Chapter 19 Running Gear 同©大学 TONGII UNIVERSTTY The power transmission of wheeled running ger- 前悬架 车架 后悬架驱动桥 前进方向 Ga )后轮 从动桥 前轮 Z Z 轮式汽车行驶系统的组成及部分受力分析 >The gravity of the vehicle:Ga >The supporting force at the front Ga-Zr+Z2 and rear wheel:Zl、Z2 >The driving torque M >The driving force FtChapter 19 Running Gear The power transmission of wheeled running gear The gravity of the vehicle:Ga The supporting force at the front and rear wheel:Z1、Z2 Ga=Z1+Z2 The driving torque :Mk The driving force :Ft