Other Oxidizing Reagents Potassium permanganate is a cheaper but stronger oxidizing agent,and conditions must be controlled carefully. OH 人OH KMnO4.base 入、0 Thermal dehydrogenation is the cheapest method of oxidation but the high temperatures involved limit the applicability of this method. H OHCu0,300°C Reduction of Alcohols Normally an alcohol cannot be directly reduced to an alkane in one step. LiAHA The-OH group is a poor leaving group so hydride displacement is not a good option-however the hydroxyl group is easily converted into other groups that are superior leaving groups,and allow reactions to proceed. ChlI Reacns of Alcohols (landscape) Page 5Ch11 Reacns of Alcohols (landscape) Page 5 Other Oxidizing Reagents Potassium permanganate is a cheaper but stronger oxidizing agent, and conditions must be controlled carefully. Thermal dehydrogenation is the cheapest method of oxidation but the high temperatures involved limit the applicability of this method. Reduction of Alcohols Normally an alcohol cannot be directly reduced to an alkane in one step. The –OH group is a poor leaving group so hydride displacement is not a good option – however the hydroxyl group is easily converted into other groups that are superior leaving groups, and allow reactions to proceed. OH KMnO4 , base O OH H OH O CuO, 300 oC H OH LiAlH4 X H H
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