第11期 武晓东等:抗弯刚度比对加劲板屈曲性能的影响 ·1357· 200 刚度比小于最佳刚度比,结构发生整体屈曲:反之, 175 则发生局部屈曲,且局部屈曲荷载基本保持不变 32 150 加劲板最佳抗弯刚度比的值为10~20. 33 125 25 (2)在加载方向增加加劲肋布置可以提高加劲 100 =18.2 板的局部屈曲荷载:在非加载方向布置加劲肋不能 =12.8 提高加劲板的局部屈曲荷载 (3)边界条件影响加劲板的屈曲性能.四边固 25 定加劲板的屈曲荷载高于四边简支加劲板 (4)加劲板非线性屈曲荷载随刚度比的变化基 加劲板跨中位移m 本是线性的,加劲板抗弯刚度比超过Y。后,增大刚 图13加动板局部屈曲后的荷载-位移曲线 度比可以提高其非线性屈曲荷载 Fig.13 Load to displacement curve after local buckling of stiffened plates 参考文献 180 160 非线性屈曲荷载 Sherbourne A N,Liaw C Y,Marsh C.Stiffened plates in uniaxial 140 compression.Int Assoc Bridge Struct Eng,1971,31:145 三120 2]Massonnet C,Maquoi R.New theory and tests on the ultimate 80 线性屈曲荷载 strength of stiffened box girders/Proceedings of the International 60 Conference on Steel Box Girder Bridges.London,1973:131 40 B]Home M R,Narayanan R.Strength of axially loaded stiffened 20 ot panels.Int Assoc Bridge Struct Eng,1976,36:125 20 30 40 4]Murray N W.Analysis and design of stiffened plates for collapse 抗弯刚度比 load.Struct Eng,1975,53(3):153 图14加劲板线性屈曲荷载与非线性屈曲荷载对比 [5] Chen Y H.Large deformation solution of stiffened plates by a Fig.14 Contrast between linear buckling load and non-inear buck- mixed finite element method.Appl Math Mech,1984,5(1):139 ling load of stiffened plates (陈远汉.加筋板大变形的混合有限元解法.应用数学和力学, 1984,5(1):139) 180 160 [6] Sun S J,Wan Y X.Application of finite strip method to analysis of 140 elastic stability of longitudinal stiffened plates.JWuhan Uni Wa- 120 ter Transp Eng,1987,11 (3):65 100 (孙世基,万燕详.纵向加劲板弹性稳定问题的有限条分析 武汉水运工程学院学报,1987,11(3):65) 60 Ghavami K,Khedmati M R.Numerical and experimental investi- gations on the compression behaviour of stiffened plates.J Constr 205 1015202530354045 Steel Res,2006,62(11):1087 抗弯刚度比 [8]Khedmati M R,Rastani M.Ultimate strength and ductility charac- 图15加劲板非线性屈曲荷载提高百分比 teristics of intermittently welded stiffened plates under in-plane axi- Fig.15 Pecent increase of non-inear buckling load of stiffened al compression.JOffshore Mech Arct Eng,2008,130(1):article plates No.011002 4结论 9]Suneel Kumar M,Alagusundaramoorthy P,Sundaravadivelu R. Ultimate strength of stiffened plates with a square opening under (1)加劲板的屈曲性能受抗弯刚度比的影响. axial and out-of-plane loads.Eng Struct,2009,31 (11)2568第 11 期 武晓东等: 抗弯刚度比对加劲板屈曲性能的影响 图 13 加劲板局部屈曲后的荷载--位移曲线 Fig. 13 Load to displacement curve after local buckling of stiffened plates 图 14 加劲板线性屈曲荷载与非线性屈曲荷载对比 Fig. 14 Contrast between linear buckling load and non-linear buck￾ling load of stiffened plates 图 15 加劲板非线性屈曲荷载提高百分比 Fig. 15 Pecent increase of non-linear buckling load of stiffened plates 4 结论 ( 1) 加劲板的屈曲性能受抗弯刚度比的影响. 刚度比小于最佳刚度比,结构发生整体屈曲; 反之, 则发生局部屈曲,且局部屈曲荷载基本保持不变. 加劲板最佳抗弯刚度比的值为 10 ~ 20. ( 2) 在加载方向增加加劲肋布置可以提高加劲 板的局部屈曲荷载; 在非加载方向布置加劲肋不能 提高加劲板的局部屈曲荷载. ( 3) 边界条件影响加劲板的屈曲性能. 四边固 定加劲板的屈曲荷载高于四边简支加劲板. ( 4) 加劲板非线性屈曲荷载随刚度比的变化基 本是线性的,加劲板抗弯刚度比超过 γs 后,增大刚 度比可以提高其非线性屈曲荷载. 参 考 文 献 [1] Sherbourne A N,Liaw C Y,Marsh C. Stiffened plates in uniaxial compression. Int Assoc Bridge Struct Eng,1971,31: 145 [2] Massonnet C,Maquoi R. New theory and tests on the ultimate strength of stiffened box girders / / Proceedings of the International Conference on Steel Box Girder Bridges. London,1973: 131 [3] Horne M R,Narayanan R. Strength of axially loaded stiffened panels. Int Assoc Bridge Struct Eng,1976,36: 125 [4] Murray N W. Analysis and design of stiffened plates for collapse load. Struct Eng,1975,53( 3) : 153 [5] Chen Y H. Large deformation solution of stiffened plates by a mixed finite element method. Appl Math Mech,1984,5( 1) : 139 ( 陈远汉. 加筋板大变形的混合有限元解法. 应用数学和力学, 1984,5( 1) : 139) [6] Sun S J,Wan Y X. Application of finite strip method to analysis of elastic stability of longitudinal stiffened plates. J Wuhan Univ Wa￾ter Transp Eng,1987,11( 3) : 65 ( 孙世基,万燕详. 纵向加劲板弹性稳定问题的有限条分析. 武汉水运工程学院学报,1987,11( 3) : 65) [7] Ghavami K,Khedmati M R. Numerical and experimental investi￾gations on the compression behaviour of stiffened plates. J Constr Steel Res,2006,62( 11) : 1087 [8] Khedmati M R,Rastani M. Ultimate strength and ductility charac￾teristics of intermittently welded stiffened plates under in-plane axi￾al compression. J Offshore Mech Arct Eng,2008,130( 1) : article No. 011002 [9] Suneel Kumar M,Alagusundaramoorthy P,Sundaravadivelu R. Ultimate strength of stiffened plates with a square opening under axial and out-of-plane loads. Eng Struct,2009,31( 11) : 2568 ·1357·
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