E.g.:1.To his kin the kindest,keenest for praise.2.Sing a song of southern singer. Epic:It is,originally,an oral narrative poem,majestic both in theme and style.Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance,involving action of broad sweep and grandeur.Typically,an epic includes several features:the introduction of supernatural forces that shape the action;conflict in the form of battles or other physical forces combat,and stylistic conventions such as an invocation to the Muse,and set speeches couched in elevated language.They summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history.Eg:liad《伊利 亚特》,Odyssey《奥德赛》Paradise Lost《失乐园》,The Divine Comedy《神曲》。 2.0 Medieval period(1066-ca.1485) Historical Background (what is the most important event in this 5 period?) 2.1.The Norman Conquest In 1066,at the battle of Hastings,William,the energetic Duke of Normandy,defeated the Anglo-Saxons and became the King of England. 2.2.The Consequence of the ConquestE.g.: 1. To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise. 2. Sing a song of southern singer. • Epic: It is, originally, an oral narrative poem, majestic both in theme and style. Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance, involving action of broad sweep and grandeur. Typically, an epic includes several features: the introduction of supernatural forces that shape the action; conflict in the form of battles or other physical forces combat; and stylistic conventions such as an invocation to the Muse, and set speeches couched in elevated language. They summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history. Eg: Iliad 《伊利 亚特》,Odyssey《奥德赛》 Paradise Lost 《失乐园》,The Divine Comedy《神曲》。 2.0 Medieval period (1066-ca.1485) Historical Background (what is the most important event in this period?) 2.1. The Norman Conquest In 1066, at the battle of Hastings, William, the energetic Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons and became the King of England. 2.2. The Consequence of the Conquest 5’ 5’
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