eiAwatenRergotopeneespadyheRhegetsnenvoushe RUTH:Benjamin. BENJAMIN:Was I rude Ruthie? RUTH:Let's let the doctors talk BEN:It makes me sad everythin g I think,which &heupgtlookohera&eAmtanioyim9yo2 he y n CHRISTINA:It's fine eedpervrmor ony.he BEN:Maybe I'm notannoying her,Ruthie. CHRISTINA:No you are BAILEY:Dr.Yang. CHRISTINA:Well,he asked. DEREK:Ok,Dr a se the way you keep looking at her,you RUTH:Benjamin BEN:I'm sorry,was that rude? BAILEY:I'm proud of you all.You make me proud.You reflect on me well.Grey,if can keep you clo hes on long enough to follow up the labs,I'd ALEX:The pit?Wait,I'm off Gynie squad? BAILEY:Dr.Monto y-Shepherd is out sick today You can cover the pit where you canyou a teme whosdam pantiesarhe bulletin board? (Everyone giggles,and the entire floor turns to listen to what's going on.) CHRISTINA:Are those yours? BAILEY:This is a hospital,people.Serious work happens here.We save lives here.Oh is something funny?Whose are these? MEREDITH:This is bad.This isn't good.BENJAMIN: Pretty scary. Plus my sister's nervous, and when she gets nervous she sweats, and the windows in here don't open so it's pretty rank. RUTH: Benjamin. BENJAMIN: Was I rude Ruthie? RUTH: Let's let the doctors talk. CHRISTINA: Benjamin O'Leary, 32. In for the removal of a brain tumor that's pushing on his fronal temporal lobe. Clearly it's effecting his impulse control. BEN: It makes me sad everything I think, which apparently is annoying. This doctor looks annoyed anyway. Although it's hard to tell, cause she always has kind of a pinched uptight look on her face. Am I annoying you? CHRISTINA: It's fine. RUTH: You can't say it's fine. He doesn't perceive sarcasm or irony. If he's annoying you, you have to tell him. BEN: Maybe I'm not annoying her, Ruthie. CHRISTINA: No you are BAILEY: Dr. Yang. CHRISTINA: Well, he asked. DEREK: Ok, Dr. Yang, pinched and annoyed though she may be is going to be prepping you for surgery today. Do you have any questions for me? BEN: Is that blonde your girlfriend? Cause the way you keep looking at her, you might as well mount her right here and now. RUTH: Benjamin. BEN: I'm sorry, was that rude? BAILEY: I'm proud of you all. You make me proud. You reflect on me well. Grey, if you think you can keep you clothes on long enough to follow up the labs, I'd appreciate it. Karev, cover in the pit. ALEX: The pit? Wait, I'm off Gynie squad? BAILEY: Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd is out sick today You can cover the pit where you can. you can tell me who's damn panties are on the bulletin board? (Everyone giggles, and the entire floor turns to listen to what's going on.) CHRISTINA: Are those yours? BAILEY: This is a hospital, people. Serious work happens here. We save lives here. Oh is something funny? Whose are these? MEREDITH: This is bad. This isn't good
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