9 section:部分:科室,部门 all sections of people各界人民 a business section商业区 the industrial section of the city城市的工业区 a finance section财务科 a health section卫生科 the sports section of a newspaper报纸的体育版(栏) 10.永久性的;固定的 1).为了保持永久的友谊,我们需要一直互相帮助,互相支持,互相理解。 To maintain a pemanent friendship, we need to constantly help, support and understand each other 2)在大城市中,越来越少的人终生只从事同一种工作。 In big cities, fewer and fewer people tend to hold a permanent job 11. Radical:彻底不同的;激进的 历史已经证明激进的改革往往会造成人们不想要的结果。 It has been proved by history that radical reforms often bring about undesired 12. identify:识别 这位失明的母亲凭感觉就能够认出自己的女儿 The blind mother was able to identify her daughter by sense 3.消极的;否定的 1).态度消极,你什么都学不到。 You cant learn anything with a negative attitude 2).尽管他非常诚恳地请求及格,教授还是给了他否定的答复。 Though he made the most sincere request for a pass, the professor replied to it with a negative answer 14. have an influence on:对.产生影响 计算机科学的发展已经对英语教学产生了重大的影响 The development in computer science has had a great influence on the teaching 15. concern:(n)关心,担心;关切的事;(vt)使不安,使担心 to concern oneself about/ with sth某人关心某事 to be concerned about/ with/for/ over sb/sth对某人或某事表示关心或担忧 1)日前,中国关注的两件大事是经济发展与提高人民生活水平 Today, two major concerns of China are the economic development and the9. section: 部分;科室,部门 all sections of people 各界人民 a business section 商业区 the industrial section of the city 城市的工业区 a finance section 财务科 a health section 卫生科 the sports section of a newspaper 报纸的体育版(栏) 10. 永久性的;固定的 1). 为了保持永久的友谊,我们需要一直互相帮助,互相支持,互相理解。 To maintain a permanent friendship, we need to constantly help, support and understand each other. 2). 在大城市中,越来越少的人终生只从事同一种工作。 In big cities, fewer and fewer people tend to hold a permanent job. 11.Radical: 彻底不同的;激进的 历史已经证明激进的改革往往会造成人们不想 要的结果。 It has been proved by history that radical reforms often bring about undesired results. 12. identify: 识别 这位失明的母亲凭感觉就能够认出自己的女儿。 The blind mother was able to identify her daughter by sense. 13.消极的;否定的 1). 态度消极,你什么都学不到。 You can’t learn anything with a negative attitude. 2). 尽管他非常诚恳地请求及格,教授还是给了他否定的答复。 Though he made the most sincere request for a pass, the professor replied to it with a negative answer. 14.have an influence on: 对...产生影响 计算机科学的发展已经对英语教学产生了重大的影响。 The development in computer science has had a great influence on the teaching of English. 15. concern: (n)关心,担心;关切的事; (vt) 使不安,使担心 to concern oneself about/with sth 某人关心某事 to be concerned about/with/for/over sb/sth 对某人或某事表示关心或担忧 1)目前,中国关注的两件大事是经济发展与提高人民生活水平。 Today, two major concerns of China are the economic development and the
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