4182 FIRST OF ALL 1352 动青南 It is first of all what most people prefer 4195 MIGHT AS WELL 1348 南南南 We're here now so we might as well. 4199 LIMITED TO 1346 南南有 The dinner was limited to seniors. 4201 TO ME (IN MY 1345 To me what matters is that it gets done. OPINION) 4207 MIND YOU 1342 者者有 Mind you.that's one reason why I go there. 4210 AT A TIME 1340 南西 南南南 南南南 They went in two at a time. ('SIMULTANEOUSLY) 4232 HALF PAST 1325 南南 南南南 X I make it half past. 4233 WITH RESPECT TO 1325 She had nothing to add with respect to the report. 4242 CONSISTENT WITH 1315 南青者 The results are consistent with our hypothesis. 4248 WAY OUT 1309 He lives way out in the country. 4250 THIRD PARTY 1307 X 南南南 They work with third party software too. 4253 CONTRARY TO 1303 南青南 The city is clean,contrary to popular belief. 4257WORTH OF 1299 贵者贵 X Two dollars worth of wood was all he needed. 4259 A GOOD ('AT LEAST)1298 南者南 南南 It took him a good six or seven years. 4261 ACT ON 1296 南帝南 南南南 南青 She never acted on that rage. 4262 EXCEPT THAT 1296 南南南 南南南 It seemed fine except that it was pink. 4278 DAY TO DAY 1289 南南有 南南★ They carried on with their day to day tasks 4282 AS USUAL 1287 南南南 南南南 As usual he left it until the last minute. 4290 LONG BEFORE 1282 南者南 南曲南 Long before I could quit I was offered a promotion. 4307 LONG AGO 1273 南南南 南南南 南南者 I gave up on that idea long ago 4314 IN CONJUNCTION 1270 X 南南南 南南南 The police,in conjunction with the fire WITH department,managed to keep the crowd under control. 4319 UP TO DATE 1268 南者南 南南南 南青南 I try to keep up to date. 4333LET ALONE 1261 南南南 南南南 南南南灯 I can't run let alone walk. 1818 4182 FIRST OF ALL 1352 * * * * * It is first of all what most people prefer. 4195 MIGHT AS WELL 1348 * * * * * x We’re here now so we might as well. 4199 LIMITED TO 1346 x * * * * * The dinner was limited to seniors. 4201 TO ME ('IN MY OPINION') 1345 * * * * * To me what matters is that it gets done. 4207 MIND YOU 1342 * * * * x Mind you, that’s one reason why I go there. 4210 AT A TIME ('SIMULTANEOUSLY') 1340 * * * * * * * * They went in two at a time. 4232 HALF PAST 1325 * * * * * x I make it half past. 4233 WITH RESPECT TO 1325 * * * * * * * She had nothing to add with respect to the report. 4242 CONSISTENT WITH 1315 x * * * * The results are consistent with our hypothesis. 4248 WAY OUT 1309 * * * * * * x He lives way out in the country. 4250 THIRD PARTY 1307 x x * * * They work with third party software too. 4253 CONTRARY TO 1303 * * * * * * The city is clean, contrary to popular belief. 4257 WORTH OF 1299 * * * * * x Two dollars worth of wood was all he needed. 4259 A GOOD (‘AT LEAST’) 1298 * * * * * * It took him a good six or seven years. 4261 ACT ON 1296 * * * * * * * * She never acted on that rage. 4262 EXCEPT THAT 1296 * * * * * * * It seemed fine except that it was pink. 4278 DAY TO DAY 1289 * * * * * * * They carried on with their day to day tasks. 4282 AS USUAL 1287 * * * * * * * As usual he left it until the last minute. 4290 LONG BEFORE 1282 * * * * * * * * * Long before I could quit I was offered a promotion. 4307 LONG AGO 1273 * * * * * * * * * I gave up on that idea long ago. 4314 IN CONJUNCTION WITH 1270 x * * * * * * The police, in conjunction with the fire department, managed to keep the crowd under control. 4319 UP TO DATE 1268 * * * * * * * * * I try to keep up to date. 4333 LET ALONE 1261 * * * * * * * * * I can’t run let alone walk
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