4556 LITTLE MORE THAN 1133 南南南 南南黄 It's little more than pageantry if you ask me. 4558 WOULD YOU LIKE 1133 者省有 Would you like tea? 4584 IN NEED 1122 南南 We want to help children in need. 4587 TAKE FOR 1120 It's just something I've always taken for granted. GRANTED 4605 IN THIS RESPECT 1110 青帝南 In this respect,our study refutes earlier research. 4606 PROVIDED THAT 1110 南 南南南 南南南 It's OK provided that he come up with the goods. 4614 ALLOW FOR 1105 南南南 南南南 Even if you allow for inflation,the price increase ('CALCULATE IN') still seems exhorbitant. 4634 CATCH UP 1095 青南南 X I took extra classes just to catch up. 4639 A GO ('ATTEMPT) 1093 X Why don't you have a go? 4649 FOR THE MOMENT 1092 青南南 南南南 For the moment things seem stable. 4656 AT THE EXPENSE OF 1086 青南南 南青青 They were laughing at the expense of the photo. 4670 PUT TOGETHER 1082 南南南 He put together the proposal in a matter of days. 4671 THINGS LIKE THAT 1082 + He does karate and things like that,you see. 4682 OF LITTLE 1079 It was of little relevance,really. 4683 SHUT UP 1079 I just couldn't shut up. 4703 AS OF 1069 南南南 南南南 南南南 It was completed as of June 4704 OVER TIME 1069 南南★ ★南★ It might change over time. 4710 WOULD APPEAR 1068 南南来 南南南 They people have spoken,it would appear. 4711 THE OTHER DAY 1066 者南南 X I thought of you the other day. 4712 IN THEORY 1065 贵南南 ★南南 In theory that is why he went there. 4713 THOUGHT OF(AS) 1065 青南贵 南贵者 Beaches are thought of as vacation spots. 4721 FOR GOOD 1061 南南有 X It's gone for good. 4726 OPPOSED TO 1059 南南 He's strangely opposed to gun control. 4749 COMMON SENSE 1049 南南有 To me it's common sense. 4754 BOTHER TO 1046 X He never bothered to reply. 4759 AS GOOD AS ('LIKE) 1043 青者有 者南南 华 It's as good as gone. 2020 4556 LITTLE MORE THAN 1133 * * * * * * * It’s little more than pageantry if you ask me. 4558 WOULD YOU LIKE 1133 * * * * x Would you like tea? 4584 IN NEED 1122 * * * * * * * We want to help children in need. 4587 TAKE FOR GRANTED 1120 * * * * * * * It’s just something I’ve always taken for granted. 4605 IN THIS RESPECT 1110 x * * * * * * In this respect, our study refutes earlier research. 4606 PROVIDED THAT 1110 * * * * * * * It’s OK provided that he come up with the goods. 4614 ALLOW FOR (‘CALCULATE IN’) 1105 * * * * * * * Even if you allow for inflation, the price increase still seems exhorbitant. 4634 CATCH UP 1095 * * * * * * x I took extra classes just to catch up. 4639 A GO (‘ATTEMPT’) 1093 * * * * * x Why don’t you have a go? 4649 FOR THE MOMENT 1092 * * * * * * * For the moment things seem stable. 4656 AT THE EXPENSE OF 1086 * * * * * * * They were laughing at the expense of the photo. 4670 PUT TOGETHER 1082 * * * * * * * He put together the proposal in a matter of days. 4671 THINGS LIKE THAT 1082 * * * * x He does karate and things like that, you see. 4682 OF LITTLE 1079 * * * * * * * It was of little relevance, really. 4683 SHUT UP 1079 * * * * * x I just couldn’t shut up. 4703 AS OF 1069 * * * * * * * * * It was completed as of June. 4704 OVER TIME 1069 * * * * * * * * It might change over time. 4710 WOULD APPEAR 1068 * * * * * * * * They people have spoken, it would appear. 4711 THE OTHER DAY 1066 * * * * x I thought of you the other day. 4712 IN THEORY 1065 * * * * * * * * * In theory that is why he went there. 4713 THOUGHT OF (AS) 1065 * * * * * * * * * Beaches are thought of as vacation spots. 4721 FOR GOOD 1061 * * * * x It’s gone for good. 4726 OPPOSED TO 1059 * * * * * * He’s strangely opposed to gun control. 4749 COMMON SENSE 1049 * * * * * * * * * To me it’s common sense. 4754 BOTHER TO 1046 * * * * * x He never bothered to reply. 4759 AS GOOD AS ('LIKE') 1043 * * * * * * * It’s as good as gone
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