4.3 The causes of plant succession Autogenic自发:Habitat biotic factor e.g.replacement P207 -208 of existing community by the next results from the afterlife effects of the former that makes the habitat unsuitable to continue.通过群落自身对环境的反作用使环境条件发生 变化,由于这些变化了的条件的作用形成了新的群落而引起演替 Allogenic.异发楂:Habitat abiotic factors such as soil parent material,pH,nutrients drives the direction of succession.e.g.filling of a lake with sediment and the further modified by the colonizing.plants.由于受到野火、采 伐、育林、洪水、火山活动等来自群落以外的作用所引起的演楂。 Biogenic生物进化演替:Vhen a sudden interference with an autogenic and allogenic succession by a living organism that becomes a major agent of succession e.g. herbivore,insect infestation etc.生物之活动扮演着重要关键角色 而引发的演替 7 4.3 The causes of plant succession Autogenic自发演替: Habitat biotic factor e.g. replacement of existing community by the next results from the afterlife effects of the former that makes the habitat unsuitable to continue.通过群落自身对环境的反作用使环境条件发生 变化, 由于这些变化了的条件的作用形成了新的群落而引起演替 Allogenic异发演替 : Habitat abiotic factors such as soil parent material, pH, nutrients drives the direction of succession. e.g. filling of a lake with sediment and the further modified by the colonizing plants.由于受到野火、采 伐、育林、洪水、火山活动等来自群落以外的作用所引起的演替。 Biogenic生物进化演替 : When a sudden interference with an autogenic and allogenic succession by a living organism that becomes a major agent of succession e.g. herbivore, insect infestation etc.生物之活动扮演着重要关键角色 而引发的演替 P207 -208
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