She came into the house carrying a bunch of flowers. 她拿着一束花走进屋里。 He stood leaning against the wall. 他靠墙站着。 I telephoned the company hoping to know the result early. 我给公司打电话希望早点知道结果。 He sat on a bench in the garden reading a novel. 他坐在花园的长凳上读一本小说。 Laughing and talking,the students walked out of the school 学生们有说有笑地走出了校门。 She was more than plump,her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes. 她体态臃肿,胖胖的脚撑着一双低跟鞋。 "more than'”在此不是比较级的标志,而是用来表示一种程度,其后可接名词词 组、动词词组或形容词词组,意思是“多于;万分,非常”。 She was more than glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息她非常高兴。 If you are not satisfied with your purchase,we will be more than happy to refund your money. 如果你对买的东西不满意,我们非常乐意退给你钱。 He more than scolded me;he told me what to do next. 他不只是责怪我,还告诉我以后该怎么做。 句中的“her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes”是一个由过去分词构成 的独立结构,表示伴随的情况。 She gazed,her hands clasped to her breast. 她凝视着,双手交叉放在胸前。 I felt as though I was split in two,so keen was my desire to follow her,and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly accompanied me and upheld my own.She came into the house carrying a bunch of flowers. 她拿着一束花走进屋里。 He stood leaning against the wall. 他靠墙站着。 I telephoned the company hoping to know the result early. 我给公司打电话希望早点知道结果。 He sat on a bench in the garden reading a novel. 他坐在花园的长凳上读一本小说。 Laughing and talking, the students walked out of the school. 学生们有说有笑地走出了校门。 She was more than plump, her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes. 她体态臃肿,胖胖的脚撑着一双低跟鞋。 “more than”在此不是比较级的标志,而是用来表示一种程度,其后可接名词词 组、动词词组或形容词词组,意思是“多于;万分,非常”。 She was more than glad to hear the news. 听到这个消息她非常高兴。 If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will be more than happy to refund your money. 如果你对买的东西不满意,我们非常乐意退给你钱。 He more than scolded me; he told me what to do next. 他不只是责怪我,还告诉我以后该怎么做。 句中的“her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes”是一个由过去分词构成 的独立结构,表示伴随的情况。 She gazed, her hands clasped to her breast. 她凝视着,双手交叉放在胸前。 I felt as though I was split in two,so keen was my desire to follow her,and yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly accompanied me and upheld my own
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