Chapter 11 Carbohydrates 12 Selectins are proteins that A) selectively bind proteins destined for lysozomes. B) aid in selection of proteins bound for the Golgi complex. c) bind immune-system cells as part of the inflammatory response. D) all of the above. E)none of the above. Ans:C Section:11.4 13 What are lectins? A) proteins that bind the carbohydrates on glycoproteins and other macromolecules B) proteins that promote cell-cell interaction C) proteins found in animals,plants,and microorganisms D) All of the above. E)None of the above. Ans:D Section:11.4. 14 How do some viruses gain entry into specific cells? A)by attaching to ion channels B) by cleaving the glycosidic bonds and altering protein shapes C) by binding to glycoproteins on the cell surface that are unique to specific cells D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans:C Section:11.4 15 Inhibitors against this viral enzyme have potential as anti-influenza agents. A) calnexin D) All of the above. B) neuramidase E) None of the above. C) selectin Ans:B Section:11.4 Short-Answer Questions 1 List some of the reasons carbohydrates are considered important molecules. Ans:Carbohydrates serve several important functions as fuels,metabolic intermediates,and energy stores.They are the basis of most of the organic matter on our planet.Carbohydrates serve as the structural framework or building blocks for DNA,RNA,and polysaccharides. They are also linked to other molecules,such as proteins and lipids,and play important roles in signaling and structure. Section:IntroductionChapter 11 Carbohydrates 5 12 Selectins are proteins that A) selectively bind proteins destined for lysozomes. B) aid in selection of proteins bound for the Golgi complex. C) bind immune-system cells as part of the inflammatory response. D) all of the above. E) none of the above. Ans: C Section: 11.4 13 What are lectins? A) proteins that bind the carbohydrates on glycoproteins and other macromolecules B) proteins that promote cell-cell interaction C) proteins found in animals, plants, and microorganisms D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans: D Section: 11.4. 14 How do some viruses gain entry into specific cells? A) by attaching to ion channels B) by cleaving the glycosidic bonds and altering protein shapes C) by binding to glycoproteins on the cell surface that are unique to specific cells D) All of the above. E) None of the above. Ans: C Section: 11.4 15 Inhibitors against this viral enzyme have potential as anti-influenza agents. A) calnexin D) All of the above. B) neuramidase E) None of the above. C) selectin Ans: B Section: 11.4 Short-Answer Questions 1 List some of the reasons carbohydrates are considered important molecules. Ans: Carbohydrates serve several important functions as fuels, metabolic intermediates, and energy stores. They are the basis of most of the organic matter on our planet. Carbohydrates serve as the structural framework or building blocks for DNA, RNA, and polysaccharides. They are also linked to other molecules, such as proteins and lipids, and play important roles in signaling and structure. Section: Introduction
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