上游充通大警 Very few microorganisms are SHANGHAI JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY found free in the soil solution; most of them occur as Micro- microcolonies attached to the colony Quartz soil particles. 口 Air Organic matter Quartz Clay particle Quartz Water Root Air Clay particle Microcolonies 土壤中的微生物常以微菌落的形 式存在。 5 图片来自Brock's Biology of Micro0 rganis咬学通诉ir1e 2006 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc.5 上海交通大学通识教育核心课程《微生物的世界》 Very few microorganisms are found free in the soil solution; most of them occur as microcolonies attached to the soil particles. 土壤中的微生物常以微菌落的形 式存在。 图片来自Brock’s Biology of Microorganisms
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