approximately at the beginning of the 6th century. The epic consists of 3182 lines and is to be divided into two parts. ·The main plot 1.4 Writing Features of the Poem: 1)It is not a Christian but a pagan poem.The whole poem presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society and Christian culture. .2)The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable in this poem.Each line is divided into two halves,andeach half has two heavy stresses. .3)The use of the alliteration is another notable feature.Three stresses of the whole line are made even more emphatic by the use ofalliteration. .4)A lot of metaphors and understatements are used in the poem.For example,the sea is called "the whale-road"or "the swan road";the soldiers are called"shield-men";the chieftains are called the "treasure keepers";human-body is referred to as "the bone-house";God is called "wonder-wielder";monster is referred to as"soul-destroyer" 1.5 Literary terms: .Alliteration:A repeated initial consonant to successive words approximately at the beginning of the 6th century. • The epic consists of 3182 lines and is to be divided into two parts. • The main plot: 1.4 Writing Features of the Poem: • 1) It is not a Christian but a pagan poem. The whole poem presents us an all-round picture of the tribal society and Christian culture. • 2) The use of the strong stress and the predominance of consonants are very notable in this poem. Each line is divided into two halves, and each half has two heavy stresses. • 3) The use of the alliteration is another notable feature. Three stresses of the whole line are made even more emphatic by the use of alliteration. • 4) A lot of metaphors and understatements are used in the poem. For example, the sea is called "the whale-road" or "the swan road"; the soldiers are called "shield-men"; the chieftains are called the "treasure keepers"; human-body is referred to as "the bone- house”; God is called "wonder-wielder”; monster is referred to as "soul-destroyer". 1.5 Literary terms: • ·Alliteration: A repeated initial consonant to successive words. 5’ 5’ 5’
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