13 Ch09 Bose-Einstein condensation;Black-body radiation 4 14 Ch09 Practices on BE distribution 4 15 Ch10 Fermi statistics Assignment 10 17 Ch10 Occupation number derived from Grand Canonical distribution 4 18 Ch1l Theoretical models of Phase transition 4 六、教材及参考书目 1.B.Cowan,Topics in statistical mechanics).Elsevier,2011 2.K.Huang.(Introduction to Statistical Physics).CRC press,2001. 3.R.H.Swedsen.An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics). Oxford Unive ersity Press,2012. 七、教学方法 Teaching is mainly conducted via lectures with PPt.Discussion and self-studying are employed and encouraged. 八、考核方式及评定方法 (一)课程考核与课程目标的对应关系 表4:课程考核与课程目标的对应关系表 课程目标 考核要点 考核方式 Objective 1 Related topics Chapter quiz+Class performance Objective 2 Chapter quiz+Class Related topics performance Objective 3 Related topics Chapter quiz+Class performance11 13 Ch09 Bose-Einstein condensation; Black-body radiation 4 14 Ch09 Practices on BE distribution 4 15 Ch10 Fermi statistics 4 Assignment 10 17 Ch10 Occupation number derived from Grand Canonical distribution 4 18 Ch11 Theoretical models of Phase transition 4 六、教材及参考书目 1. B. Cowan,《Topics in statistical mechanics》,Elsevier, 2011 2. K. Huang,《Introduction to Statistical Physics》,CRC press, 2001. 3. R. H. Swedsen,《An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics》, Oxford University Press, 2012. 七、教学方法 Teaching is mainly conducted via lectures with PPt. Discussion and self-studying are employed and encouraged. 八、考核方式及评定方法 (一)课程考核与课程目标的对应关系 表 4:课程考核与课程目标的对应关系表 课程目标 考核要点 考核方式 Objective 1 Related topics Chapter quiz + Class performance Objective 2 Related topics Chapter quiz + Class performance Objective 3 Related topics Chapter quiz + Class performance
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