staple ofeighteenth century picaresque novels such as Henry Fielding's Tom Jones that Dickens enjoyed so much.But,to Dickens.these were not just plot devices but an index ofthe humanism that led him to believe that good wins out in the end and often in unexpected ways.[citationneeded] Controversies over Racism and anti-Semitism Although Charles Dickens is best-knownas a writer of coming-of-age novels about children and adolescents and as a 10 champion ofthe downtrodden poor,it has often been noted that both in his journalismand fiction heexpresses attitudes that are profoundly racist and xenophobic.The best-known instance of this is the deeply anti-Semitic portrait ofFagin in one ofhis most widely-readearly novels Oliver Twist.Dickens'attacked John Rae's reporton the fate of the Franklin expedition,based on Inuit testimonies,calling the Inuit evidence unreliable,and attacking their character as covetous and cruel.He co-authorized the play The Frozen Deep,as an allegorical attack on Rae.Dickens advocated genocide against the Indian race,in response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857,writingthe allegorical The Perils of Certain English Prisoners.In his essay The Noble Savage,Dickens'attitude towards Native Americans staple of eighteenth century picaresque novels such as Henry Fielding's Tom Jonesthat Dickens enjoyed so much. But, to Dickens, these were not just plot devices but an index of the humanism that led him to believe that good wins out in the end and often in unexpected ways.[citation needed] Controversies over Racism and anti-Semitism Although Charles Dickens is best-known as a writer of coming-of-age novels about children and adolescents and as a champion of the downtrodden poor, it has often been noted that both in his journalism and fiction he expresses attitudes that are profoundly racist and xenophobic. The best-known instance of this is the deeply anti-Semitic portrait of Fagin in one of his most widely-read early novels Oliver Twist. Dickens' attacked John Rae's report on the fate of the Franklin expedition, based on Inuit testimonies, calling the Inuit evidence unreliable, and attacking their character as covetous and cruel. He co-authorized the play The Frozen Deep, as an allegorical attack on Rae. Dickens advocated genocide against the Indian race, in response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, writing the allegorical The Perils of Certain English Prisoners. In his essay The Noble Savage, Dickens' attitude towards Native Americans 10’
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