[38]Paul Shepard,"Introduction:Ecology and Man-A Viewpoint,"in ibid.,1-10. 引文在第7页。 [39]Victor E.Shelford,Laboratory and Field Ecology,Baltimore,MD: Williams and Wilkins,1929,p.608. [40]Aldo Leopold,"Wilderness,.”(残篇,年代不详)Leopold Papers 10-l6,16(1935).转引自Curt Meine,Aldo Leopold:His Life and Work,Madison,WI:University of Wisconsin Press,1988,pp.359-60. [4l]这种观点可参见Roderick Nash,"Rounding Out the American Revolution:Ethical Extension and the New Environmentalism,"in Deep Ecology,edited by Michael Tobias.San Diego,CA:Avant Books,1985 [42]Douglas R.Weiner,"A Death-Defying Attempt to Articulate a Coherent Definition of Environmental History,"Environmental History 10,3(Ju1y2005):404-20.引文在第409页。 [43]维纳列举的印第安人的例子出自这本书:Mike Davis,.Late Victorian Holocausts:El Niao Famines and the Making of the Third World.London:Verso,2001, [44]Mark David Spence,Dispossessing the Wilderness:Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks.New York:Oxford University Press.[38]Paul Shepard, "Introduction: Ecology and Man—A Viewpoint,"in ibid.,1-10. 引文在第 7 页。 [39]Victor E.Shelford,Laboratory and Field Ecology, Baltimore, MD: Williams and Wilkins,1929,p.608. [40]Aldo Leopold, "Wilderness," (残篇,年代不详) Leopold Papers 10-16,16(1935). 转引自 Curt Meine,Aldo Leopold: His Life and Work,Madison,WI:University of Wisconsin Press,1988,pp.359-60. [41]这种观点可参见 Roderick Nash,"Rounding Out the American Revolution: Ethical Extension and the New Environmentalism,"in Deep Ecology,edited by Michael Tobias.San Diego,CA:Avant Books,1985. [42]Douglas R.Weiner,"A Death-Defying Attempt to Articulate a Coherent Definition of Environmental History,"Environmental History 10,3(July 2005):404-20.引文在第 409 页。 [43]维纳列举的印第安人的例子出自这本书:Mike Davis, Late Victorian Holocausts: E1 Niao Famines and the Making of the Third World.London:Verso,2001, [44]Mark David Spence,Dispossessing the Wilderness:Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks.New York:Oxford University Press
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