CHIEF:What is all this? MS.SEABURY:This is chocolate raspberry souffle cake and it's the best thing I've mnangeeanyakee5eBteybektewh7pleaegrBgioereitspretw CHIEF:Ms.Seabury.you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon epuh thomeoh my Cod.youve BAILEY:Ma'am,you have an aggressive form of lung cancer.The sooner we get you (Ms.Seabury erupts in giggles.) MS.SEABURY:I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.I've never smoked pot.I've (The doctors take the conversation outside.) or tomAndrpcho GEORGE:Yes sir. MEREDITH (to George):Okay(she nods her head toward Bailey) GEORGE:So.um Dr.Bailey? BAILEY:Surgeons don't say"Um"Dr.O'Malley.You want to be a surgeon,leam to speak like one ALEX:Look he wants you to talk to the chief about Izzie. for all her BAILEY:Stop.talking. GEORGE:Yes ma'am. (They follow her to the next room where Derek meets them.) DEREK:Well,good morning.Benjamin,Ruth RUTH:Good Morning Dr.Shepherd DEREK:Morning. BENJAMI doesn't feel like a very ood momng to meIhave to have brain (We see Derek dreamily gazing at Meredith,and she smiles back.) CHIEF: What is all this? MS. SEABURY: This is chocolate raspberry soufflé cake and it's the best thing I've ever tasted in my life. Except for maybe the banana cream torte there, it's pretty stunning really. Bakeries deliver, did you know that? Please grab a fork. CHIEF: Ms. Seabury, you're scheduled for surgery this afternoon. MS. SEABURY: We push the surgery a little? Tomorrow maybe? Oh my God, you've got to taste this! BAILEY: Ma'am, you have an aggressive form of lung cancer. The sooner we get you into surgery, the better your chances of surviving. So I've heard. It's all very aggressive. I mean, it's very. (Ms. Seabury erupts in giggles.) MS. SEABURY: I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. I've never smoked pot. I've never drank. Before today, I hadn't had a desert in 10 years. I am the picture of health. And now.i have lung cancer. Come on it's absurd right? (still giggling) Oh.I'm sorry. I think I'm on a sugar high. (The doctors take the conversation outside.) CHIEF: O'Malley reschedule her surgery for tomorrow. And get her a psych consult. And no more food deliveries. GEORGE: Yes sir. MEREDITH (to George): Okay.(she nods her head toward Bailey) GEORGE: So.um Dr. Bailey? BAILEY: Surgeons don't say "Um" Dr. O'Malley. You want to be a surgeon, learn to speak like one. ALEX: Look he wants you to talk to the chief about Izzie. GEORGE: She just baking.a lot of baking, and it seems a waste for all her talent and medical skills to go into muffins. We just thought you might be willing to help. BAILEY: Stop.talking. GEORGE: Yes ma'am. (They follow her to the next room where Derek meets them.) DEREK: Well, good morning. Benjamin, Ruth. RUTH: Good Morning Dr. Shepherd DEREK: Morning. BENJAMIN: It doesn't feel like a very good morning to me I have to have brain surgery today. (We see Derek dreamily gazing at Meredith, and she smiles back.)
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