2016天目山野外生物学实习小论文 天目山攀援植物分布规律的探究 丁卓坤钟珮瑜’倪莹玥王宇琦 (复旦大学生命科学学院,上海200433) 摘要:本文旨在通过对西天目山低山地区攀援植物的分布进行研究来探求攀援植物及其攀附乔木的关系。本文主 要运用观察法来收集数据,通过对禅源寺前林地、天目山景区入口、红庙下山栈道、红庙附近四个采样点的支柱 木的胸径、着生地海拔及着生攀缘植物的种类的数据进行收集来进行分析。通过对数据的处理和文献的阅读,得 出结论:天目山低山地区攀援植物中分布最为广泛的为络石:攀援植物分布与海拔无显著关系:不同攀援植物对 其依附的支柱木的胸高周长具有选择性:胸径越大的植物上依附的攀援植物种类越多且有饱和性。针对攀援植物 分布模式的研究较少并且缺乏资料,本文的结论为日后的研究提供了一个新的思路。 关键词:攀缘植物,支柱木胸高周长,海拔 Research on the law of distribution of climbing plants in Tianmu Mountain Yingyue Ni, Yuqi Wang School of Life Sciences, Fudan Universiry, Shanghai 200433 Abstract: This article is aimed to research the distribution of climbing plants in lowland district of West Tianmu Mountain in quest of the relation between climbing plants and their host trees. The approach adopted to solve the quest is the observational method. Host tree DBH(diameter at breast height), altitudes of growing regions and different species of climbing plants in four sampling sites-the forest land in front of Chanyuan Temple, the entrance of Tiamnu scenic spot, the gallery road leading to the foot of Tianmu Mountain near Hong Temple and the areas near Hong Temple-are recorded in order for further analysis. The results obtained through data processing and essay reading show that Trachelospermum jasminoides(lindl. ) Lem. is the most wide distributed climbing plant in lowland district of West Tianmu Mountain, that the distribution of climbing plants has no significant correlations with the altitudes of their host trees, that different climbing plants are selective about their host tree DBH and that the larger the host tree DBH is, more climbing plants species there are attached to their host trees and there exists a limit to the number of the species. Given that the studies on the distribution pattern of climbing trees are insufficient and the materials concerned are deficient, the results obtained in this article may provide a fresh perspective for farther studies Key words: climbing plants, host tree DBH, altitude 攀援植物,又名藤本植物,是指茎部细长,不能直立,只能依附在其它物体或匍匐于地面上生长 的一类植物(李睿等,2001年)。攀援植物依赖它物生长的特性,使其具有很强的空间可塑性,同时, 同其它植物一样,攀援植物具有改善气候、降低噪音、净化空气的生态功能,因此攀援植物和乔木 样在城市景观建设上具有重要作用。但作为生态系统组成的一部分,攀援植物因其可以节省用于生长 支撑组织的能量,容易繁殖迅速,是常见的乔木绞杀杀手,若在不适宜的条件下,引入攀援植物,也 可能会破坏原有的生境。因此,从城市景观建设和森林生态保护的角度岀发,对攀援植物和它所攀附 的乔木之间关系进行研究,了解影响攀援植物分布模式的因素,可以为实践提供重要的理论依据。 共同第一作者 Author for correspondence2016 天目山野外生物学实习小论文 天目山攀援植物分布规律的探究 丁卓坤* 钟珮瑜* 倪莹玥* 王宇琦* (复旦大学生命科学学院,上海 200433) 摘要:本文旨在通过对西天目山低山地区攀援植物的分布进行研究来探求攀援植物及其攀附乔木的关系。本文主 要运用观察法来收集数据,通过对禅源寺前林地、天目山景区入口、红庙下山栈道、红庙附近四个采样点的支柱 木的胸径、着生地海拔及着生攀缘植物的种类的数据进行收集来进行分析。通过对数据的处理和文献的阅读,得 出结论:天目山低山地区攀援植物中分布最为广泛的为络石;攀援植物分布与海拔无显著关系;不同攀援植物对 其依附的支柱木的胸高周长具有选择性;胸径越大的植物上依附的攀援植物种类越多且有饱和性。针对攀援植物 分布模式的研究较少并且缺乏资料,本文的结论为日后的研究提供了一个新的思路。 关键词:攀缘植物,支柱木胸高周长,海拔 Research on the Law of Distribution of Climbing Plants in Tianmu Mountain Zhuokun Ding*, Peiyu Zhong* , Yingyue Ni* , Yuqi Wang* School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 Abstract:This article is aimed to research the distribution of climbing plants in lowland district of West Tianmu Mountain in quest of the relation between climbing plants and their host trees. The approach adopted to solve the quest is the observational method. Host tree DBH(diameter at breast height), altitudes of growing regions and different species of climbing plants in four sampling sites -the forest land in front of Chanyuan Temple, the entrance of Tiamnu scenic spot, the gallery road leading to the foot of Tianmu Mountain near Hong Temple and the areas near Hong Temple- are recorded in order for further analysis. The results obtained through data processing and essay reading show that Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Lem. is the most wide￾distributed climbing plant in lowland district of West Tianmu Mountain, that the distribution of climbing plants has no significant correlations with the altitudes of their host trees, that different climbing plants are selective about their host tree DBH and that the larger the host tree DBH is, more climbing plants species there are attached to their host trees and there exists a limit to the number of the species. Given that the studies on the distribution pattern of climbing trees are insufficient and the materials concerned are deficient, the results obtained in this article may provide a fresh perspective for farther studies. Key words:climbing plants, host tree DBH, altitude 攀援植物,又名藤本植物,是指茎部细长,不能直立,只能依附在其它物体或匍匐于地面上生长 的一类植物(李睿等,2001年)。攀援植物依赖它物生长的特性,使其具有很强的空间可塑性,同时, 同其它植物一样,攀援植物具有改善气候、降低噪音、净化空气的生态功能,因此攀援植物和乔木一 样在城市景观建设上具有重要作用。但作为生态系统组成的一部分,攀援植物因其可以节省用于生长 支撑组织的能量,容易繁殖迅速,是常见的乔木绞杀杀手,若在不适宜的条件下,引入攀援植物,也 可能会破坏原有的生境。因此,从城市景观建设和森林生态保护的角度出发,对攀援植物和它所攀附 的乔木之间关系进行研究,了解影响攀援植物分布模式的因素,可以为实践提供重要的理论依据。 * 共同第一作者 Author for correspondence
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