本章教学主要采用课堂讲授、多媒体教学、分组讨论、课堂讨论等 Chapter 15 The Shortcoming Of Free Markets (一)目的与要求 the goal here is to know Understanding some sources of market failure (仁)教学内容 1.主要内容 What Does The Market Do Poorly? Efficient Resource Allocation:A Review Extemalities:Getting The Prices Wrong Provision Of Public Goods Allocation Of Resources Between Present And Future Some Other Sources of Market Failure Market Failure And Government Failure The Cost Disease Of Some Vital Service:Invitation To Government Failure 思政元素:该章节介绍市场失灵。可以结合新冠疫情背景,先讨论疫情刚发生时 武汉出现的医护人员、医疗设备、防护物资、生活物品紧缺现象,引导学生理解市场 经济中垄断、公共产品及信息不对称等市场失灵现象,并引入全国各省医疗支援湖北 行动、共抗疫情的政策来讨论社会主义市场经济体制是如何弥补市场失灵,了解中国 力量及中国精神,引导学生认识中国特色社会主义制度的优越性 2.基本概念和知识点 Production Possibilities Frontier,Resource Misallocation;Extemalities(Beneficial and Detrimental);Marginal Social Cost(MSC);Marginal Private Cost(MPC); Marginal Social Benefit(MSB):Public Good:Private Good:Depletability:Excludability: Rent Seeking:Moral Hazard;Agents;Principals;Stock Option;Cost Disease of the Personal Services 3.问题与应用(能力要求) "The market system fails utterly to provide for the future.The adequacy of natural resources and the quality of the natural environment a hundred years from now depend upon actions that we are taking now-but since future generations cannot express their preferences in today's market place,their interests are not represented,and they are being impoverished."Discuss "There is no possibility of productivity improvements in the performing arts.And ye the costs of performances keep going up because wage rates in general in the economy are 615 本章教学主要采用课堂讲授、多媒体教学、分组讨论、课堂讨论等 Chapter 15 The Shortcoming Of Free Markets (一)目的与要求 the goal here is to know Understanding some sources of market failure (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 What Does The Market Do Poorly? Efficient Resource Allocation: A Review Externalities: Getting The Prices Wrong Provision Of Public Goods Allocation Of Resources Between Present And Future Some Other Sources Of Market Failure Market Failure And Government Failure The Cost Disease Of Some Vital Service: Invitation To Government Failure 思政元素:该章节介绍市场失灵。可以结合新冠疫情背景,先讨论疫情刚发生时 武汉出现的医护人员、医疗设备、防护物资、生活物品紧缺现象,引导学生理解市场 经济中垄断、公共产品及信息不对称等市场失灵现象,并引入全国各省医疗支援湖北 行动、共抗疫情的政策来讨论社会主义市场经济体制是如何弥补市场失灵,了解中国 力量及中国精神,引导学生认识中国特色社会主义制度的优越性。 2.基本概念和知识点 Production Possibilities Frontier; Resource Misallocation; Externalities (Beneficial and Detrimental); Marginal Social Cost (MSC); Marginal Private Cost (MPC); Marginal Social Benefit (MSB); Public Good: Private Good; Depletability; Excludability; Rent Seeking; Moral Hazard; Agents; Principals; Stock Option; Cost Disease of the Personal Services 3.问题与应用(能力要求) “The market system fails utterly to provide for the future. The adequacy of natural resources and the quality of the natural environment a hundred years from now depend upon actions that we are taking now—but since future generations cannot express their preferences in today’s market place, their interests are not represented, and they are being impoverished.” Discuss “There is no possibility of productivity improvements in the performing arts. And yet the costs of performances keep going up because wage rates in general in the economy are
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