Learning from web-based instructional systems 413 ined rubric. Results Learning-effects of web structure Figure 3 displays the mean scores for recall and essay scores for wholist and analytic cognitive styles performing in each structure condition.A 2 x 2 MANOVA was calcu- lated for wholist-analytic cognitive style and web structure.No significant main effects were observed here for recall or essay scores for web structure or cognitive style. although a significant interaction effect was evident for the essay scores F(1.46)=3.59 p<0.05.Analytics achieved superior scores in the long page condition whereas wholists were superior in the short page condition.Figure 4 displays the mean scores 2086 Recall Essay Short Page Long Page Short Page Long Page Wholist Wholist Analytic Analytic Figure 3:Wholist-analytic style.web structure and learning performance 41210 口Recall ☐Essay Short Page Long Page Short Page Long Page Verbaliser Verbaliser Imager Imager Figure 4:Verbaliser-imager style.web structure and learning performance C British Educational Communications and Technology Agency 2003 used. High scores were awarded for essays high on detail and low scores were given to essays with a low level of detail. The level of detail was judged according to a prede- fined rubric. Results Learning—effects of web structure Figure 3 displays the mean scores for recall and essay scores for wholist and analytic cognitive styles performing in each structure condition. A 2 ¥ 2 MANOVA was calcu￾lated for wholist-analytic cognitive style and web structure. No significant main effects were observed here for recall or essay scores for web structure or cognitive style, although a significant interaction effect was evident for the essay scores F (1,46) = 3.59 p < 0.05. Analytics achieved superior scores in the long page condition whereas wholists were superior in the short page condition. Figure 4 displays the mean scores Learning from web-based instructional systems 413 © British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 2003. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Short Page Wholist Long Page Wholist Short Page Analytic Long Page Analytic Recall Essay Figure 3: Wholist-analytic style, web structure and learning performance 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Short Page Long Page Short Page Long Page Verbaliser Verbaliser Imager Imager Recall Essay Figure 4: Verbaliser-imager style, web structure and learning performance
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