(二)评定方法 1.评定方法 Chapter quiz(5-10 times):80% Other performance(Assignments discussion):20%. 2。课程目标的考核占比与达成度分析 表5:课程目标的考核占比与达成度分析表 考核占比 平时 过程化考试 总评达成度 课程目标 Objective1 10% 40% Objective 2 50% 0.2 0.8xChapter quiz Objective3 10% 10% (三)评分标准 评分标准 课程 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 目标 、必 良 中 合格 不合格 A B c D F Develop a Develop a good Have a general Have a general Fail to develop complete and understanding of understanding I understanding on l a general full thermodynamics: of the key points of picture about understanding of Be able to solv thermodynamics thermodynamics the knowledge of thermodynamics: problems Be able to thermodynamics Develop an independently: Objecti solve problems excellent with some ve 1 ability to solve suggestions. problems:Be excellent in independent thinking and working. 12 (二)评定方法 1.评定方法 Chapter quiz ( 5-10 times): 80%; Other performance(Assignments + discussion): 20%。 2.课程目标的考核占比与达成度分析 表 5:课程目标的考核占比与达成度分析表 考核占比 课程目标 平时 过程化考试 总评达成度 Objective 1 40% 40% 0.2 x Others + 0.8xChapter quiz Objective 2 50% 50% Objective 3 10% 10% (三)评分标准 课程 目标 评分标准 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 <60 优 良 中 合格 不合格 A B C D F Objecti ve 1 Develop a complete and full understanding of thermodynamics; Develop an excellent ability to solve problems; Be excellent in independent thinking and working. Develop a good understanding of thermodynamics; Be able to solve problems independently; Have a general understanding of thermodynamics ; Be able to solve problems with some suggestions. Have a general understanding on the key points of thermodynamics; Fail to develop a general picture about the knowledge of thermodynamics
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