1)we are still in the dark about the cause of the disease, with our minds full of a hard knot难题 the gordian knot难办的事 the marriage knot夫妻婚姻 a true- lover’ s knot同心结 knots in the mind思想上的疙瘩 to cut the knot快刀斩乱麻 4. fashion:时尚 fall behind the fashion/ follow the new fashion/a current fashion/a man of fashion 落后于时尚赶时髦/当前流行款式/时髦人物 The younger generation al ways considers the elder old-fashioned 年轻人总是认为老年人已经落伍啦 5. appeal:吸引;呼吁,请求 to appeal to$b吸引(某人) to appeal to law诉诸法律 to appeal against/from a judgment不服判决而上诉 to appeal for charity请求施舍 to appeal to sb for sth请求呼吁某人做某事 1).最新款式的手机很吸引年轻人 2.)世界卫生组织向所有国家发出呼吁请求他们给予经济支持防止该疾病的传 播 1). Mobile phones of the latest fashion appeal powerfully to the young 2.) The WHO appeals to all countries for financial support against the spread of the disease 6. Make one' s blood boil使生气 他们在无辜的动物身上做实验的方式使我非常愤怒。 It makes my blood boil the way they experiment on innocent animals 7. get rid of:清除 长期以来形成的卫生习惯不能适应目前的情况,但要清除这些习惯却并非易事。 It is no easy job to get rid of the long-developed health habits, which are not fit for the present situation 8. Distract:分散注意力:使分心 他以前的同事赚了相当多的钱,但并没有分散他从事艰难的研究工作的注意力。 The considerable sum of money made by his former colleagues failed to distract his mind from his hard research work1) we are still in the dark about the cause of the disease, with our minds full of knots. a hard knot 难题 the Gordian knot 难办的事 the marriage knot 夫妻婚姻 a true-lover’s knot 同心结 knots in the mind 思想上的疙瘩 to cut the knot 快刀斩乱麻 4. fashion: 时尚 fall behind the fashion/ follow the new fashion/a current fashion/a man of fashion 落后于时尚/赶时髦/当前流行款式/时髦人物 The younger generation always considers the elder old-fashioned. 年轻人总是认为老年人已经落伍啦。 5. appeal: 吸引; 呼吁,请求 to appeal to sb 吸引(某人) to appeal to law 诉诸法律 to appeal against/from a judgment 不服判决而上诉 to appeal for charity 请求施舍 to appeal to sb for sth 请求/呼吁某人做某事 1). 最新款式的手机很吸引年轻人。 2.) 世界卫生组织向所有国家发出呼吁请求他们给予经济支持防止该疾病的传 播。 1). Mobile phones of the latest fashion appeal powerfully to the young. 2.) The WHO appeals to all countries for financial support against the spread of the disease. 6.Make one’s blood boil 使生气 他们在无辜的动物身上做实验的方式使我非常愤怒。 It makes my blood boil the way they experiment on innocent animals. 7. get rid of: 清除 长期以来形成的卫生习惯不能适应目前的情况,但要清除这些习惯却并非易事。 It is no easy job to get rid of the long-developed health habits, which are not fit for the present situation. 8. Distract: 分散注意力;使分心 他以前的同事赚了相当多的钱,但并没有分散他从事艰难的研究工作的注意力。 The considerable sum of money made by his former colleagues failed to distract his mind from his hard research work
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