试论当前高校党的建设 On Party Building at Colleges Today 本文中,作者通过长期训练和比赛实践经验,总 结研究福建女篮的防守战术。文章证明了人盯 人轮转换位紧逼防守是一种行之有效的积极防 守战术。 Abstract:Based on many years'experience of training and competing,a summary of defense tactics of Fujian Women's Basketball Team is presented.It is proved that change-position tactics in person-to-person pressure defense is an active and effective tactics.试论当前高校党的建设 On Party Building at Colleges Today 本文中,作者通过长期训练和比赛实践经验, 总 结研究福建女篮的防守战术。文章证明了人盯 人轮转换位紧逼防守是一种行之有效的积极防 守战术。 Abstract: Based on many years’ experience of training and competing, a summary of defense tactics of Fujian Women's Basketball Team is presented. It is proved that change-position tactics in person-to-person pressure defense is an active and effective tactics
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