4337 QUITE A LOT 1260 南南★ 南者 I do swim quite a lot. 4342 IF YOU LIKE 1256 贵出有 It was her 'chutzpah'if you like that impressed 4349 TO THE EXTENT 1253 南南 He's interesting to the extent that he knows a lot. 4356 SO FAR AS 1251 So far as I know it's not the first time either. 4362 GIVEN THAT 1247 青者 青者南 南青南 It was no surprise given that it was her job. 4372 IN LINE WITH 1240 南南 南南南 南南南 The decision is in line with the department's wishes. 4374 ON THE WHOLE 1238 青者南 南南南 南南南 It was acceptable on the whole. 4396 CARE TO 1223 X Do you care to comment at all? 4408 TAKE ACCOUNT OF 1217 We did not take account of the paperwork. end of4k 4461 SOMETHING LIKE 1192 X He said he had a meeting to go to or something THAT like that. 4462 MAKE USE OF 1191 南★来 南南南 We made use of the stopover. 4465 WHEN IT COMES TO 1188 者南有 南南南 贵青南 I'm hopeless when it comes to goodbyes. 4466 FILL IN 1187 南备南 南黄南 南南南 The victim filled in what was stolen. 4471 FOR ALL 1182 青南南 南南南 For all his money,he does not seem very happy. (CONSIDERING') 4482 A QUESTION OF 1174 贵者南 贵南南 贵贵南 It's a question of trust. 4484 FOR LIFE 1172 南者★ 青者南 ★南 And he stayed there for life. 4497 GET AWAY 1165 南贵南 南南南。 They managed to get away. 4501 IN THE MEANTIME 1161 南南南 南南南 南南 I'll keep working on it in the meantime. 4522 SOMETHING OF A 1154 贵南清 ¥ She's something of a mathematics wiz. 4523 THE ODD 1154 I do play the odd jazz tune. 19 19 4337 QUITE A LOT 1260 * * * * * x I do swim quite a lot. 4342 IF YOU LIKE 1256 * * * * x It was her ‘chutzpah’ if you like that impressed. 4349 TO THE EXTENT 1253 x * * * * * He’s interesting to the extent that he knows a lot. 4356 SO FAR AS 1251 * * * * * * So far as I know it’s not the first time either. 4362 GIVEN THAT 1247 * * * * * * * * It was no surprise given that it was her job. 4372 IN LINE WITH 1240 * * * * * * * * The decision is in line with the department’s wishes. 4374 ON THE WHOLE 1238 * * * * * * * * * It was acceptable on the whole. 4396 CARE TO 1223 * * * * * * x Do you care to comment at all? 4408 TAKE ACCOUNT OF 1217 * * * * * * We did not take account of the paperwork. -end of 4k 4461 SOMETHING LIKE THAT 1192 * * * x x He said he had a meeting to go to or something like that. 4462 MAKE USE OF 1191 * * * * * * * * * We made use of the stopover. 4465 WHEN IT COMES TO 1188 * * * * * * * * * I’m hopeless when it comes to goodbyes. 4466 FILL IN 1187 * * * * * * * * * The victim filled in what was stolen. 4471 FOR ALL ('CONSIDERING') 1182 * * * * * * * For all his money, he does not seem very happy. 4482 A QUESTION OF 1174 * * * * * * * * * It’s a question of trust. 4484 FOR LIFE 1172 * * * * * * * * And he stayed there for life. 4497 GET AWAY 1165 * * * * * * x They managed to get away. 4501 IN THE MEANTIME 1161 * * * * * * * * I’ll keep working on it in the meantime. 4522 SOMETHING OF A 1154 * * * * * x She’s something of a mathematics wiz. 4523 THE ODD 1154 * * * * * * * I do play the odd jazz tune
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