to be way up (L. 18) 经过长时间的徘徊之后,这家股票的开盘价现在迅速攀升。 Having been fluctuating for a long time, the opening price of this stock is way up now 6.一想到…就不寒而栗 to tremble to think(L. 25) 一想到个接受高等教育的人如此残暴竟然杀害了数名无辜的同学,我们就不寒而栗 We tremble to think that a person with higher education was so cruel as to kill several innocent classmates of his 7.得出结论 to arrive at a conclusion (L. 34) 在没有深入地调查和分析之前,干万不要匆忙地得出结论。 Never arrive at a conclusion in haste until you have made further investigation and deeper 8.应该做某事 to be meant to do sth. (L. 34) 学校教育不应该只是帮助学生学习书本知识,还应该培养他们的综合能力 School education is not just meant to help students acquire knowledge from textbooks but to develop their all-around abilities as well 9.深刻领悟到 to have the insight that..(L. 36) 只有当大学生走出象牙塔才会悟出,他们的知识根本不能满足社会的需求 Only when the college students go out of the ivory tower will they have the insight that their knowledge is far from adequate to the needs of society 对……有透彻的理解 to have a perspective on sth. (L. 38) 只有经历了困难和挫折之后,一个人才能对人生的真正含义有透彻的理解 Only after experiencing hardships and setbacks can one have a perspective on the true meaning of life 11.在……的限制之外 beyond the confines of (L. 38) 把任何超越人类知识范畴的事物统统界定为伪科学是没有道理的。to be way up (L. 18) 经过长时间的徘徊之后,这家股票的开盘价现在迅速攀升。 Having been fluctuating for a long time, the opening price of this stock is way up now. 6. 一想到······就不寒而栗 to tremble to think (L. 25) 一想到一个接受高等教育的人如此残暴竟然杀害了数名无辜的同学,我们就不寒而栗 We tremble to think that a person with higher education was so cruel as to kill several innocent classmates of his. 7. 得出结论 to arrive at a conclusion (L. 34) 在没有深入地调查和分析之前,千万不要匆忙地得出结论。 Never arrive at a conclusion in haste until you have made further investigation and deeper analysis. 8. 应该做某事 to be meant to do sth. (L. 34) 学校教育不应该只是帮助学生学习书本知识,还应该培养他们的综合能力 School education is not just meant to help students acquire knowledge from textbooks but to develop their all-around abilities as well. 9. 深刻领悟到······ to have the insight that… (L. 36) 只有当大学生走出象牙塔才会悟出,他们的知识根本不能满足社会的需求。 Only when the college students go out of the ivory tower will they have the insight that their knowledge is far from adequate to the needs of society. 10. 对······有透彻的理解 to have a perspective on sth. (L. 38) 只有经历了困难和挫折之后,一个人才能对人生的真正含义有透彻的理解。 Only after experiencing hardships and setbacks can one have a perspective on the true meaning of life. 11. 在 ······ 的限制之外 beyond the confines of (L. 38) 把任何超越人类知识范畴的事物统统界定为伪科学是没有道理的