While-Writing Beautiful handwriting 尖安尖安安 Step 5 Write down your article beautifully. We are a large family.There are five people in my family.They are my mum,my dad,my sister,my brother and me.Althought it's a We are alarge faniyThe are five people in bit crowded in our little fiat,we don't mind. All family members are close to eacher other broterndmeAthh it's abit crole fat I have the most possessions in my familya we don't mind.All faly merbers are close to each other. new computer an Mp,a mobile phone and so I have the most possessions in mfail:a new computer on.My sister and I always help my parents with an MP,a mobile phont and co on-My 'sister and I always the housework.Puring holidays.our family often go out to take trips together. 2论ceet成鸟4,马 ofen go out to take tnips together. My parents made many rules for us.For example, we can't watch Tv series before we finish our homework;we have to help with the housework before we can get the poiket money. hae to hep with the lousenorh befon we an get the pockec All in all,we are a happy family. money in al,e ae a hepp吶93 While-Writing Step 5 Write down your article beautifully. Beautiful handwriting
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