vision,expand their thinkin g space,help them further understand the development context of Westem civilization history and increase their understanding of important periods in the history of western civilization.The course plans to complete the History of Western Civilization (Fifth Edition)(intensive edition and popular edition).Each chapter focuses on history introduction,text close reading.problem analysis and topic
1 《西方文明史》(英)课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information) 课程代码:18090072 Course Code: 18090072 课程名称:《西方文明史》(英) Course Name: History of Western Civilization (English) 课程类别: 学科基础课 Course Type: Subject Basic Course 学 时: 32 Period: 32 学 分: 2 Credit: 2 适用对象: 英语专业 Target Students: Undergraduates Majoring in English 考核方式:考查 Assessment: Examination 先修课程: 综合英语 I-II、英语泛读 I- II、英语写作 I-II 等。 Preparatory Course: An Integrated English Course I-II, Extensive Reading I-II, English Writing I-II, etc. 二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction) 《西方文明史》课程针对英语专业二年级学生第一学期开设,旨在全面提高学生 对西方文明史的了解,拓宽学生的历史视野,拓展学生的思维空间,帮助学生进一步 理解西方文明史的发展脉络,增加学生对西方文明史上重要时期的了解。课程计划完 成《西方文明史》(第五版)(精编普及版),每章内容以历史简介、文本细读、问 题分析、论题讨论为主,强调对历史脉络的理解以及对文本内容的欣赏。学生需完成 课前预习,参与课堂讨论与展示,并完成布置的阅读任务。 在“课程思政”的理念背景下,将《习近平谈治国理政》中的思政内容融于具体 教学,帮助学生在学习西方文明史过程中提高制度自信、理论自信和道路自信。在探 讨西方文明与中国文明的辩证关系的同时,潜移默化地培养其思辨能力、人文素养和 道德情操。 The course “History of Western Civilization” is designed for second year English Majors. It aims to improve students’ understanding of the history of Western civilization, broaden their historical vision, expand their thinking space, help them further understand the development context of Western civilization history and increase their understanding of important periods in the history of western civilization. The course plans to complete the History of Western Civilization (Fifth Edition) (intensive edition and popular edition). Each chapter focuses on history introduction, text close reading, problem analysis and topic
discussion,emphasizing the understanding of historical context and appreciation of text content.Students need to finish the preview before class,participate in class discussion and display.and complete the assigned reading task Underthe ba has integrated the ideological and political content in Xi Jinping's The Governanceof China III into concrete teaching,so as to help students improve their confidence in system,theory and path in the process of studying the history of Western civilization. While discussing the dialectical relationship between Western civilization and Chinese civilization,the co rse also aims at imperceptibly cultivating their critical ability humanistic quality and moral sentimen 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质 本课程属千低年级专业基础必修课,目标人群为英语专业大一学生 教学目的 在英语专业与英语专业转型发展和“课程思政”的理念背景下,《西方文明史》 课程在教兰 设计上重视语言类课程的“隐性育人功能”, 针对性选取相关教学主 题及材料展开涉及价值观、道德修养等话题的思考与探讨,在训练学生综合运用语言 能力,培养学生宏观历史观的同时,培养其思辨能力、人文素养和道德情操。 课程主要教学目的如下: (一)培养学生正确的价值取向 (二)提高学生的思 梳理西方文明史脉络, 文素养和道特菜。 习西方文明史的主要发展时期 四)梳理并对比中西文明的发展脉络,拓宽学生的历史视野,拓展学生的思维 空间。 (五)认识西方文明中上的面要令 人物与事件 灵活运用于当代事件分析 (六)培养正确的历史观 正确认识中国文明与西方文明的辩证关系, (七)帮助学生掌握高年级课程中的相关内容及概念。 四、教学内容及要求 教学要求 《西方文明史》是为英语专业二年级学生第一学期所开设的一门专业基础必修课, 以全面提高学牛的语言综合运用能力和正确历中观为目标,若重对西方文明中脉终的 梳理以及拓宽学生的历史视野,使学生能认识西方文明史上的重要时期、概念、人物 与事件,并正确理解中国文明与西方文明的辩证关系。课程结束后,要求学生基本达 到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中所规定的要求,同时,体现“课程思政”的 理念优势,能做到: )理解并践行有特色的社会主义的制度自信、理论自信和道路自信: (二)养成正确的价值观与道德观,具有较高的思辨能力与人物素养:
2 discussion, emphasizing the understanding of historical context and appreciation of text content. Students need to finish the preview before class, participate in class discussion and display, and complete the assigned reading task. Under the background of “ideological and political courses”, “Western Civilization” has integrated the ideological and political content in Xi Jinping’s The Governance of China III into concrete teaching, so as to help students improve their confidence in system, theory and path in the process of studying the history of Western civilization. While discussing the dialectical relationship between Western civilization and Chinese civilization, the course also aims at imperceptibly cultivating their critical ability, humanistic quality and moral sentiment. 三、课程性质与教学目的 课程性质 本课程属于低年级专业基础必修课,目标人群为英语专业大二学生。 教学目的 在英语专业与英语专业转型发展和“课程思政”的理念背景下,《西方文明史》 课程在教学内容设计上重视语言类课程的“隐性育人功能”,针对性选取相关教学主 题及材料展开涉及价值观、道德修养等话题的思考与探讨,在训练学生综合运用语言 能力,培养学生宏观历史观的同时,培养其思辨能力、人文素养和道德情操。 课程主要教学目的如下: (一)培养学生正确的价值取向。 (二)提高学生的思辨能力、人文素养和道德情操。 (三)梳理西方文明史脉络,学习西方文明史的主要发展时期。 (四)梳理并对比中西文明的发展脉络,拓宽学生的历史视野,拓展学生的思维 空间。 (五)认识西方文明史上的重要概念、人物与事件,灵活运用于当代事件分析。 (六)培养正确的历史观,正确认识中国文明与西方文明的辩证关系。 (七)帮助学生掌握高年级课程中的相关内容及概念。 四、教学内容及要求 教学要求 《西方文明史》是为英语专业二年级学生第一学期所开设的一门专业基础必修课, 以全面提高学生的语言综合运用能力和正确历史观为目标,着重对西方文明史脉络的 梳理以及拓宽学生的历史视野,使学生能认识西方文明史上的重要时期、概念、人物 与事件,并正确理解中国文明与西方文明的辩证关系。课程结束后,要求学生基本达 到《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中所规定的要求,同时,体现“课程思政”的 理念优势,能做到: (一)理解并践行有特色的社会主义的制度自信、理论自信和道路自信; (二)养成正确的价值观与道德观,具有较高的思辨能力与人物素养;
(三)初步理解和掌握西方文明史脉络: (四)了解西方文明史主要发展时期及每个时期的重要历史、政治、哲学、文学、 艺术、科学等方面的概念、人物与事件: (五)坛用茧语语言能力分析并老大重要思相家、文学家成艺术家的作品 (大)对比现照中华文明的缘起与发展,获得更开阔的历史视野与思维空间 (七)思考中西文明的发展脉络与趋势,弘扬中华文化独特的价值与世界观、价 值观,培养正确的历史观。 教学内容 本课程选用的教材为马克·凯什岚斯基,帕特里克·吉尔里,帕特里夏·奥布菜 恩主编的《西方文明史》(第五版)(精编普及版),试图从世界文明彼此联系互动 的视角,全方位地展示西方文明反复曲折的发展历程。全书共十五章,覆盖从美素不 达美亚古文明至第二次世界大战前后的历史 具体教学内容如下: CHAPTER ITHE FIRST CIVILIZATIONS (一)目的与要找 了解人类文明的起 大致了解美索不达美亚诸文明及尼罗河流域文明的起源与发展 3了解亚述帝国及新巴比伦密国文明的发展: 4.对比观照中华文明的缘起与初期发展。 (二)教学内容 INTRODUCTION L BEFORECIVILIZATION 11 The Dor ninance of Culture 1.2S0 cial Organization,Agriculture,and Religion 2.MESOPOTAMIA 2 1 The Ramparts ofUruk 22 Tools:Technology and Writing 2.3 Gods and Mortals in Mesopota 2.4 Hammurabi and the( Old B abylonian Empire 3.THE GIFT OF THE NILE 3.1 Tending the Cattle of God 3 2 Democratization of the afterlife 4 BETWEEN TWO WORLDS 4.1 The Hebrew Altemativ 4.2 A King Like All the Nations 4.3 Exile
3 (三)初步理解和掌握西方文明史脉络; (四)了解西方文明史主要发展时期及每个时期的重要历史、政治、哲学、文学、 艺术、科学等方面的概念、人物与事件; (五)运用英语语言能力分析并表达重要思想家、文学家或艺术家的作品; (六)对比观照中华文明的缘起与发展,获得更开阔的历史视野与思维空间; (七)思考中西文明的发展脉络与趋势,弘扬中华文化独特的价值与世界观、价 值观,培养正确的历史观。 教学内容 本课程选用的教材为马克·凯什岚斯基,帕特里克·吉尔里,帕特里夏·奥布莱 恩主编的《西方文明史》(第五版)(精编普及版),试图从世界文明彼此联系互动 的视角,全方位地展示西方文明反复曲折的发展历程。全书共十五章,覆盖从美索不 达美亚古文明至第二次世界大战前后的历史。 具体教学内容如下: CHAPTER 1 THE FIRST CIVILIZATIONS (一)目的与要求 1. 了解人类文明的起源; 2. 大致了解美索不达美亚诸文明及尼罗河流域文明的起源与发展; 3. 了解亚述帝国及新巴比伦帝国文明的发展; 4. 对比观照中华文明的缘起与初期发展。 (二)教学内容 INTRODUCTION 1. BEFORE CIVILIZATION 1.1 The Dominance of Culture 1.2 Social Organization, Agriculture, and Religion 2. MESOPOTAMIA 2.1 The Ramparts of Uruk 2.2 Tools: Technology and Writing 2.3 Gods and Mortals in Mesopotamia 2.4 Hammurabi and the Old Babylonian Empire 3. THE GIFT OF THE NILE 3.1 Tending the Cattle of God 3.2 Democratization of the Afterlife 4. BETWEEN TWO WORLDS 4.1 The Hebrew Alternative 4.2 A King Like All the Nations 4.3 Exile
5.NINEVEHAND BABYLON 5.1 The Assyrian Empire 5.2 The New Babylonian Empire CONCLUSION 2.基本概念和知识点 1)the Mesopotamian Civilizations: 2)civilizations along the Nile: 3)civilizations between the Tigris and the Euphrates; 4)the babylonian civilization 3问题与应用 1)Q&A:How did urbanization,the invention of writing,and political centralization first develop in the resource-poor area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? 2)Mini-Presentation:Prepare a brief oral presentation(in English)on one historical event of the New Babylonian Empire. (三)思考与实践 2.How did the differing geographic conditions of Mesopotamia and Egypt shape the development of civilization in each? 3.What political.religious.and military innovations made the assyrian empire more vast and powerful than any previously seen? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 2THE GREEK PERIOD (一)目的与要求: 1.了解古希腊文明的起源与发展 2 学习古希腊神话体系及其与古希腊文明的关系: 3.理解古希腊哲学先贤的思想及其对后世的影响: 4.细读《伊利亚德》与《奥德赛》的部分段落: 5.研习中国古代神话故事,对比中希神话的要点与理念: 6.比较古希腊哲学家与中国哲学先贤的哲学理念。 )教学 内容 1.主要内 INTRODUCTION L gREECEITHE BRONZEAGE TO 700 BCE 11 Island of Pe 1.2 Mainland of Wa 1.3 The Dark Age 2.ANCHAIC GREECE,700-500 B.C.E. 2 1 Ethnos and Polis 2.2 Technology of Writing
4 5. NINEVEH AND BABYLON 5.1 The Assyrian Empire 5.2 The New Babylonian Empire CONCLUSION 2. 基本概念和知识点 1) the Mesopotamian Civilizations; 2) civilizations along the Nile; 3) civilizations between the Tigris and the Euphrates; 4) the Babylonian Civilization. 3. 问题与应用 1) Q & A: How did urbanization, the invention of writing, and political centralization first develop in the resource-poor area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? 2) Mini-Presentation: Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on one historical event of the New Babylonian Empire. (三)思考与实践 2. How did the differing geographic conditions of Mesopotamia and Egypt shape the development of civilization in each? 3. What political, religious, and military innovations made the Assyrian Empire more vast and powerful than any previously seen? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 2 THE GREEK PERIOD (一)目的与要求: 1. 了解古希腊文明的起源与发展; 2. 学习古希腊神话体系及其与古希腊文明的关系; 3. 理解古希腊哲学先贤的思想及其对后世的影响; 4. 细读《伊利亚德》与《奥德赛》的部分段落; 5. 研习中国古代神话故事,对比中希神话的要点与理念; 6. 比较古希腊哲学家与中国哲学先贤的哲学理念。 (二)教学内容 1. 主要内容 INTRODUCTION 1. GREECE IN THE BRONZE AGE TO 700 B.C.E. 1.1 Island of Peace 1.2 Mainland of War 1.3 The Dark Age 2. ANCHAIC GREECE, 700-500 B.C.E. 2.1 Ethnos and Polis 2.2 Technology of Writing
2.3 Gods and Mortals 2 4 Myth and reason 2.5 Art and the Individual 2.6De 3. LENISTIC GREECE,500-100 B.C.E Alexander at Issus 4.ATHENIAN CULTURE IN THE HELLENICAGE 4 1 The Examined Life 4.2 Understanding the Past 4.3 Atheniar 4.4 Philosophy and the Polis 4.5 The Rise of Macedon 4.6 The Empire of Alexander the Great r an Emp 5.1 Urban Life and Culture 5.2 Alexandria 5 3 architecture and art 54 Hellenistic Philosophy 5 5 Mathe natics and Sc cience 1)ethnos and polis,and Greek democracy; 2)Greek mythology: 3)the lliad and the 4)Plat Odyssey. and 1)Q&A:Finish reading Chapter VII of The Republic by Plato,and retell the main ideas of the dialogue. 2)Mini-Presentation:Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English)on the golden apple,or Ach 思老与实 r the Trojan horse 1.What social and geographic factors shaped Greek culture in the age of the lliad and the Odussev? 2.What do the gods,myths,and art of the Greek p people reveal about their lives? 3.How did the Spart n,and Athenian cultures differ,and why did these city states evolve in such different directions? 4.Why did Athens become Greece's greatest power in the wake of the Persian wars? 5.What social concerns and cultural accomplishments were expressed in Greek philosophy drama.and art? 5
5 2.3 Gods and Mortals 2.4 Myth and Reason 2.5 Art and the Individual 2.6 Democratic Athens 3. CLASSICAL AND HELLENISTIC GREECE, 500-100 B.C.E. Alexander at Issus 4. ATHENIAN CULTURE IN THE HELLENIC AGE 4.1 The Examined Life 4.2 Understanding the Past 4.3 Athenian Drama 4.4 Philosophy and the Polis 4.5 The Rise of Macedon 4.6 The Empire of Alexander the Great 4.7 Binding Together an Empire 5. THE HELLENISTIC WORLD 5.1 Urban Life and Culture 5.2 Alexandria 5.3 Architecture and Art 5.4 Hellenistic Philosophy 5.5 Mathematics and Science CONCLUSION 2. 基本概念和知识点: 1) ethnos and polis, and Greek democracy; 2) Greek mythology; 3) the Iliad and the Odyssey; 4) Plato and the Republic. 3. 问题与应用(能力要求): 1) Q & A: Finish reading Chapter VII of The Republic by Plato, and retell the main ideas of the dialogue. 2) Mini-Presentation: Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on the golden apple, or Achilles’ heel, or the Trojan horse. (三)思考与实践 1. What social and geographic factors shaped Greek culture in the age of the Iliad and the Odyssey? 2. What do the gods, myths, and art of the Greek people reveal about their lives? 3. How did the Corinthian, Spartan, and Athenian cultures differ, and why did these citystates evolve in such different directions? 4. Why did Athens become Greece’s greatest power in the wake of the Persian wars? 5. What social concerns and cultural accomplishments were expressed in Greek philosophy, drama, and art?
(四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 3THE ROMAN PERIOD (一)目的与要求 1.大致梳理古罗马文明的发展脉络: 2.理解罗马王国、罗马共和国、罗马帝国的政治制度与习俗: 3.分析罗马神话与希腊神话的异同: 4分析罗马神话、希腊神话与中国古代神话的要素 5.对比古罗马与秦朝、汉朝的政治制度。 (二)教学内容 第一节诗歌的基本特征 1.主要内容: INTRODUCTION THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEANTO 509 B.C.E 1.I Carthage:The Merchants of Baal 1.2 Italy's First Civilization 2 FROMCITY TO EMPIRE 509-146 BC E 2.1 Latin Ro me 22 Etruscan Rome 2.3 Roma and Italy 3.REPUBLICAN CIVILIZATION 3.1 Farmers and Soldiers 32 Roman Religion 3.3 Re epublic can Letters 4. IMPERIAL ROME,146 B.C.E.-192 C.E. The altar of augustan peace 5 THE PRICEOF EMPIRE 146-121 BCE and loser 6.THE END OF THE REPUBLIC 7.THE AUGUSTANAGEAND THE PAX ROMANA 8 RELIgions FROMTHE EAST The Origins of Christianity CONCLUSION 2基本概念和知识点 1)Romulus and Remus,and the establishment of Rome 2)the plebeian and the patricians; 3)SPQR; 4)Julius Caesar and Augustine 5)Pax Romana 6
6 (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 3 THE ROMAN PERIOD (一)目的与要求 1. 大致梳理古罗马文明的发展脉络; 2. 理解罗马王国、罗马共和国、罗马帝国的政治制度与习俗; 3. 分析罗马神话与希腊神话的异同; 4. 分析罗马神话、希腊神话与中国古代神话的要素; 5. 对比古罗马与秦朝、汉朝的政治制度。 (二)教学内容 第一节 诗歌的基本特征 1. 主要内容: INTRODUCTION 1. THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN TO 509 B.C.E. 1.1 Carthage: The Merchants of Baal 1.2 Italy’s First Civilization 2. FROM CITY TO EMPIRE, 509-146 B.C.E. 2.1 Latin Rome 2.2 Etruscan Rome 2.3 Roma and Italy 3. REPUBLICAN CIVILIZATION 3.1 Farmers and Soldiers 3.2 Roman Religion 3.3 Republican Letters 4. IMPERIAL ROME, 146 B.C.E.-192 C.E. The Altar of Augustan Peace 5. THE PRICE OF EMPIRE, 146-121 B.C.E. Winners and Losers 6. THE END OF THE REPUBLIC 7. THE AUGUSTAN AGE AND THE PAX ROMANA 8. RELIGIONS FROM THE EAST The Origins of Christianity CONCLUSION 2.基本概念和知识点 1) Romulus and Remus, and the establishment of Rome; 2) the plebeian and the patricians; 3) SPQR; 4) Julius Caesar and Augustine; 5) Pax Romana
3.问题与应用 1)O&A: Why would Augustus refrain from claiming absolutist authority right after his victory? ◆What were some of the distinc etween Greek diplom cy and Roman republic Do you know the names of the 12 Roman gods and goddess corresponding to the 12 Olvmpians? Were there any other kinds of gods in Ancient Rome?What are they? 2)Mini-Presentation: ◆ repare a brief oral presentation(in English)onsome of the distinctions between Greek racy an nd Roman republic Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English)on some of the distinctions between "mythology"and "religion (三)思老与实践 1.Why might the Greeks have been surprised by certain characteristics of Carthaginian and Etruscan society? 2.What social,political,and military practices made possible the expansion of Rome from a collection of villages into a power that ultimately destroyed Carthage in the Punic Wars? 3.How were rifts in Roman society widened by Rome's expansion into an empire? 4.How was religious reform an important part of Augustus's efforts to restore stability to Roman society? 5.How did Paul of Tarsus transform the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth from an outgrowth of Judaism into a separate spiritual tradition (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段 CHAPTER 4 THE TRANSFORMATION OFTHE CLASSICAL WORLD,192- 500 (一)目的与要求 1了解古罗巴对基督教从拍害到接哥的时程 2,大致理解罗马帝国从兴盛到衰落的过程: 了解古罗马文明对西方文明的影响 4.弘扬马克思主义辩证唯物主义以及社会主义核心价值观。 (二)教学内容 第一节小说的基本特征 1.主要内容 INTRODUCTION 1.THE CRISIS OF THE THIRD CENTURY 11 Enrich the Army and Scomn the Rest 1.2 An Empire on the Defensive 1.3 The Barbarian Menace
7 3. 问题与应用 1) Q & A: ◆ Why would Augustus refrain from claiming absolutist authority right after his victory? ◆ What were some of the distinctions between Greek diplomacy and Roman republic? ◆ Do you know the names of the 12 Roman gods and goddess corresponding to the 12 Olympians? ◆ Were there any other kinds of gods in Ancient Rome? What are they? 2) Mini-Presentation: ◆ Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on some of the distinctions between Greek democracy and Roman republic. ◆ Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on some of the distinctions between “mythology” and “religion”. (三)思考与实践 1. Why might the Greeks have been surprised by certain characteristics of Carthaginian and Etruscan society? 2. What social, political, and military practices made possible the expansion of Rome from a collection of villages into a power that ultimately destroyed Carthage in the Punic Wars? 3. How were rifts in Roman society widened by Rome’s expansion into an empire? 4. How was religious reform an important part of Augustus’s efforts to restore stability to Roman society? 5. How did Paul of Tarsus transform the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth from an outgrowth of Judaism into a separate spiritual tradition? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 4 THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE CLASSICAL WORLD, 192- 500 (一)目的与要求 1. 了解古罗马对基督教从迫害到接受的过程; 2. 大致理解罗马帝国从兴盛到衰落的过程; 3. 了解古罗马文明对西方文明的影响; 4. 弘扬马克思主义辩证唯物主义以及社会主义核心价值观。 (二)教学内容 第一节 小说的基本特征 1. 主要内容 INTRODUCTION 1. THE CRISIS OF THE THIRD CENTURY 1.1 Enrich the Army and Scorn the Rest 1.2 An Empire on the Defensive 1.3 The Barbarian Menace
2.THE EMPIRE RESTORED 2.1 Diocletian,the God-Emperor 2.2 Constantine,the Emperor of God 2 3 The Triumnh of Ch 3.IMPERIAL CHRISTIANI 3.1 Divinity.Humanity.and Salvation 3.2 The Call of the Desert 33 Monastic Communities 3.4 The Barbarization of the Wes 3.5 The New Barbarian Ki ngdo 3.6 The Hellenization of the East CONCLUSION 2.基本概念和知识点 1)the triumph of Christianity 2) imperial Christianty 3)t ation of the east. 3.问题与应 1)Q&A:What were the main conflicts between Roman religion and Christianity? 2)Mini-Presentation:Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English)on the process of the Roman Emr (三)思考与实 acceptance of Christianity 1.How did increasing contact between Roman civilization and the Germanic barbarians transform both? 2.How did Constantine's adoption of Christianity and the movement of his capital to Byzantium contribute to the decline of the westem pire? 3.How did different views of the divinity of Christ and the means of salvation divide early Christians' 4.What was the attraction of monasticism.and why did it take so many different forms? 5.What were the differences in politics and culture in the eastern and western portions of the empire by the end of the fifth century C.e? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER5THE CLASSICALLEGACYIN THE EAST:BYZANTIUMAND ISLAM (一)目的与要求 大致了解拜占庭帝因的建立 发展与衰亡: 2.大致了解伊斯兰文明的起始与发展: 3.大致了解伊斯兰教的缘起与发展: 4,弘扬马克思主义辩证唯物主义以及社会主义核心价值观
8 2. THE EMPIRE RESTORED 2.1 Diocletian, the God-Emperor 2.2 Constantine, the Emperor of God 2.3 The Triumph of Christianity 3. IMPERIAL CHRISTIANITY 3.1 Divinity, Humanity, and Salvation 3.2 The Call of the Desert 3.3 Monastic Communities 3.4 The Barbarization of the West 3.5 The New Barbarian Kingdoms 3.6 The Hellenization of the East CONCLUSION 2. 基本概念和知识点 1) the triumph of Christianity; 2) imperial Christianity; 3) the Hellenization of the east; 3. 问题与应用 1) Q & A: What were the main conflicts between Roman religion and Christianity? 2) Mini-Presentation: Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on the process of the Roman Empire’s acceptance of Christianity. (三)思考与实践 1. How did increasing contact between Roman civilization and the Germanic barbarians transform both? 2. How did Constantine’s adoption of Christianity and the movement of his capital to Byzantium contribute to the decline of the western empire? 3. How did different views of the divinity of Christ and the means of salvation divide early Christians? 4. What was the attraction of monasticism, and why did it take so many different forms? 5. What were the differences in politics and culture in the eastern and western portions of the empire by the end of the fifth century C.E.? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 5 THE CLASSICAL LEGACY IN THE EAST: BYZANTIUM AND ISLAM (一)目的与要求 1. 大致了解拜占庭帝国的建立、发展与衰亡; 2. 大致了解伊斯兰文明的起始与发展; 3. 大致了解伊斯兰教的缘起与发展; 4. 弘扬马克思主义辩证唯物主义以及社会主义核心价值观
(二)教学内容 1.主要内容 INTRODUCTION 1.THE BYZANTINES tinian and the Creation of the Byzantine State 2.THE RISE OF ISLAM 2.1 Arabia Before the Prophet 2.2 The Triumph of Islam 2.3 The Spread of Islan 24 Authority and Govemment in Islam 2.5 Islamic Civilization 3.THE BYZANTINEAPOGEEAND DECLINE,1000-1453 3.1 The Disintegration of the Empire 3.2The Conquests of Constantinople and Baghdad CONCLUSION 2 基本概念和知识点 1)the Byzantium Civilization; 2)the Islamic Civilization. 3问题与应用 )Q&A:How did the Byzantium Er establish,develop and decline? 2)Mini-Presentation:Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English)on the impacts of the Byzantium Civilization on Western Civilization. (三)思考与实践 1.In what ways was Byzantine society characterized by individualism without freedom? 2.How and why did Muhammad both break from tribal and clan traditions and build upon them in creating Islam? 3.How did the rapid expansion of Byzantium under the Macedonian dynasty contribute to the empire's slow collapse? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 6 THE WEST IN THE MIDDLEAGES (一)目的与要求 1.了解欧洲中世纪的重大事件 2.理解并分析黑死病的起源、 传播及影响 理解并分析欧洲民族国家的建立: 4.理解并分析《大宪章》的起因、过程及作用 5.对比英国的封建君主制与北宋的封建帝制。 (二)教学内容 1.主要内容
9 (二)教学内容 1. 主要内容 INTRODUCTION 1. THE BYZANTINES Justinian and the Creation of the Byzantine State 2. THE RISE OF ISLAM 2.1 Arabia Before the Prophet 2.2 The Triumph of Islam 2.3 The Spread of Islam 2.4 Authority and Government in Islam 2.5 Islamic Civilization 3. THE BYZANTINE APOGEE AND DECLINE, 1000-1453 3.1 The Disintegration of the Empire 3.2 The Conquests of Constantinople and Baghdad CONCLUSION 2. 基本概念和知识点 1) the Byzantium Civilization; 2) the Islamic Civilization. 3. 问题与应用 1) Q & A: How did the Byzantium Empire establish, develop and decline? 2) Mini-Presentation: Prepare a brief oral presentation (in English) on the impacts of the Byzantium Civilization on Western Civilization. (三)思考与实践 1. In what ways was Byzantine society characterized by individualism without freedom? 2. How and why did Muhammad both break from tribal and clan traditions and build upon them in creating Islam? 3. How did the rapid expansion of Byzantium under the Macedonian dynasty contribute to the empire’s slow collapse? (四)教学方法与手段 采取课堂讲授、讨论与回答问题相结合的教学方法,使用多媒体、网络等教学手段。 CHAPTER 6 THE WEST IN THE MIDDLE AGES (一)目的与要求 1. 了解欧洲中世纪的重大事件; 2. 理解并分析黑死病的起源、传播及影响; 3. 理解并分析欧洲民族国家的建立; 4. 理解并分析《大宪章》的起因、过程及作用; 5. 对比英国的封建君主制与北宋的封建帝制。 (二)教学内容 1. 主要内容
INTRODUCTION 1.THE MAKING OF THE BARBARIAN KINGDOMS,500-750 2 1 Italy:From Ostrogoths to lombards Intolerance and destruction 23 The Anglo-Saxons:From Pagan Conquerors to Christian Missionaries 2.4 The Franks:An Enduring Legacy 2.5 Creating the European Aristocracy 2.THE CAROLINGIAN ARCHIEVEMENT The carolingian renaissance 3.AFTER THE CAROLINGIANS:FROMEMPIRE TO LORDSHIPS of the Empire 4.THE HIGH MIDDLEAGES 4.1 The Church:Saints and Monks 4 2 Crusaders:Soldiers of God 4.3 The Idea of the Crusade 44S 5.THE INVENTION OF THE STATE 5.1 The Universal States:Empire and Papacy 5.2 The Nation-States:France and England 6 THE SPIRIT OF THE LATER MIDDLEAGES 6.1The Crisis of the Papac 6.2 Discerning the Spirit of God 6.3 Heresy and Revolt 6.4 Religious Persecution in Spain 6.5 Vernacular Literature and the Individual CONCLUSION 2.基本概念和知识点 1)the commercial revolution: 2)the Great Famine: 3)the Crusades 4)the Black Death the formation of nation-states. 6)Magna Carta 3.问题与应用 1)O&A: There were altogether 4 invasions of the British Isles the history.What were they? ◆What we some of the impacts of the last invasion? ◆What is the "Magna Carta"?What were some of its causes and effects? 2)Mini-Presentation: Prepare a brief oral presentation on some of the methods that were believed to be the 10
10 INTRODUCTION 1. THE MAKING OF THE BARBARIAN KINGDOMS, 500-750 2.1 Italy: From Ostrogoths to Lombards 2.2 Visigothic Spain: Intolerance and Destruction 2.3 The Anglo-Saxons: From Pagan Conquerors to Christian Missionaries 2.4 The Franks: An Enduring Legacy 2.5 Creating the European Aristocracy 2. THE CAROLINGIAN ARCHIEVEMENT The Carolingian Renaissance 3. AFTER THE CAROLINGIANS: FROM EMPIRE TO LORDSHIPS Disintegration of the Empire 4. THE HIGH MIDDLE AGES 4.1 The Church: Saints and Monks 4.2 Crusaders: Soldiers of God 4.3 The Idea of the Crusade 4.4 Scholasticism and Urban Intellectual Life 5. THE INVENTION OF THE STATE 5.1 The Universal States: Empire and Papacy 5.2 The Nation-States: France and England 6. THE SPIRIT OF THE LATER MIDDLE AGES 6.1 The Crisis of the Papacy 6.2 Discerning the Spirit of God 6.3 Heresy and Revolt 6.4 Religious Persecution in Spain 6.5 Vernacular Literature and the Individual CONCLUSION 2. 基本概念和知识点 1) the commercial revolution; 2) the Great Famine; 3) the Crusades; 4) the Black Death; 5. the formation of nation-states; 6) Magna Carta. 3. 问题与应用 1) Q & A: ◆ There were altogether 4 invasions of the British Isles the history. What were they? ◆ What were some of the impacts of the last invasion? ◆ What is the “Magna Carta”? What were some of its causes and effects? 2) Mini-Presentation: ◆ Prepare a brief oral presentation on some of the methods that were believed to be the