246 Mol Genet Genomics(2015)290:239-255 Fig.3 Phylogenetic relation- ships and conserved motif com- positions of Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis type II MADS (SEP1/2/3) proteins.The neighbour-joining tree of Chinese cabbage and 013 Arabidopsis type II MADS-box genes and their motif locations AGL6 06 8018 (AP1/FUL/CAL) AGL12 C/D (AG/STK/SHP1/2) TM3-like (SOC1) 02 FLC/MAF AGL18/15 AGL17 Bs (TT16) B(AP3/PI) 29 SVP MIKC* MADS-box genes 么Springer246 Mol Genet Genomics (2015) 290:239–255 1 3 Fig. 3 Phylogenetic relation - ships and conserved motif com - positions of Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis type II MADS proteins. The neighbour-joining tree of Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis type II MADS-box genes and their motif locations
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