412 British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 34 No 4 2003 ture 2 contained more words per page than structure 1.therefore participants needed to scroll down the page in order to view all of the information.Structure 1 therefore half did not. Coanitive stules analusis The Cognitive Styles Analysis (Riding.1991)isa computer presented test usedtodet ean individual's position on the wholist-analytic andv consists of three subtests.The first co wholist dir style.The style test taker is an in ndividual ch que by compa d ger it ver core an nalytic items for an individu ore.The and VI score to cate "wholists"or"analytics."This process Tes t-retest reliability of Cognitive Styles Analysis as reported by Peterson.Deary and Austin(2003)is as follows:f r-imager scale(r =0.70 p<0.00)anc for the wholist-analytic scale (r=0.81.p<0.00) Participants Participants in this study were fifty.psychology first year university students.(9 males and 41 females).The mean age was 23.24 with a standard deviation of 7.49.Ages ranged from 18 to 46. Procedure The general design of this study was a 2 x 2 between subjects design.As described earlier.the conditions were web structure in terms of page length and provision or absence of an overview.Participants were randomly assigned to one of these conditions and were given approximately ten minutes to read through the structure navigating through the pages in any manner they wished.They were then requested to answer recall questions and an essay question on information contained in the web structure. Data analysis For the purpose of data analysis.wholists were individuals scoring s1.26 on the WA scale and analytics were individuals scoring 21.27.Similarly.imagers were individuals scoring 51.03 on the VI scale and verbalisers were individuals scoring 21.04. Recall questions were scored by matching participant responses against the correct answers.One point was given for a partially correct answer and two for a more com- prehensive answer.The essays were scored in terms of the level of detail particpantsture 2 contained more words per page than structure 1, therefore participants needed to scroll down the page in order to view all of the information. Structure 1 therefore was the more segmented condition. Within each of these conditions, half the partici￾pants received an overview of the system in the form of a map of the web structure and half did not. Cognitive styles analysis The Cognitive Styles Analysis (Riding, 1991) is a computer presented test used to deter￾mine an individual’s position on the wholist-analytic and verbaliser-imager dimensions of cognitive style. It consists of three subtests. The first contains items relating to the verbaliser-imager style, the second set of items relates to the wholist dimension of style and the third set of items relates to the analytic dimension of style. The test taker is required to react by pressing either a “true” or “false” button in response to each ques￾tion item. The computer then calculates an individual’s score for each style dimension by comparing response times between the verbaliser and imager items for the verbaliser￾imager (VI) score and the wholist and analytic items for an individual’s wholist￾analytic (WA) score. The WA and VI scores can then be used to categorise individuals into types namely “verbalisers” or “imagers” and “wholists” or “analytics.” This process is described under “data analysis” below. Test-retest reliability of the Cognitive Styles Analysis as reported by Peterson, Deary, and Austin (2003) is as follows: for the verbaliser-imager scale (r = 0.70 p < 0.00) and for the wholist-analytic scale (r = 0.81, p < 0.00). Participants Participants in this study were fifty, psychology first year university students, (9 males and 41 females). The mean age was 23.24 with a standard deviation of 7.49. Ages ranged from 18 to 46. Procedure The general design of this study was a 2 ¥ 2 between subjects design. As described earlier, the conditions were web structure in terms of page length and provision or absence of an overview. Participants were randomly assigned to one of these conditions and were given approximately ten minutes to read through the structure navigating through the pages in any manner they wished. They were then requested to answer recall questions and an essay question on information contained in the web structure. Data analysis For the purpose of data analysis, wholists were individuals scoring £1.26 on the WA scale and analytics were individuals scoring ≥1.27. Similarly, imagers were individuals scoring £1.03 on the VI scale and verbalisers were individuals scoring ≥1.04. Recall questions were scored by matching participant responses against the correct answers. One point was given for a partially correct answer and two for a more com￾prehensive answer. The essays were scored in terms of the level of detail particpants 412 British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 34 No 4 2003 © British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 2003
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