同濟大学 TONGJI UNIVERSITY The Historical Evolution of the NPEs 1.first group of NPEs,early 1980s made invaluable contributions to the historical process of private capital accumulation the earller private entrepreneurs can be seen as self-made men with no shady associations with political establishments,though minimized their chances of expanding and maximizing thelr capltal or sustaining thelr Influence on the Chinese economy 14 14 The Historical Evolution of the NPEs The Historical Evolution of the NPEs The Historical Evolution of the NPEs The Historical Evolution of the NPEs 1. first group of NPEs, first group of NPEs, first group of NPEs, first group of NPEs, early 1980s early 1980s early 1980s early 1980s made invaluable contributions to the historical process of private capital made invaluable contributions to the historical process of private capital made invaluable contributions to the historical process of private capital made invaluable contributions to the historical process of private capital accumulation accumulation accumulation accumulation the earlier private entrepreneurs can be seen as self-made men with no shady the earlier private entrepreneurs can be seen as self-made men with no shady the earlier private entrepreneurs can be seen as self-made men with no shady the earlier private entrepreneurs can be seen as self-made men with no shady associations with political establishments, though minimized their chances of associations with political establishments, though minimized their chances of associations with political establishments, though minimized their chances of associations with political establishments, though minimized their chances of expanding and maximizing their capital or sustaining their influence on the expanding and maximizing their capital or sustaining their influence on the expanding and maximizing their capital or sustaining their influence on the expanding and maximizing their capital or sustaining their influence on the Chinese economy Chinese economy Chinese economy Chinese economy