工程科学学报,第38卷,第3期:320-327,2016年3月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.38,No.3:320-327,March 2016 D0l:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2016.03.004:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 浮选三相流中气泡运动特性的数值模拟 江 倩》,彭小奇2》区,宋彦坡”,伍雁鹏3》 1)中南大学能源科学与工程学院,长沙4100832)湖南第一师范学院信息科学与工程系,长沙410205 3)邵阳学院湘西南农村信息化服务湖南省重点实验室,邵阳422000 ☒通信作者,E-mail:pengxql226@126.com 摘要为获取浮选气泡在矿浆中的运动规律及三相流中浮选气泡的最佳尺寸,运用欧拉模型模拟不同初始直径的气泡在 不同密度矿浆中的运动过程.结果表明:在给定的初始条件下,同一浓度的矿旷浆中,单个浮选气泡所能捕获的矿物量以直径4 mm的气泡最多,气泡尺寸增大或减小后,其矿物捕获量都有所减少.当矿浆中固相质量分数在20%~40%之间变化时,矿物 捕获量最多的气泡尺寸变化不大,并且随着矿浆中固相质量分数的增大,单个气泡的捕获量增大,矿物粒子回收率增加.在 实际生产中,直径为3.5~4mm的中等大小气泡在运动过程中变形程度小,气泡水平偏移及浮升速度适中,对矿物粒子的捕 获率及运载能力和浮升能力较强,有利于提高浮选产量和质量. 关键词浮选:气泡:运动模拟:数值模拟:悬浮液 分类号TD923 Numerical simulation of flotation bubble motion in a three-phase inner suspension fluid JIANG Qian,PENG Xiaoi,SONG Yan-po,WU Yan-peng3 1)School of Energy Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China 2)Department of Information Science and Engineering,Hunan First Normal University,Changsha 410205,China 3)Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Informational Service for Rural Area of Southwestern Hunan Province,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422000, China Corresponding author,E-mail:pengxql26@126.com ABSTRACT To find the motion law and optimum size of floatation bubbles in a three-phase flow,the Eulerian model is used to sim- ulate the motion process of bubbles with different initial diameters in pulps of different concentrations.The simulation results show that under the given initial condition,in the pulp with a certain concentration,bubbles of 4 mm catch the most mine grains;bubbles of any size above or below 4 mm cannot capture mine grains as many as those of 4 mm.When the pulp concentration is in the range of 20%- 40%,the size of bubbles that capture the most mine grains does not change much.As the pulp concentration increases,the amount captured by a single bubble increases,so does the recovery rate of mine grains.In real production,bubbles of 3.5-4 mm have small deformation,moderate horizontal shift and lifting speed,and strong ability of capturing and carrying mine grains and lifting,which are benefit for improving the quality and quantity of floatation production. KEY WORDS flotation;bubbles:motion simulation:numerical simulation:suspensions 泡沫浮选是当今被广为应用的重要选矿方法之 碰撞、黏附并携带其至泡沫区,完成精矿的收集.浮选 一.在浮选过程中,浮选气泡通过与矿浆中矿物粒子 气泡作为矿物载体,其尺寸和运动状态会影响粒的 收稿日期:201501-25 基金项目:国家自然科学基金创新群体资助项目(61321003):国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(61134006):国家自然科学基金面上资助项目 (61273169)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,第 3 期: 320--327,2016 年 3 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 38,No. 3: 320--327,March 2016 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2016. 03. 004; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 浮选三相流中气泡运动特性的数值模拟 江 倩1) ,彭小奇1,2) ,宋彦坡1) ,伍雁鹏1,3) 1) 中南大学能源科学与工程学院,长沙 410083 2) 湖南第一师范学院信息科学与工程系,长沙 410205 3) 邵阳学院湘西南农村信息化服务湖南省重点实验室,邵阳 422000  通信作者,E-mail: pengxq126@ 126. com 摘 要 为获取浮选气泡在矿浆中的运动规律及三相流中浮选气泡的最佳尺寸,运用欧拉模型模拟不同初始直径的气泡在 不同密度矿浆中的运动过程. 结果表明: 在给定的初始条件下,同一浓度的矿浆中,单个浮选气泡所能捕获的矿物量以直径 4 mm 的气泡最多,气泡尺寸增大或减小后,其矿物捕获量都有所减少. 当矿浆中固相质量分数在 20% ~ 40% 之间变化时,矿物 捕获量最多的气泡尺寸变化不大,并且随着矿浆中固相质量分数的增大,单个气泡的捕获量增大,矿物粒子回收率增加. 在 实际生产中,直径为 3. 5 ~ 4 mm 的中等大小气泡在运动过程中变形程度小,气泡水平偏移及浮升速度适中,对矿物粒子的捕 获率及运载能力和浮升能力较强,有利于提高浮选产量和质量. 关键词 浮选; 气泡; 运动模拟; 数值模拟; 悬浮液 分类号 TD923 Numerical simulation of flotation bubble motion in a three-phase inner suspension fluid JIANG Qian1) ,PENG Xiao-qi 1,2)  ,SONG Yan-po 1) ,WU Yan-peng1,3) 1) School of Energy Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China 2) Department of Information Science and Engineering,Hunan First Normal University,Changsha 410205,China 3) Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of Informational Service for Rural Area of Southwestern Hunan Province,Shaoyang University,Shaoyang 422000, China  Corresponding author,E-mail: pengxq126@ 126. com ABSTRACT To find the motion law and optimum size of floatation bubbles in a three-phase flow,the Eulerian model is used to sim￾ulate the motion process of bubbles with different initial diameters in pulps of different concentrations. The simulation results show that under the given initial condition,in the pulp with a certain concentration,bubbles of 4 mm catch the most mine grains; bubbles of any size above or below 4 mm cannot capture mine grains as many as those of 4 mm. When the pulp concentration is in the range of 20% -- 40% ,the size of bubbles that capture the most mine grains does not change much. As the pulp concentration increases,the amount captured by a single bubble increases,so does the recovery rate of mine grains. In real production,bubbles of 3. 5--4 mm have small deformation,moderate horizontal shift and lifting speed,and strong ability of capturing and carrying mine grains and lifting,which are benefit for improving the quality and quantity of floatation production. KEY WORDS flotation; bubbles; motion simulation; numerical simulation; suspensions 收稿日期: 2015--01--25 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金创新群体资助项目( 61321003) ; 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目( 61134006) ; 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目 ( 61273169) 泡沫浮选是当今被广为应用的重要选矿方法之 一. 在浮选过程中,浮选气泡通过与矿浆中矿物粒子 碰撞、黏附并携带其至泡沫区,完成精矿的收集. 浮选 气泡作为矿物载体,其尺寸和运动状态会影响矿粒的
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