Dialogue 2:Complaining of Service 投诉服务 Customer:Could I see the manager please?I have a complaint. 客人:我能见经理吗?我有意见。 Manager:Can I help you,madam? 经理我能帮助您吗,夫人? C:Yes.Did you have this room checked before we 客:是的。在我们住进来以前你们检查房间了吗? moved in?There's not a scrap of lavatory paper 一张手纸都没有,并且抽水马桶不正常冲洗, and the toilet doesn't flush properly,the water 淋浴龙头里的水总流不完,我还缺一个枕头, doesn't run away in the shower and I would like 对此你怎么解释呢? an extra pillow.What have you to say to that? 经:很抱歉有这种事,我马上处理。客房服务员 M:I'm extremely sorry to hear that.I'll attend to it right away.The housekeeper should check every 在新客人住进以前应该检查每个房间。 room before new guests move in. 客:在一个经营良好的酒店不该发生这种事情。 C:One doesn't expect this sort of thing in a well-run 经:是的,夫人。我向您道款。这是很偶然的。 hotel 我们尽可能全面检查房间。仅要一个枕头? M:No,madam.I do apologize.It's unusual.We do 还要别的吗? try to check the rooms as thoroughly as possible. 客:噢,你们的恒温控制温度调节器好像工作情 Just one pillow,was it?Is there anything else? 况不太好。那儿热得像个地狱。 C: Well,your thermostatically controlled air 经:我将为您调整调节器,我认为在短时间内就 conditioning doesn't seem to be working too well. It's as hot as hell up there. 会凉下来。我将立刻派人去看看马桶和淋浴 M:I'll adjust the regulator for you and I think you'll 器。 find it a little cooler in a short time.I'll also send someone along right away to look at the toilet and shower. 88 Dialogue 2:Complaining of Service Customer: Could I see the manager please? I have a complaint. Manager:Can I help you, madam? C: Yes. Did you have this room checked before we moved in? There’s not a scrap of lavatory paper and the toilet doesn’t flush properly, the water doesn’t run away in the shower and I would like an extra pillow. What have you to say to that? M: I’m extremely sorry to hear that. I’ll attend to it right away. The housekeeper should check every room before new guests move in. C: One doesn’t expect this sort of thing in a well-run hotel. M: No, madam. I do apologize. It’s unusual. We do try to check the rooms as thoroughly as possible. Just one pillow, wasit? Is there anything else? C: Well, your thermostatically controlled air conditioning doesn’t seem to be working too well. It’s as hot as hell up there. M: I’ll adjust the regulator for you and I think you’ll find it a little cooler in a short time. I’ll also send someone along right away to look at the toilet and shower. 投诉服务 客人:我能见经理吗?我有意见。 经理:我能帮助您吗,夫人? 客: 是的。在我们住进来以前你们检查房间了吗? 一张手纸都没有,并且抽水马桶不正常冲洗, 淋浴龙头里的水总流不完,我还缺一个枕头, 对此你怎么解释呢? 经: 很抱歉有这种事,我马上处理。客房服务员 在新客人住进以前应该检查每个房间。 客:在一个经营良好的酒店不该发生这种事情。 经: 是的,夫人。我向您道歉。这是很偶然的。 我们尽可能全面检查房间。仅要一个枕头? 还要别的吗? 客: 噢,你们的恒温控制温度调节器好像工作情 况不太好。那儿热得像个地狱。 经: 我将为您调整调节器,我认为在短时间内就 会凉下来。我将立刻派人去看看马桶和淋浴 器
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